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2019年五年级下学期英语期末试卷傅梦璇 班级 姓名 出卷人:傅梦璇第一部分 听力一, 听录音,选择你所听到的单词,听两遍。5%( )A ant B arm C aunt D uncle ( )B bad B dad C back D bee( )A cat B crayon C cold D club( )A fast B feel Cfinger Dfever ( )A What B Where C Whats D Whose二, 听录音,选择你所听到的句子,听两遍。10%( )A Do you have any hobbies? B Do you like cooking?C Do you water in the garden? ( )A Does she like running? B Does he like jumping? C Does he like walking?( )A Its quarter to twelve. B Its a quarter past twelve. Its eleven twelve.( )A I speak French and English B She speaks Chinese and English C She speaks French and English.( )A He goes to work on Sunday. B He goes to school on Monday. C She goes to bed at nine. 三, 听录音,根据所听句子选择答语,听两遍。10%( )A Sam es home at ten to six. B Sam speaks English at weekends. C Sam goes to school on foot.( )A I want to watch TV. B She wants to do his homework. C He wants to have a rest.( )A She usually growing flowers on Monday. B He often tired. C She usually taking photos at weekends.( )A Shes fat and tall. B She speaks Chinese C She is showing his stamps.( )A Yes, he is. B Yes, she does. C No, she isnt. 四, 听录音,判断正误,正确打R, 错误打W. 听三遍。5% ( ) Nancy has a headache. ( ) Nancy take some medicine. ( ) David likes cooking. ( ) David s mother goes shopping at half pask nine . ( ) Nancy wants to watch cartoons.第二部分 笔试一, 选择填空。20%1. Whats day _ today?A: is B of C in D is it2. What lessons do you have_ the morning?A: on B at C of D in 3. How many lessons do you have _ week?A: the B one C a D on4. This is Mike_.A: speak B speaks C is speaking D speaking5. Shes from _A: French B france C England D Janpanese6. There are _stamps on the copybook.A much B any C a C many 7. _you water the flowers _A Do , everyday B Does, / C Can, every day D May, yesterday.8. _she dance _?A Does, nice B Is, carefully C Does, fast D Does, beautifully.9. Many students in our country _ _.A likes, buying food B wants, collect stamps C are, learning English D like, reading.10. _ time to _ model shipsA Its, makes B /, make C Its, do D Its, go.二, 英汉互译10%1. 俱乐部_ 2. 搬运3. 从.到_ 4. 上下_5. 一刻钟_ 6. 值日_7. lie on his back_ 8. surf the internet_9Social science_10. of couse_三,连词成句10%1. How , you, spend, your, holiday, do.2. are, there, insects, the , a lot, park, of , in_3. catch, put, them, and, in, I, bottle._4. English, has, party, today, the, club, a5. you, put, small, grape, on , your, can, mouth.四,根据所给情景选择合适的句子。10%1. Tom 生病了,你会说什么来安慰他( )A: Whats wrong with you? B. Take some medicine, youer be better.2. 你想知道别人是哪国的,你怎么问( )A: Where are you from, Japan? B: Are you from Beijing?3. 同伴要求你用右手摸你的左脚,会怎么说( )A: Touch your right foot with your left hand.B: Touch your left foot with your right hand.4. 你想让别人上下跳五次,你会说( )A: Jump up and down fifteen times. B: Jump up and down five times, please.5. 你和小名不在一个国家,你会说( )A: Wele to our country. B: We are in the same country.五, 对话配对10% A B1. Are you tired? A: Yes, I do2. Do you want to play the piano B: Thank you, dont worry 3. What about your weekends? C: Its seven oh six.4. Whats the time? D: OK, please.5. May I speak to Nancy? E: I often run in the park.六, 趣味翻译,将这首儿歌翻译成一首琅琅上口的中文歌谣5%A clockTick, tock, tick, tock.Look at the clock.Its very late.Its ten to nine.Have a shower before dinner.翻译:_七,作文15% 写一篇不少于五句话的作文,要求用到以下单词和短语。题目自拟。要求:文通字顺, 上下文连贯,自然。 a backache feel make clothes hobby ususlly beantiful sit time 小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 7 页 共 7 页

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