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.第一部分 交际用语1.Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?C. sorry, he is busy at the moment2. What kind of TV program do you like best?A. Its hard to say, actually 3Oh, sorry to bother you.C. Thats okay 4Can you turn down the radio, please?A. Im sorry, I didnt realize it was that loud 5. -Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?C. Of course not6. Hello, could I speak to Don please?B. Whos speaking 7. -May I know your address?A. Sure. Here you are 8. Hows the movie? Interesting?B. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV 9. What if my computer doesnt work? B. Ask Anne for help 10. -Lets take a walk. C.Yes,please11. 11、 Whats the problem, Harry?A. I cant remember where I left my glasses 12. Is this the motel you mentioned?A. Yes, its as quiet asweexpected 13. Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? B.Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents 14.Well, Mary, how are you?C.Imfine 15. Would you like to see the menu?A. No, thanks. I already know what to order 16. - I think the Internet is very helpful.A. Yes, so do I 17.I think the Internet is very helpful.A. Yes, so do I . 18.I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now 19.Afternoon, sir. Where to?A. Please get me to the airport 20. Can I help you to get it down? C. Thanks. Its so nice of you 21. Im trying to call Marie, but theres no answer.D. Really? Maybe shes out 22. Are you sure about that?D. Oh, yes. Im absolutely positive 23. Would you like to see the menu?A. No, thanks. I already know what to order 24. What if my computer doesnt work?B. Ask Anne for help25. Hows the movie? Interesting?C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV 26. Is this the motel you mentioned?B. Yes, its as quiet as we expected 第二部分 词汇与结构1. The difinition leaves ( much room )for disagreement.2. I prefer classic music ( to ) pop music.3. Ancient Greece is the ( origin )of western civilization. 4. It is very convenient ( living ) here.5. All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, ( however ).6. The sun heats the earth,( which )is very important to living things.8. More and more people in China now ( drive ) to work regularly.9. Let me( look into )the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.10. The patient acted on the doctors ( advice ) and finallyrecovered.11. Silk ( has been used ) by Chinese for thousands of years now.12. You( ought )to lock the door at night. 13. You must explain ( to us ) how they succeeded ( in )the experiment.14. Before I got to the cinema, the film (had begun) 15. I have lived here (since) 1997.16. A lecture hall is (one) where students attend lectures. 17. Im tired. I (have been) working very hard. 18. He keeps (looking) at himself in the mirror.19. The bedroom needs (decorating). 20. Before she left on the trip, she (had trained) hard.21. He is the man (whose) dog bit me.22. Mary forgot (to write) a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.23. Whats happened to Tom?- (Hes been taken) to hospital. 24. He was (over the moon) about his new job. 25. Everything (would have been destroyed) if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade. 26. On his first sea (voyage), he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm. 27. I broke my leg when I (was) _skiing in America.28. She was convicted (of) murder. 29. He, as well as I, (is) a student. 30Mother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she (was listening to) it on the radio. 31. Hardly (had I got) home when it began to rain. 32. It happen (on) a winter night.33.After (checking) the shopping list, I found that I forgot to buy salt. 34.Ann is studying _ (politics) _ at university. 35.After_ (winning ) the bid, major construction began in Beijing. 36.A lecture hall is (one) where students attend lectures. 37.Be sure to _ (bring) _ your wife when you come here this evening. 38.Before she left on the trip, she had trained hard. 39.-Can I get you a couple of tea? -_ Thats very nice of you 40.Dont worry. There is _ enough _ room for all your books here. 41._ What _fine weather it is! 43.Everything would have been destroyed if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade. 44.Her parents died when she was very young, so she was brought up _by her aunt. 45. What he said is quite right. 46.He kept the light in his room burning the whole night. 47.He keeps looking at himself in the mirror. 48.He was _ over the moon about his new job. 49.He has been in danger in hospital for a month. 50.He spends a quarter of the day sleeping. 51.He is the man whose dog bit me. 52.It happened _ on _ a winter night. 53.If you wont stop smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough. 54.Its not safe playing in the street. 55. Leave it with me and Ill see what I can do. 56.I dont suppose he will attend the meeting, will he? 57.I think all these are main points worthy of _ much attention. 58.I have given up _ eating meat. 59.I know it isnt important but I cant help thinking about it. 60.Im tired. I have been _ working very hard. .61.Linda offered him her congratulations _ on _ his passing the college entrance exams. 62.Mr. White has a wife and three children to raise _. 63.Mary forgot to write _ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now. 64.Not only I but also Jane and Mary are tired of having one examination after another. 65.Our plane _ took off _ from London at 7:00 yesterday evening. 66.On his first sea voyage, he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm. 67.Shes unlucky, and shes always suffering ill luck one after another. 68.She has lived here for three years. 69.Time is money! We should make good use of our time. 70.They _ watched _ the train until it disappeared in the distance. 71.Thats all settled. It neednt be talked about. 72.The bedroom needs _ decorating . 73.- Whats happened to Tom? -_ Hes been taken _to hospital.74.-Which do you like better, real movies or, to cartoons? - I prefer cartoons _ real movies.75.What a fool I have been! Why didnt I think of that before? 76.We must make a difference between spoken, written language and _language. 77.We used to swim every day when we were children. 78.You must explain _ _C_ _ how they succeeded _ the experiment. 79.You look tired, havebeen doingWhat _ you _? 第三部分 阅读理解短文理解 1 CAABBThere have been changes in all sorts of different areas of British society. In recent years in the UK we have had a very large increase in the number of couples who get divorced. After 1969 and the Divorce Law Reform Act we had a very rapid increase in the number of divorces. The rate increased steadily and in recent years has increased much more rapidly. But there are also quite a lot of people who do actually get married. At present the marriage rate in the UK is about 70 per cent, which has gone down since the number of people who marry has gone down quite a lot in the last 20 years, but more significantly in the last 10 years. Quite high proportions of people now live together without marrying, and, for example, 40 per cent of children born in the UK are born to couples who arent married or are born to lone parents. There are quite a large number of lone parent families, 90 per cent of these are headed by a woman rather than a man. The average family size now in the UK is 1.8 children per couple, which means that theres been quite a decline in the birth rate in the UK along with other European countries.1. What does the passage mainly discuss? The increasing divorce rate in the UK.2. During the last ten years, the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the UK. 3. According to the passage, the cohabitation rate in the UK tends to soar (急剧上升)4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? The highest divorce rate was around 1969. 5. The last paragraph tells us _ the birth rate in the UK is decreasing rapidly now短文理解 2 ACBCCPeople all over the world today are beginning to hear and learn more and more about the problem of pollution. Pollution is caused either by mans release of completely new and often artificial (人造的) substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substance (物质),such as oil from oil tankers into the sea.Whatever its underlying reasons, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more efforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control litter and waste. Food comes wrapped up three of four times in packages that all have to be disposed of; drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cant be reused. This not only causes .a litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in terms of glass, metal and paper. Advertising has helped this process by persuading many of us not only to buy things we neither want nor need, but also to throw away much of what we do buy. Pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting out unnecessary buying, excess use and careless disposal (处理) of the products we use in our daily lives.1. The main cause of pollution is the release of artificial or natural substances into the environment.2. Much of the pollution could be controlled if only all sides concerned would make more efforts3. Food packages, bottles and tins for drinks can cause both a litter problem and a waster of resources4. Which of the following can not help solving the problem of pollution? Eating.5. What does the underlined word “litter” mean in paragraph 2? industrial pollution短文理解 3 ACBCBA funny thing happened on the way to the communication revolution: we stopped talking to each other. I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his mobile phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and poof! I was cut off as if I had become absent from the conversation. The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones. They were passing people without looking at them, saying hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pat their dogs. It seems that the limitless electronic voice is preferred to human contact. The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people feel absent. Recently I was in a car with three friends. The driver hushed the rest of us because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone. There we were, four friends driving down the highway, unable to talk to each other because of the small thing designed to make communication easier. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a setback (退步) to the closeness of human interaction. With e-mail and instant message over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can make entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine. As almost every contact between human beings gets automatic, the emotional distance index goes up. Pumping gas at the station? Why say good-morning to the assistant when you can swipe you credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact? Making a deposit at the bank? Why talk to the clerk who lives in the neighborhood when you can put your card into the ATM?More and more, I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didnt really have time to talk. The technology devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier.I own a mobile phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail telephone, and an e-mail account. Giving them up isnt a choice. They are great for what they are intended to do. Its their unintended results that make me upset. What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there is no one in the room to hear you crying out “Gee whiz”?1. The authors experience of walking in a park with a friend recently made him feel _A_. A. unhappy B. funny C. wonderful2. According to the author, human contact in a park means _C_. A. looking at each other and saying hello when passingB. noticing their babies and stopping to pat their dogsC. both A and B3. According to the author, the more connected we get in communications technology, the _B_ we are. .A. more automatic B. more disconnected C. closer 4. What are the examples the author gives to explain his idea that every advance in communications technology is a setback to the closeness of human interaction? _ _C_ A. With e-mail and instant message over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another.B. With voice mail, you can make entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.C. All of the above.5. What is the unintended result of communication technology, according to the author? _B_A. It makes communication easier and conversation possible everywhere. B. It actually creates a distance between people instead of bringing them together.C. It makes human contacts limitless with electronic voices everywhere短文理解 4 CBCACSome people think they have an answer to the troubles of automobile crowding and dirty air in large cities. Their answer is the bicycle, or “bike”.In a great many cities, hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day. In New York City, some bike riders have even formed a group called Bike for a Better City. They claim that if more people rode bicycles to work there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown section of the city and therefore less dirty air from car engines.For several years this group has been trying to get the city government to help bike riders. For example, they want the city to draw bicycle lanes on some of the main streets, because when bike riders have to use the same lanes as cars, there are accidents. Bike for a Better City feels that if there were special lanes more people would use bikes.But no bicycle lanes have been drawn. Not everyone thinks it is a good idea - they say it will slow traffic. Some store owners on the main streets say that if there is less traffic, they will have less business. And most people live too far from downtown to travel by bike.The city government has not yet decided what to do. It wants to keep everyone happy. Only on weekends, Central Park is closed to cars, and the roads may be used by bicycles only. But Bike for a Better City says that this is not enough and keeps fighting to get bicycle lanes downtown.1. According to the passage, bicycles _C_.A.are more convenient than carsB.are safer traffic tools than carsC.are the solution to some city problems2.The idea of special bicycle lanes is most favored by _B_.A.the city government B.some bike ridersC.some store owners3.“Bicycle lanes” in the third paragraph probably means _C_.A.roads for bicycles only B. roads full of bicyclesC. special parts of the road for bicycle riders only4. Which of the following is not true according to the passage? _A_A. In New York City, many people use bikes as they have special lanes B. Sometimes accidents may occur when cars and bikes are on the same lanes.C. The Central Park is closed to cars on weekends.5. The best title for this passage is _C_.A. Traffic Crowding in New York CityB.Special Lanes for PassengersC. Solution to Traffic Problem in New York短文理解 5 ABBACBenjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, “London is not a city, - it is a nation.” Today this is an understatement; London, with its vast range of different ethnic groups, is a world. .Certainly, London is the most culturally diverse city in the world. The city was founded by the Romans and since then new arrivals have constantly added to its character and prosperity. Within 10 years 40% of Londoners will be from ethnic minority groups, including the growing number of Londoners of mixed ethnic origin, but most of them will have been born in Britain. Children of Caribbean-Chinese marriages will go to school with children of Russian-Irish couples. None of them will be English but all of them will be Londoners.Most of Britains ethnic minority residents live in the capital, speaking over 300 languages. Nearly all of the African population and many of the Caribbean population of Britain live in London (83% and 58% respectively); 39% of the Chinese population of Britain and 36% of the Asian population of Britain live in London. The largest migrant community is from the Irish Republic with 256,000 people, 3.8% of the total population of London.There are an estimated 330,000 refugees and asylum seekers living in London, with most recent arrivals coming from Eastern Europe, North Africa and Kurdistan.Young people, in particular, are skilled at dealing with a large number of different and hybrid cultures. They themselves often have several different ethnic identities since their parents and grandparents may come from several different backgrounds and their friends and partners do also. They are “skilled cross-cultural travellers” without leaving their home-town.1Why does the writer think that Benjamin Disraelis statement is an understatement? Because he thinks London is _A_.A. a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity B. even larger than some countries in the world C. not a nation at all 2. London is regarded as the most culturally diverse city in the world due to the following facts EXCEPT that _B_. A. within 10 years 40% Londoners will be from ethnic minority groups B. many young people are immigrants from different backgrounds C. London accommodates about 330,000 refugees and asylum seekers from many other countries3. Ethnic minority groups will make up _B_ of the London population in the future.A. 36% B. 40% C. 39% 4. The last paragraph mainly tells us in London _A_.A. young people feel at ease with a large number of diversified cultures B. young people are raised in a multicultural environment C. young people find it hard to adapt themselves to hybrid cultures5. The passage mainly deals with _C_.A. the advantage of hybrid cultures in LondonB. the composition of the population in London C. the cultural diversity in London短文理解 6 CACDDWho will stage the games? Preparing for the Olympics Games is a huge undertaking. Just like the athletes, the host city spends years getting ready for the event. Before deciding which city will host the Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has to examine bids from all over the world. Bidding for the games begins about ten years in advance. Without preparing a very strong bid1, a city will not win the competition to host the games. Beijing was chosen for the 2008 games from five bidders Osaka, Paris, Toronto and Istanbul.2Why does it take so long to prepare? Building the infrastructure costs huge amounts of money. Holding the World Cup in 2002 in Japan and .South Korea, for example, meant that ten new stadiums had to be built, as well as many hotels and an improved transport system. In Beijing, after winning the bid the government began major construction projects the extension of the underground, the improvement of the airport and the building of new motorways3. Each host city must also build an Olympic village for the athletes. By planting trees and creating parks, the city becomes more attractive for tourists.Why do countries want to host the Olympic Games? Hosting the games has a major effect on the economy and brings international prestige to the country. Thousands and thousands of visi


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