2019-2020年高中英语外研版必修二教学案:Module 4 Section Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module(含答案).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语外研版必修二教学案:Module 4 Section Other Parts of the Module(含答案)原文呈现读文清障People generally agree that Pablo Picasso, who lived from 1881 to 1973, is the twentiethcenturys greatest western artist. He was born in Spain and at the age of ten was already an excellent artist. He had his first exhibition at the age of 16. Picasso studied art in Spain, but moved to France, in his early twenties. From 1902 to 1904 he painted a series of pictures where the main colour was blue. These pictures showed poor, unhappy people and are known as Picassos “blue period”. From 1904 to 1906 Picasso painted much happier pictures in the colour pink. This period was known as Picassos “pink period”. With another Spanish artist called George Braque, Picasso then started an important new artistic movement called Cubism. Picassos first Cubist paintings were all painted in brown and grey. People agree that Picassos greatest Cubist painting is Guernica, which was painted in Madrid in 1937. Guernica is the name of a town that was destroyed during the 1930s war in Spain. In this painting, Picasso showed his feelings about what had happened to the town.generally adv.一般地,普遍地Spain n西班牙at the age of在岁时excellent adj.极好的,优秀的exhibition/eksIbIn/n.展览move to搬到in ones early twenties在某人20岁出头的时候a series of一系列的where引导限制性定语从句。be known as被称为called George Braque为过去分词短语作后置定语。artistic movement艺术流派in brown and grey用褐色和灰色destroy/dIstrI/vt.破坏;毁坏during the 1930s在20世纪30年代happen to发生在(身上),其中to是介词。happen to do sth.碰巧做某事what引导的从句作介词about的宾语。课文译文 人们普遍认为巴勃罗 毕加索(18811973)是20世纪西方最伟大的画家。他在西班牙出生,10岁那年,他就已成为一位出色的画家了。他16岁时举办了自己的第一次画展。毕加索在西班牙学画,但在20岁出头时搬到了法国。从1902年到1904年间,他画了一系列以蓝色为主色调的作品。这些画展现了贫穷、忧郁的人们,(这段时期)被称为毕加索的“蓝色时期”。在1904年到1906年间,毕加索用粉色画了快乐得多的作品,(这段时期)被称为毕加索的“粉色时期”。与另一位西班牙画家乔治布拉克一起,毕加索开创了一个重要的新艺术流派立体派。毕加索最初的立体派作品全部是用褐色与灰色画的。人们一致认为毕加索最伟大的立体派作品是格尔尼卡,这幅画是于1937年在马德里创作的。格尔尼卡是一个在20世纪30年代西班牙战争中被毁灭的小镇的名字。在这幅画中,对于这座城镇所遭遇的一切,毕加索表达了自己的情感。Step 1True (T) or False (F)1It is generally agreed that Picasso is the greatest artist in the world.(F)2Picasso became wellknown as an excellent artist at an early age.(T)3Picassos first Cubist paintings were all painted in blue and pink.(F)4In Picassos “blue period”, he painted happier things.(F)5Picasso expressed his own feelings in his paintings.(T)Step 2Choose the best answers according to the text.1Picassos blue period stands for_.Apoor, happy peopleBwealthy, unhappy peopleCpoor, unhappy peopleDwealthy, happy people2When did Picasso move to France?AIn the early 1890s.BWhen he was 16.CIn the early 1900s.DWhen he was 10.3From the text, we can learn that Picasso_.Adidnt show a great talent for painting until he was 16Bwas born in Spain but left his country in his thirtiesCpainted happier things in his first periodDpainted in brown and grey in his third period4This text is mainly written to_.Aexpress the writers respect for PicassoBtell of Picassos talent for paintingsCintroduce Picassos three painting periodsDtell of Picassos life stories答案:14CCDC一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.landscapen风景;景色;风景画;山水画2.watercolourn. 水彩画3.portraitn. 画像;肖像;人像.拓展词汇1.exhibitionn展览exhibit v展出2.expressionn表现;表达express v表达;表示3.realisevt.领悟;了解;实现;实行realisticadj.现实主义的;写实主义的1.landscape n风景画,山水画联想各类“画”的英文名称sketch素描oil painting 油画Chinese landscape painting 中国山水画Chinese ink and wash painting 中国水墨画2.destroy vt.破坏;毁坏联想destroy vt.毁坏construct vt.建造destruction n毁坏construction n建造destructive adj.毁坏性的constructive adj.建设性的二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.be_good_at擅长2.put_off 推迟,延期3.at_the_end_of 在末尾4.take_turns 轮流5.make_of 领会,理解,懂得6.tend_to 趋向于,倾向于7.at_the_age_of 在岁时8.a_series_of 一系列的1.in some way以某种方式2.attempt to do sth. 试图做某事3.oil painting 油画4.at ones best 处于最佳状态5.in ones early twenties 在某人20岁出头6.artistic movement 艺术流派7.in brown and grey 用褐色和灰色8.during the 1930s 在20世纪30年代三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Perhaps its becauseI really like paintings of animals.或许是因为我真的喜欢动物画。because引导表语从句。It_is_because each of us is special.这是因为我们每个人都是独特的。2.Im not half as good as you.我还没有你的一半好。倍数表达法。This tree is three_times_as_tall_as that one.这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。3.What do you make of(it)?你认为(它)怎么样?What do you make of .?“你觉得怎么样?”。What_do_you_make_of the new boss? 你觉得新老板怎么样?4.In this painting, Picasso showed his feelings about what had happened to the town.在这幅画中,对于这座城镇所遭遇的一切,毕加索表达了自己的情感。what引导的宾语从句作介词的宾语。They are talking about what_they_will_do_next.他们正在讨论下一步做什么。1(教材P35) She put off pleting the picture, because she didnt like it.她把完成这幅画的时间推迟了,因为她不喜欢这幅画。put off推迟,延期put up举起;张贴;建造put away 把收好放起来;储存put forward 提出,提前;把向前拨put aside 把放在一边put down 记下,写下;放下put on 上演;穿上Dont put off until tomorrow what can be done today.今日事今日毕。I put forward these opinions as a friend.我作为朋友提出了这些意见。Its wise to have some money put_away for old age.存些钱养老是明智的做法。2(教材P36)The expression on her face is very friendly.她脸上的表情很友好。expression n表现;表达;表情(1)beyond expression无法形容;无法表达without expression 面无表情地give expression to 表达;表现(2)express v. 表达;表现express oneself 表达自己(的想法和感受)I decided to go to the meeting as an expressionof support.我决定去参加会议以表示支持。He can express_himself in good clear English now after four years hard learning. 经过四年的艰苦学习,现在他能用清楚流畅的英语表达自己的意思了。语境串记The scene before her isbeyond expression. Herexpressionschanged, and an expression of joy appeared on her face.眼前的景色美得无法形容。她的表情变了,快乐的神情出现在她脸上。3(教材P36) When you realise something, you notice something that you didnt notice or understand before.当你意识到某件事情时,也就是你注意到了你以前没有注意或没有理解的某件事情。realise vt.领悟;了解;实现;实行形象记忆He didnt realisehis mistake until the next day.直到第二天他才意识到他的错误。He finally realised his ambition to learn how to play the violin.他最终实现了他的理想学会了怎样拉小提琴。名师点津realise和e true 都可表示“实现”,但realise是及物动词,主语是人;e true是不及物动词短语,主语是物。He finally realised his dream of being an actor.His dream of being an actor was_finally_realised.His dream of being an actor finally_came_true.他当演员的梦想终于实现了。Word familyrealistic adj.现实主义的;写实主义的reality n. 真实,现实;逼真realization n. 实现4(教材P37)Take turnsto ask your questions.轮流提问。take turns轮流take turns doing/to do sth.轮流做某事by turns 轮流地in turn 依次地;反过来;转而in ones turn 轮到某人;接替,值班Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事Wetake turns making/to make dinner.我们轮流做饭。Theory is based on practice and in_turn serves practice. 理论以实践为基础,反过来理论又为实践服务。I think its_my_turn_to_drive the kids to school this week.我想这周该轮到我开车送孩子们上学了。名师点津in return与in turn易混,但前者意为“作为回报”。5(教材P39)From 1902 to 1904 he painted a series ofpictures where the main colour was blue.从1902年到1904年间,他画了一系列以蓝色为主色调的作品。a series of一系列的series意为“连续;一系列”,其单复数形式相同。“a series of复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数;“two/three . series of 名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。Economic overgrowth will also bring about a series ofproblems. 经济增长过快也会带来一系列的问题A series of lectures was (be) given to us students in the main hall last week.上周在主大厅里给我们学生做了一系列的讲座。Four series of papers were (be) handed out to the students.给学生们发了四套试卷。名师点津6(教材P39)Guernica is the name of a town that wasdestroyed during the 1930s war in Spain.格尔尼卡是一个在20世纪30年代西班牙战争中被毁灭的小镇的名字。destroy vt.破坏;毁坏The firedestroyed the whole forest. 这场火灾毁坏了整个森林。辨析比较destroy, damage, ruindestroy“破坏;摧毁;毁灭”,指完全彻底的破坏,常指不能修复了damage表示部分损坏,且损坏的部分能修复ruin强调致使该物的使用价值发生了问题;还可表示“使破产;糟蹋掉”的意思;同时还有借喻的用法选用上述单词填空He has ruined his health through drinking.酗酒毁坏了他的健康。The back of the car was damaged in the accident, so I had to have it repaired.车的后部在事故中受损,因此我必须去修一修。No one was injured in the explosion, but the building was pletely destroyed.没有人在爆炸中受伤,但大楼却遭到了彻底毁坏。1What do you make of (it)?你认为(它)怎么样?(1)What do you make of .?意为“你觉得怎么样?”其中make of表示“了解;理解;认为”。What do you make ofthis latest plan?你认为这个最新的计划怎么样?(2)表示“你觉得怎么样?”的句式还有:What_do_you_think_of the strange letter?你对这封奇怪的信有何看法?How do you find the suggestion he has put forward?你认为他提出的这个建议如何?2In this painting, Picasso showed his feelings about what had happened to the town.在这幅画中,对于这座城镇所遭遇的一切,毕加索表达了自己的情感。(1)句中what引导的是宾语从句,作介词about 的宾语。疑问代词what常用来引导名词性从句,在句中可作主语、宾语或表语。A new supermarket has been built in what was wasteland before.一家新超市在以前是废墟的地方建起来了。What_I_want_to_tell_you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.我想告诉你的是我对父母的深深的爱和尊重。Thank you for your gift! It is what_I_have_been_longing_for.谢谢你的礼物!这正是我一直想要的。名师点津what引导名词性从句时,既起引导词的作用,又在所引导的句子中作句子成分(主语、表语或宾语);that在它引导的名词性从句中不作成分,只起引导作用。Whathe said made me angry.他说的话使我气愤。Thathe said so made me angry.他这样说使我气愤。.单句语法填空1We can see from the expression (express) on his face that everything is going on well.2A big fire broke out last night. All the houses there were_destroyed (destroy) in the fire.3These artists painted realistic (realise) pictures of the lives of the mon people.4He put aside his work to spend more time with his son.5It is my turn to clean the room.6A series of unfortunate events has (have) happened to him recently.完成句子1What do_you_make/think_of our English teachers lessons?你认为我们英语老师的课怎么样?2The sports meeting will_be_put_off till next week because of the bad weather.由于天气不好,运动会将被推迟到下周。3They had to take_turns_to_look_after/looking_after the patients.他们不得不轮流照看病人。4Please tell me what_happened_to_her when I was away.请告诉我当我不在的时候她出了什么事。5Im afraid his hope wont e_true_easily.我恐怕他的希望不会容易实现。6Learning to_express_oneself_well is an important part of education.学会把意思表达清楚是受教育的一个重要方面。一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1Most of the houses in the city were destroyed (破坏) in the earthquake.2There was a worried expression (表情) on the teachers face.3He doesnt seem to have realised (意识到) his mistake.4There is going to be an art exhibition (展览) in the museum.5There was a portrait (肖像) of his grandfather on the wall.6She did a beautiful watercolour (水彩画) of a sunset while in France.单句改错1How do you make of the new invention?HowWhat2If friends can take turn to listen to each other well, life will be better.turnturns3That you have done might do harm to other people.ThatWhat4The notice came around two oclock in the afternoon that the meeting would put off.would后加be5There have been a series of accidents on the road recently.havehas6Her dream to bee a movie star finally realised.在finally前加was.选词填空1What do you make_of people who dye their hair green? 2They took_turns watching him when he had a fever.3It was spring then and the blossom was at_its_best. 4What did you do at_the_age_of 40?5We havent decided if the meeting will be put_off.6In the course of the experiments, they came across a_series_of new problems.本单元语言点温故练习.单句语法填空1She says shes poor, but in reality she has a lot of money.2It was a really delightful (delight) holiday and a meaningful experience.3The plan is aimed (aim) at improving the students spoken English.4I cant stand being_kept (keep) waiting any longer.5He was observed to_follow (follow) her closely.6Its a traditional (tradition) custom in China to eat dumplings on the eve of the Spring Festival.7Judith didnt believe she was an adopted (adopt) child.8The reform and open policy has brought us Chinese people a rich and colourful (colour) life.9I can tell by his accent that he is from the south.10He considered the question from all aspects (aspect).完成句子1Have you read the novel written_by Mo Yan?你看过莫言写的那本小说吗?2We must avoid_making the same mistake.我们必须避免犯同样的错误。3Though Jack is_often_tired_with/from his work, but he is_never_tired_of his job.尽管杰克经常因工作而疲惫,但是他从不厌恶他的工作。4More and more young people are_fond_of_playing_tennis nowadays.如今,越来越多的年轻人喜欢打网球了。5With prices going_up_so_fast,_we cant afford luxuries.由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起高档商品。6I cant_stand_a_lot_of_noise when Im reading.当我读书时,我忍受不了太多的噪音。7My father often takes me to galleries to help me develop_an_interest_in_art.父亲经常带我去画廊,来帮我培养对艺术的兴趣。8I believe he will surely realise his dream, wont_he?我相信他一定会实现他的梦想,不是吗?二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解What is the tallest gift received by the United States? Located in New York Harbor, the 152foot Statue of Liberty was a gift of international friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States. An inspiration to millions of immigrants, this statue is a universal symbol of freedom, democracy (民主), and diplomacy (外交)The relationship between the United States and France began during Americas quest for independence from Great Britain in 1776. Benjamin Franklin was among those who served on the diplomatic front during the Revolutionary War. By living in Paris as the American ambassador, Benjamin cultivated a relationship with the French government and the French people. As a result, French soldiers fought alongside the American colonists (殖民地定居者). Paris was the site for peace negotiations between the United States and Great Britain at the end of the war.In 1865, Edourd de Laboulaye of France developed the idea of creating a giant statue to honor the friendship and the mitment to liberty between France and the United States. He formed the FrenchAmerican Union to raise money for the project. Joseph Pulitzer used the editorial pages of his newspaper to raise support in the United States for the fund. French sculptor Auguste Bartholdi and structural engineer Gustave Eiffel finished the project in Paris, and the French people presented it to the people of America on July 4, 1884. The statue was then shipped across the Atlantic in 214 boxes broken into 350 individual separate pieces. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated (举行落成仪式) on October 28,1886, and President Grover Cleveland accepted the Statue on behalf of the American people.Ellis Island, which was the arrival point for European immigrants, is part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument. Between 1892 and 1924, more than 22 million passengers saw the Statue of Liberty as they passed through Ellis Island and the Port of New York. This symbol of freedom became a National Monument in 1924 and a major tourist attraction in the 20th century.语篇解读:屹立于纽约港的自由女神像世界闻名,但是它的历史就鲜为人知了。这篇文章就讲述了它的历史故事。1The Statue of Liberty was first got from _.ABritainBFranceCGermany DSpain解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句话可知,自由女神像是法国送给美国的。故选B。2From the passage, we can know the relationship between France and the USA from 1776 to 1865 is _.Avery cold BsosoCquite close Dquite tense解析:选C推理判断题。根据第二段内容以及第三段中提到的法国制作自由女神像并将其作为象征自由、民主和外交的礼物送给美国可推知,在1776年到1865年期间法美两国的关系很亲密。故选C。3Why did Edourd de Laboulaye put forward the project of building the Statue of Liberty?ATo show respect to the USA.BTo show the strong image of France.CTo raise a lot of money.DTo honor the friendship and the mitment to liberty between the two countries.解析:选D细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“In 1865, Edourd de Laboulaye of France . mitment to liberty between France and the United States.”可知答案为D。4The best title for this passage is _.AThe Statue of Liberty BA Great ProjectCGreat Relationship DPeace Negotiations解析:选A标题归纳题。本文讲述的是自由女神像的由来以及意义,故A项作为标题最佳。.语法填空In most American families, no child does housework without _1_ (ask) to. Often, the kids have to be begged to take the easiest tasks; even so, they still refuse.In one family, _2_ eightyearold girl sat down at the dining table. Finding _3_ no plate had been laid out for her, she said, “How can I eat?” _4_ the girl clearly knew where the plate was kept, her father got up to get it for her.In another family, a boy named Ben was about to leave the house with his parents. But he _5_ get his feet into his shoes, because the laces were tied. He handed _6_ to his father, “Untie!”In many families, parents take care of everything in their childrens lives so that the kids can focus _7_ their schoolwork. But making a good student is _8_ (important) than making an independent person? Although study matters, independence matters too.My conclusion from the _9_ (story) is that parents should expect more from their kids, starting from a young age. Therefore, when the time es, theyre able to walk out of the door and into their own lives with _10_ (confident)语篇解读:在美国,很多孩子不会主动去做家务,即使家长要求去做,他们也常会拒绝。学习固然重要,但是培养孩子的独立性也不可忽视,这样孩子长大后才能更好地适应这个社会。1being askedwithout为介词,故后面接动名词,child与ask之间为动宾关系,故此处用被动形式。2an此处泛指“一个八岁的女孩儿”,故用不定冠词,根据空后的eightyearold可确定用an。3that设空处引导宾语从句,从句结构完整,故用that。4Although/Though虽然小女孩很清楚盘子在哪里放着,但是爸爸还是帮她拿来了盘子。此处引导让步状语从句。5couldnt此处表示“但是他穿不上鞋,因为鞋带是系着的”。由此可知用couldnt。6them他把鞋子递给了父亲。空处代指上文的his shoes,故用them。7onfocus on意为“集中于;专注于”。8more important根据后面的than可知此处用形容词的比较级形式。该句意为“但是成为一名好学生比成为一个独立的人更重要吗?”9stories根据上文内容可知,文章共讲到了两个家庭的故事,故用名词的复数形式。10confidencewith为介词,其后接名词confidence (自信心)。


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