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2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修三教学案:Unit 3 Section 4(含答案)原文呈现读文清障THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTEAct , Scene 4(OutsidearestaurantHenrylooksattheenvelopewithoutopeningitanddecidestogoin. Hesitsdownatatablenexttothefrontwindow.)OWNER:(seeingHenryspoorappearance) That ones reserved. This way, please. (tothewaiter) Take this gentlemans order, Horace.HENRY:(aftersittingdownandputtingtheletteronthetable) Id like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak. Make it extra thick. Id also like a cup of coffee and a pineappledessert.WAITER:Right, sir. Im afraid itll cost a large amount of money.HENRY:I understand. And Ill have a large glass of beer.WAITER:OK. (Thewaiterleavesandsoonreturnswithallthefood.)HOSTESS:My goodness!Why, look at him. He eats like a wolf.at a table在桌旁at table在吃饭;在进餐next to与相邻;几乎That ones reserved.那张桌子有人订了。take ones order点菜steak/steIk/n.(供煎、烤的)肉块;鱼排;牛排Make it extra thick为“make宾语宾补”结构。pineapple dessert菠萝甜点pineapple/paInpI/n.菠萝dessert/dIzt/n.餐后甜点注意:形近词desert/dezt/n.沙漠;荒漠;荒原a large amount of不可数名词大量的amount/mant/n.数量a small amount of不可数名词少量的a large glass of一大杯My goodness!天哪!表示感叹的用语。why在口语中可用作感叹词,意为“哎呀,嗨”,表示惊讶或突然意识到某事。百万英镑第一幕,第4场(在餐馆外边,亨利看了看信封,没有打开,然后决定走进餐馆。他在靠近前边窗户的一张桌子旁坐了下来。)店主:(看着亨利的那副穷酸相)那张桌子有人预订了。请到这边来。(对服务员)霍勒斯,来请这位先生点菜。亨利:(坐定之后,把信放在桌上)我要火腿加鸡蛋,还来一大块牛排,要特厚的。我还要一杯咖啡,一份菠萝甜点。服务员:好的,先生。我恐怕这得花费一大笔钱。亨利:我明白。我还要一大杯啤酒。服务员:行。(服务员离开了,很快把所有的食物端了上来。)女老板:天哪!你看他,吃起东西来就像头狼。OWNER:Well see if hes clever as a wolf, eh?HENRY:(havingjustfinishedeverybitoffood) Ah, waiter. (thewaiterreturns) Same thing again, please. Oh, and another beer.WAITER:Again? Everything?HENRY:Yes, thats right. (seesthelookonthewaitersface) Anything wrong?WAITER:No, not at all. (totheowner) Hes asked for more of the same.OWNER:Well, it is wellknown that Americans like to eat a lot. Well, well have to take a chance. Go ahead and let him have it.WAITER:(readingthebillafterthemeal) All right. Thats two orders of ham and eggs, two extra thick steaks, two large glasses of beer, two cups of coffee and two desserts.HENRY:(lookingattheclockonthewall) Would you mind waiting just a few minutes?WAITER:(inarude manner) Whats there to wait for?another beer another glass of beer再来一杯啤酒有些物质名词可以数量化,转化为可数名词,如a snow一场雪,a coffee一杯咖啡,a tea一杯茶。the look on the waiters face服务员脸上的表情Anything wrong? Is there anything wrong?有什么不对吗?It is wellknown that .“众所周知”,是常用句型。it为形式主语,that从句为真正的主语。本句型可以转换为:As is wellknown, .take a chance冒险take ones chances碰运气Would you mind doing sth.?是用来提出请求或建议的常用句型,意为“你介意做某事吗?”,即:“请你做某事好吗?”in a rude manner用粗鲁的方式rude/rud/adj.粗鲁的;无礼的be rude to sb.对某人粗鲁的manner/mn/n.礼貌;举止;方式Whats there to wait for?还等什么?动词不定式to wait for作what的定语,直译:有什么可等的?店主:我们看一下他是不是像狼一样机灵?亨利:(刚吃完了所有的东西)喂,服务员。(服务员过来了)同样的东西请再来一份。呃,再来一大杯啤酒。服务员:每样东西都再来一份吗?亨利:是的,没错。(看着服务员脸上的神色)有什么不对吗?服务员:不,没什么不对。(对店主)他再要一份同样的食物。店主:嗯,美国人喜欢吃得多,这是大家都知道的。哦,我们不得不冒点儿风险。去吧,让他吃吧。服务员:(饭后念账单)好了。两份火腿加鸡蛋,两份特厚的牛排,两大杯啤酒,两杯咖啡和两份甜点。亨利:(望着墙上的挂钟)请等几分钟好吗?服务员:(粗鲁地说)还等什么?OWNER:All right, Horace. Ill take care of this.HENRY:(toowner) That was a wonderful meal. Its amazing how much pleasure you get out of the simple things in life, especially if you cant have them for a while.OWNER:Yes, very interesting. Now perhaps, sir,if you pay your bill I can help the other customers.HENRY:(lookingattheclockonthewallagain) Well, I see its two oclock. (heopenstheenvelopeandholdsamillionpoundbanknoteinhishands. Henryissurprisedbuttheownerandthewaiterareshocked) Im very sorry. But .I .I dont have anything smaller.take care of sth.料理/照应某事take care of sb. look after sb.照顾/照料某人Its amazing how much pleasure .中it为形式主语,how much .为主语从句。店主:霍勒斯,行啦。这儿由我照应。亨利:(对店主)这顿饭吃得真棒。在生活中从简单的东西之中竟能得到这么大的乐趣,真是令人吃惊,特别是当你有一段时间吃不到这些东西的时候。店主:是的,很有意思。先生,如果你现在能付账的话,我就可以去照顾别的顾客了。亨利:(又望着墙上的挂钟)好了,我看两点钟到了。(他把信封拆开,拿出一张百万英镑的钞票。亨利感到吃惊,而店主和服务员都惊呆了)很抱歉。但是我我没有任何小一点儿的钞票。OWNER:(stillshockedandnervous) Well .er . just one moment. Maggie, look! (thehostessscreams, theothercustomerslookatherandsheputsahandtohermouth) Do you think its genuine?HOSTESS:Oh, dear, I dont know. I simply dont know.OWNER:Well, I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount .Anyway, I dont think it can be a fake. People would pay too much attention to a bank note of this amount. No thief would want that to happen.HOSTESS:But hes in rags!OWNER:Perhaps hes a very strange, rich man. (asifhehasdiscoveredsomethingforthefirsttime) Why, yes! That must be it!HOSTESS:(hitsherhusbandsarm) And you put him in the back of the restaurant! Go and see him at once.scream/skrim/vi.尖声叫n.尖叫声;喊叫声put a hand to ones mouth用手捂住某人的嘴genuine/denjIn/adj.真的;真诚的genuine既可以修饰物,也可以修饰人;既可以作定语,也可以作表语。issue/Isju/vt.&vi.发行(钞票等);发布(命令);出版(杂志等)in this amount以这样面值can表示推测,与主句中的not结合在一起,表示“不可能”。fake/feIk/n.假货;欺骗adj.假的pay attention to注意attention为不可数名词,可以用much来修饰。in rags衣衫褴褛for the first time第一次,用作状语。That must be it!一定是这样的!must在此句中对现在的事实进行推测。表语it为代词,指代上文“他是一个非常怪异而富有的人”。店主:(还在发呆,而且有点儿紧张)好嗯等一会儿。玛吉,来瞧瞧!(女老板尖叫起来,其他顾客都望着她,于是,她用手捂住了嘴巴)你看这张钞票是真的吗?女老板:噢,天哪,我不知道。我真不知道。店主:嗯,我确实听说英格兰银行发行了两张这种面值的钞票不管怎样,我觉得这不可能是假钞。这么大面值的钞票会特别引人注意的。小偷可不想引起别人的注意。女老板:但是他穿得破破烂烂的!店主:也许他是一个非常怪异而富有的人。(就像他已经第一次发现了一些事情一样)啊,对了!一定是这样的!女老板:(在她丈夫的手臂上打了一下)是你把他带到餐厅后面去的!还不马上去看看他。OWNER:(toHenry) Im so sorry, sir, so sorry, but I cannot change this bank note.HENRY:But its all I have on me.OWNER:Oh, please, dont worry, sir. Doesnt matter at all. Were so very glad that you even entered our little eating place. Indeed, sir, I hope youll e here whenever you like.HENRY:Well, thats very kind of you.OWNER:Kind, sir? No, its kind of you. You must e whenever you want and have whatever you like. Just having you sit here is a great honour! As for the bill, sir, please forget it.HENRY:Forget it? Well .thank you very much. Thats very nice of you.OWNER:Oh, its for us to thank you, sir and I do, sir, from the bottom of my heart. (Theowner, thehostessandthewaiterallbowasHenryleaves.)its all I have on me我身上就只带了这张钞票。all在句中作表语,其后的I have on me为定语从句,省略了关系代词that。have sth. on sb.表示“某人身上带了某物”。Doesnt matter at all.一点儿也没关系。本句中省略了主语It。matter vi.要紧;有重大关系。多用于否定句和疑问句中。indeed/Indid/adv.真正地;确实;实在whenever you like为时间状语从句,用whenever表示强调,相当于at any time。whenever you want为时间状语从句,whenever比when语气强烈。whatever you like你喜欢的任何东西,在此处作have的宾语。动名词短语having you sit here作主语。honour在此处是抽象名词具体化的用法,意为“一件引以为荣的事”。as for关于;至于bow/ba/vi.&n.鞠躬;弯腰店主:(对亨利)对不起,先生,非常对不起,这张钞票我找不开。亨利:可我身上就只带了这张钞票。店主:哎呀,先生,请别担心。一点儿也没关系。我们非常高兴您能走进我们这家小吃店。真的,先生,我希望您随时光临。亨利:这,你太好了。店主:我太好了?不,先生,是您太好了。您一定什么时候想来就来,想吃什么就吃什么。您就是在这儿坐一下也是我们莫大的荣幸!至于账单嘛,先生,请把它忘了吧。亨利:忘了它?喔那就太谢谢了。你太好了。店主:啊,先生,该是我们谢谢您呢。先生,我真的从心底里感谢您。(店主、女老板和服务员都一齐向他鞠躬。)Step 1Whats the main idea of the text?Henrys_experience_in_a_restaurant./What_Henry_experienced_in_a_restaurant.Step 2True (T) or False (F)1The owner looked down upon Henry when he noticed Henrys appearance.()2Henry asked for more of the same food because he is an American who likes to eat a lot.()3When Henry saw the million pound bank note, he was happy and proud of it.()4The owner didnt believe that the bank note was real and he asked Henry to get out of the restaurant.()5It can be inferred from the play that the waiter judged people by appearance.()答案:15TFFFT一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.dessertn餐后甜点2.amountn. 数量3.mannern. 礼貌;举止;方式4.screamvi. 尖声叫 n. 尖叫声;喊叫声5.indeedadv. 真正地;确实;实在6.bowvi.&n. 鞠躬;弯腰.拓展词汇1.unbelievableadj.难以置信的believable adj.令人相信的believe vt.相信2.rudeadj.粗鲁的;无礼的rudely adv.粗鲁地;无礼地3.genuineadj.真的;真诚的genuinely adv.真正地;真诚地1.表示“喊、叫”词集合cry (因恐惧、惊奇、痛苦)喊叫shout (高声)喊出exclaim (因高兴、愤怒、痛苦)高声喊叫scream (因恐惧、快乐等)尖叫yell (求援、鼓励)呼叫call 大声喊叫(引起注意)2.ruderudely adv.粗鲁地其副词变换方法相同的还有:pletepletely完全地politepolitely 礼貌地widewidely 广泛地strangestrangely 奇怪地genuinegenuinely 真正地二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.take_a_chance冒险2in_rags 衣衫褴褛3as_for 关于;至于4a_large_amount_of 大量的5in_a_rude_manner 粗鲁地;没有礼貌地6take_ones_order 点菜1.at a table在桌旁2another beer 再来一杯啤酒3take care of 照顾/照料4put a hand to ones mouth 用手捂住某人的嘴5pay attention to 注意6for the first time 第一次三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Well, it is wellknown thatAmericans like to eat a lot. 嗯,美国人喜欢吃得多,这是大家都知道的。 It is wellknown that .“众所周知”。It_is_wellknown_that Zhang Bichens songs are attractive. 众所周知,张碧晨的歌声很有吸引力。2.I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount . 我确实听说英国银行发行了两张这种面值的支票“do动词原形”用来强调谓语动词。I do_hope you can take my suggestion into account. 我的确希望你能考虑一下我的建议。3.Indeed, sir, I hope youll e here whenever you like. 真的,先生,我希望您随时光临。whenever引导时间状语从句。You can ask for help whenever_you_need_it. 你如果需要帮助随时可以提出来。4.You must e whenever you want and have whatever you like. 您一定什么时候想来就来,想吃什么就吃什么。whatever“无论什么”,此处引导宾语从句。Its wrong to give children whatever_they_want. 孩子要什么给什么是错误的。1(教材P22)Im afraid itll cost a large amount of money.我恐怕这得花费一大笔钱。amount n数量(1)“a large amount of不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。“large amounts of 不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。(2)amount to总计为People in disaster areas have had a large amount of help from people all over the world.灾区人民得到了全世界人们的大量帮助。A large amount of damage has_been_done (do) to the city in a very short time.短时间内,这个城市受到了大量的损坏。The cost of the book amounted to 250.这本书的费用共达250英镑。名师点津表示“大量的”短语还有a large number of, a great deal of, plenty of, a large quantity of 等。a great deal of只能修饰不可数名词;a large number of只能修饰可数名词复数;a lot of, plenty of, a large quantity of既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。2(教材P22)Well, well have to take a chance.嗯,那我们不得不冒一点风险。take a chance冒险(1)take a chance/chances to do sth.take a risk/risks with sth./ of (by) doing sth.冒险做某事take ones chance 碰运气(2)Chance/The chance is that . 可能Chances/The chances are that . 可能There is a chance that . 可能He is justtaking a chance to walk on such a thin rope.他在这么细的绳子上走,完全是在冒险。Dont take_a_chance/risk_by driving so fast. 别冒险把车开那么快。Theres_little_chance_that the situation will improve.几乎没有形势好转的可能性。名师点津“take a/an n”的短语还有:take a look看一看take a rest 休息一下take a breath 喘口气take a seat 坐下take a walk 散步take a photo 拍照3(教材P22)(inarude manner)Whats there to wait for?(粗鲁地说)还等什么?rude adj.粗鲁的;不礼貌的be rude to .对粗鲁或没有礼貌Its rude of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事很粗鲁Dont be so rude to your parents.别对你的父母这么没礼貌。It_was_rude_of_you to say that to your father just now.你刚才对你父亲讲那种话太不礼貌了。manner n礼貌;举止;方式in a . manner以的方式good/bad manners 有/没有礼貌it is bad/good manners to do sth. 做某事没有/有礼貌Youd better pay attention to table manners.你最好注意一下餐桌礼仪。He spoke in such a manner as to hurt their feeling. 他讲话的态度伤害了他们的感情。Its bad manners (manner) to break in while others are speaking.当别人说话的时候插嘴是不礼貌的。名师点津manner作“方式;举止”讲时,常用单数;而作“礼貌;习俗”讲时,常用复数。4(教材P22)As for the bill, sir, please forget it.至于账单嘛,先生,请把它忘了吧。as for关于;至于as foras to至于;关于 As for the film,I dont like it.至于电影,我不喜欢。Hes very uncertain as_to/for whether its the right job for him.关于他是否适合做这项工作,他实在拿不准。As_to/for the flood, I have heard nothing. 至于那次水灾,我没听到什么。1Well, it is wellknown that Americans like to eat a lot.嗯,美国人喜欢吃得多,这是大家都知道的。(1)句中it is wellknown that .(众所周知)是常用句型。it是形式主语,它指代that引导的主语从句。It is wellknown that he is one of the best students in his class.众所周知,他是他们班最好的学生之一。(2)上述句型可以转换为下列两种句型:Its wellknown that he is a successful businessman.As is wellknown, he is a successful businessman. What is wellknown to us all is that he is a successful businessman. 众所周知,他是一名成功的商人。名师点津“as is wellknown”为非限制性定语从句,在使用时,其后面通常加上逗号。在解题时,一定要仔细审题,注意句子的标点和结构。2Idid hearthat the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount . 我确实听说英国银行发行了两张这种面值的支票(1)句中did是强调词,其后接动词原形,表示对一般过去时的强调,意为“的确”。Hedid tell me about it yesterday.他昨天的确告诉了我这件事。(2)其他可用来强调谓语动词的助动词还有do和does。表示对一般现在时的强调。I do_hope you can enjoy the wonderful music.我的确希望你能享受这美妙的音乐。He does_know Beijing well.他的确熟悉北京。.单句语法填空1He took a chance to_save (save) the drowning girl.2We had a happy weekend in the country. As for the traffic, we had no difficulty.3Large amounts of money were_spent (spend) on the bridge last year.补全句子1Its_very_rude_of_her to say such words.她说这样的话,真粗鲁。2It_is_bad_manners to make fun of the disabled people.开残疾人的玩笑是不礼貌的。3Its_wellknown_that China is a developing country. 众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。4He did_finish_the_homework by himself last night.昨天晚上,他的确是自己完成了他的作业。一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1A friend in need is a friend indeed (真正地)2The guilty man bowed (低下;鞠躬) his head in shame.3It is good manners (礼貌) for an Arab to stand close to his friends when they are talking.4The girl screamed (尖叫) aloud suddenly when she saw a snake e out behind a tree.5The westerners like to have some dessert (甜点) after dinner. 6She was genuinely (真地) surprised about what he said.7Which of them interrupts the other rudely (粗鲁地)?8I had my hair cut at the barbers (理发店) around the corner.单句语法填空1I saw a man in rags walking about in the street.2I enjoy swimming. But as for my sister, she enjoys playing tennis.3So far, large amounts of money have_been_received (receive). 4She greeted me in a friendly manner.5It is wellknown that the Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific Ocean.6She seems genuinely (genuine) fond of the children.7I cant imagine the boy speaking so rudely (rude) to you.8There is much chance that Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.选词填空1Though he was told it was hard to find a job there, he still decided to take_a_chance.2After his uncle died, he got a_large_amount_of money.3Walking in the street, I often see beggars in_rags.4As_for your advice, Im sure to consider it and give you reply in time.5Dont be angry with him, he seldom makes mistakes.He made it this time by_accident.6Its impolite to stare_at people.本单元语言点温故练习.单句语法填空1Jack could not account for his foolish mistake.2He can find fault with the goods even if he is quite satisfied with them.3A group of children were found playing (play) on the playground.4He had just left when it started to rain.5It is the children who/that are making so much noise in the garden.6I find it quite pleasant to_work (work) with you. 7I dont know if/whether he will attend the meeting.8My suggestion is that we (should)_catch (catch) up with the other classes.9Even though he looks like a gentleman, he is often rude to his wife in fact.10Its wellknown that a good habit is the beginning of success. .补全句子1The sick old man does nothing but stares_at (盯着看) the ceiling all day long.2How_do_you_account_for (你怎样解释) your long absence from classes without asking for leave?3He managed to persuade his parents to permit/allow_him_to_seek_a_job (允许他找一份工作)4The_fact_was_that (事实是) he worked for 18 hours every day.5As_is_wellknown (众所周知), only if he spared no effort to finish everyday work could he be successful.6Jim didnt e to school yesterday, and as_a_matter_of_fact (事实上), he didnt e all last week. 7I never think myself a stupid boy.On_the_contrary (恰恰相反), I know Im on the road to success.8John was_brought_up (被抚养) in a happy and wealthy family.9He lost all his family members and fortune by_accident (意外地)10He made up his mind not to seek_help_from_his_friends (向他的朋友们求助)二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解One day in an English class, a group of girls began orally hurting me. Our teacher Mr. Stein punished them in front of everyone, and then drove them to the principals office, where they were given detention (课后留校的惩罚). Later that week, those same girls attacked me near the bus stop, showering my face with tiny stones. I know that Mr. Stein thought he was doing the right thing, but he raised their social status, because if you bully (欺侮) someone and get in trouble for it, it only makes you “cooler” in the eyes of your peers. Not too long after this incident, a couple of other girls named Sharon and AJ. started annoying me again. Rather than removing them from the classroom, our teacher Mrs. Swenson removed me from the situation by asking me to help her get something from the puter lab. While we were out in the hall, she told me that she was going to reach out to AJ. and Sharon with kindness and care, and that her goal was to help all of us.She required that AJ. and Sharon each go out of their way every day for two weeks to do one nice thing for someone else. Every evening, they had to write down one paragraph about what they did. Mrs. Swenson taught them the joy of being kind, as opposed to traditional punishment, which would have only emphasized the result of being cruel. Two weeks later, there was a big difference in the girls behavior. AJ. actually apologized to me and several others of her victims. And Sharon now is a special education teacher, working with the very types of students she used to make fun of when we were in school together.语篇解读:本文为记叙文。作者讲述了自己在学校里被人欺负,两个老师处理这种情况的不同方式。1What can we infer from the first paragraph?AThe author was popular with the teachers.BSome students considered it cool to bully others.CMr. Stein couldnt manage his students in class.DStudents werent satisfied with Mr. Steins way of teaching.解析:选B推理判断题。由第一段“. because if you bully someone and get in trouble for it, it only makes you cooler in the eyes of your peers”可知,在青少年中,如果你欺负了某一个同学并因此被责罚,你会被认为做了一件很“酷”的事。2Why did Mrs. Swenson ask the author to go out of the classroom?ATo help her do experiments in the lab.BTo teach the author how to love others.CTo ask the author how to punish Sharon and AJ.DTo protect the author from getting bullied further.解析:选D推理判断题。由第二段可知,在作者受到欺负的时候,Mrs. Swenson 没有把欺负人的学生赶走,而是把作者叫去帮助老师,以这种方法使作者避免了遭遇进一步的欺负。3What were AJ. and Sharon asked to do?ATo do good deeds and record them.BTo stay after school for two weeks.CTo experience the pain of being bullied.DTo apologize to the students they had bullied.解析:选A细节理解题。由最后一段可知,老师让她们每天做一件好事,并且记录下来。4What can we learn from the text?APut oneself in others shoes.BActions speak louder than words.CNever too old to live your dream.DKindness has greater influence than punishment.解析:选D推理判断题。由本文两位老师不同的教育方式产生的不同结果可知,仁慈比惩罚更具影响力。.语法填空Few people would even think of beginning a new job at the age of 76, _1_ one of Americas most famous artists did just that. Anna Mary Robertson, better known as “Grandma Moses”, turned to painting _2_ she was too old to work on her farm.Grandma Moses was crazy about _3_ (paint) soon after she picked it up and worked hard at it. She painted _4_ (care) and her works were nice. She first painted only to please _5_, and then began to sell her works for a little money. In 1993, a collector, Louis Caldor happened to see several of Grandma Moses best works _6_ were hanging in a shop. He liked them, _7_ (buy) them at once, and set out to look for more. Caldor held _8_ show to introduce the works of Grandma Moses _9_ other artists. Grandma Moses, _10_ was worldfamous, died on December 13, 1961, at the age of 101.语篇解读:本文主要讲述一位名叫Anna Mary Robertson 的老奶奶在76岁时才开始学画画,并成为了美国最著名的艺术家之一的故事。1but前面说很少有人在76岁时还想开始一份新工作,后面说美国的一位著名艺术家就这么做了,前后是转折关系,故填but。2when/because横线后面可以理解为一个时间状语从句,表示当她年龄太大而不能从事农场工作时她转向画画。故填when;横线后面也可以理解为她转向画画的原因,故也可填b


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