八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section A(1a-2d)教案 人教新目标版.doc

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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section A(1a-2d)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section A(1a-2d)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section A(1a-2d)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum课 题 Unit 9 Section A (1a-2d)主备人 课型Listening and talking教 学目 标1. Knowledge aims: Words: camera; unbelievable; progress; rapid; unusual; toiet; encourage; social; paceful; perfect; itself; collect; German; ride; province; thousand; safe; simply; fear; whether; Indian; Japanese; fox; whenever; springPhrases: a couple of; thousands of; on the one hand.on the other hand. Ability aims :1.Students can master how to offer help. 2 Practice listening .教 学资 源 courseware and a recorder重 点难 点1. have been to & have gone to2.How to improve students reading skills and writing skills 教 学 过 程教学环节Teachers activitiesStudents activities Purpose Time Step 1 Leading-inStep 2 PresentationStep3: listening (2a,2b)Step 4 ListeningStep 5 Speaking Step 6 ListeningStep 7 Language pointsStep 8 Homework Greetings and Revision Greet the class and check the homework.Lead-in1. Guess the places of the pictures; they are the British Museum, space museum, history museum, water park, zoo, amusement park while lead in sentence patterns:“ Have you ever been to ?”2. Speaking Get students to work in pairs to practice the conversation: “ Have you ever been to”“Yes, I have”/ Not, I havent. Pre-listening1. Section A 1a T: OK. Now open your books on Page 65. In Part 1a, 6 places are given. Please read the names of these places. (Teacher writes the names on the blackboard.) Which of these places would you like to visit? Rank them from 1 to 5.2. Talk about the picture1.Listen and choose the best answer. The first and the second question aim to listening to time, and the third one aims to listen for the relationship. This activity trains students listening ability for listening for specific relationship.1)When did Sarah visit the National Science Museum?A. Today B. Yesterday C. Last year2)When did Claudia visit the nature museum?A. last year B. last summer C. Last school trip 3)What may the relationship be between the two speakers?A. Friends B. Teacher and studentC. Mother and kid. Answer: CCA2.Listen again. Listen and check the boxes. Have these students ever been to these places? (1b) 2a 2b3.Speaking 2c Look at the map in 2a and make conversations about the places.4.Speaking 2d Role-play the conversation in 2d.1. Practice the dialogue and remember the language points.2. Preview the next lesson.Step 9 Blackboard DesignA, Write five sentences.B,fill in the blanks.C,read sentences that are in the text. Greet to the teacher. Students show their answersStudents read the instructions and plete the listening practice Students do pairwork to make their own conversations.Ask students to rectite todays target (the present perfect tense.)according to exercise, let Ss understand points better.1. I learned about the inventions that led to color movies, too. 我还了解了一些发明,它们成就了彩色电影。此处learn是“了解;获知;得知”的意思,由介词about或of引入所获知的具体内容。例如:The children were all shocked to learn of the death of their headmaster. 得知校长去世,孩子们都十分震惊。I only learned about the accident later. 我只是后来才得知了事故的情况。2. Ive never been camping. 我从未野营过。Recite knowledge points. All students do it.Remember last lesson points.To introduce Ss to the unit goal; Talk about past experiences. To give Ss practice in listening for specific information.To give Ss practice in using the target language jin natural speech. To give Ss practice in listening for specific information. To give Ss pracitice in listening for specific information. To give Ss the oppoutunity to use the target language in conversations.To give Ss the opportunity to use the target language in a controlled manner.To give Ss a choice of practicing.Ask Ss to study English better.1315571031 板 书 设 计 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?New words : New language target: have/has been to and have/has gone to 教 学后 记Most students master very well, others you should e on.

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