2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit5-Unit6复习学案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit5-Unit6复习学案 人教新目标版基础知识巩固I 词组take away 拿走make a living谋生all over the world 全世界all the time 一直let in 允许某人进入have a difficult time doing sth.做某事有困难in order to improve my English 为了提高英语get an educatioe 接受教育make money 赚钱give money to向。捐款raise money for charity为慈善机构募捐run out of/ use up用完by the way顺便一提be interested in 对。感兴趣far away远离II. 句型1 If you go to the party, you will have a good time.2 What will happen if they have the party today? Half the class wont e.3.And if you bee rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are .4 How long have you been collecting shells? I have been collecting shells for two years. 同意句:5. The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoyed living in China. 造句:你越仔细,你出的错越少练习I基础知识用所给动词的正确形式填空1.If it _( rain) tomorrow ,Ill stay at home .2.If it _( be ) fine , We _( go) swimming together .3.He asked me if I _( be ) free this Sunday.4.I dont know if he _( e ) tomorrow. If he _( e) , Ill call you .5.We re_( leave) for France in a week .6.-How long _ your father_ (work) in the factory?-Since he _ (leave) college7 How long _ you _ (listen) to music last night?8. Some of the old buildings are in _(Russia) style.9. He is always the first one _(arrive) at school and the last one_ (leave) school.10. We _(be) friends for the whole ten years.11 _(collect) old coins is my fathers hobby.句型转换1. If you dont hurry up, youll miss the early train.(同义句)_ _, _youll miss the early train.2. He plays sports for a living.(同义句) He_ _ _by _ _. 3. They had a great time in the park. ( 同义句) They _ _in the park.4. Why dont you take your ID card? (同义句) _ _ _your ID card? 5. They have been talking for three hours.(一般疑问句)_ they _ _ for three hours?6. Shes been painting for two years (对划线部分提问)_ _ _she _painting?7. Hes been learning Chinese history for three years.(同义句)Hes been learning Chinese history _ _ _ _完成句子1.如果他们今天举办聚会一半的学生不会来。 _they have the party today, _the class wont e.2.如果你成为职业足球运动员,你将永远不会上大学。If you _ a _soccer player, youll _ go to _. 3.如果你富有了,你将很难知道谁是你真正的朋友。If you are rich, youll have _ _ time _who your real friends are. 4.如果你一曲成名, 人们就会一直关注你, 并到处追随你If you _ _ _ a song , people will _ you _ _ _ and _5. 谢谢你送给我的邮票。 Thank you _ _ me the _.6.每喝一瓶农夫山泉,我们每人就为慈善事业捐出一分钱。_every bottle of NongFu Mineral Water we _, _of us _one fen for _.7.我越了解中国文化,就越喜欢住在中国。_ _I know Chinese culture, _ _I enjoy living in China.选择填空1.These are your books. Please _.A. take them away B. take it away C. take away them D. take away it2. If you _hard, you _a good grade. A. wont work, dont getB. dont work, wont get C. work, get D. will work, get3 .Do you know if _back next week? If he _back, please let me know.A. he es, will e B. will he e, es C. he will e, es D. will he e, will e4. If we _free next week, we _to the farm to visit you. A. will be, will go B. am, will go C. will be, go D. be, go5. Ill _help people if I am a lawyer. A. can B. be able to C. could D. able to6. Why are you against _the Lions? A. join B. to join C. joining D. joins7.He is interested in _ English songs.A. to collect B. collect C. collecting D. collected8.He has been listening to music for_. A. one and a half hour B. one half hour C. one and a half hours D. half one hour.中考链接:1. Im waiting for my friend. _ , Ill go shopping alone.(xx重庆)A. If she es B. If she will eC. If she doesnt e D. If she didnt e2. The more you read, _ you will get.(xx青岛) A. the less B. the most C. the more D. much more3. After Wenchun earthquake, _ people got together on Tiananmen Square, calling out “e on, China!” (xx衡阳) A. four thousand of B. thousands of C. several thousands4. We have been good friends _ we joined the same ping-pong team.(xx陕西)A. after B. for C.since D. until

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