2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Module 2 Friendship备课教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Module 2 Friendship备课教案 外研版 第一课时 听说课教案题目Module 2 FridenshipUnit 1 Can you tell me where youre from?教材分析本模块以友谊为话题, 通过听力、对话和阅读材料的学习介绍了宾语从句。友谊是同学们较为感兴趣的话题,也与他们自身经历相关。借助友谊展开话题讨论, 同时培养学生关爱他人的情感。学情分析学生在第一模块已学习和掌握简单句六种基本句型的基础上, 本模块就开始涉及宾语从句的三种形式, 对学生来说难度很大, 所以教师在设计有关话题和练习时要适当降低难度,循序渐进。但就本模块友谊这个话题来说,学生很感兴趣, 觉得它很贴近自己的生活。教师要预设一些生活化和学生感兴趣的话题,调动学生参与活动的积极性, 使得学生有话可说,乐于合作分享。这样就有利于他们更好的运用课本知识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。教学目标知识目标1) 能利用宾语从句讨论与友谊有关的话题。正确使用宾语从句的三种句式。2) 能够理解下列单词和词组:a couple of, junior high school3) 能够正确使用本模块中出现的四会词及短语。能力目标听:能听懂用宾语从句表述的意义。 说:能运用不同宾语从句来询问和表达友谊。情感目标1) 通过对友谊的交流,掌握如何与他人交朋友,理解自己生活中情感影响的重要性。2) 引导学生与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务,尽情享受学习的乐趣。教学重点与难点教学重点: 正确运用宾语从句描述友谊。 教学难点: 宾语从句的引导词、语序及时态。教具 Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)文化意识生活在科学技术和信息技术日益发展的社会中的人们可以通过书信和网络等方式进行交友,人们可以在交友的过程中学习和享受生活。了解中西方打电话文化的差异。教 学 过 程Warm-up教师活动Step1 : Lets sing the song “Where are you from?” 学生活动Fill in the blanks according to the song.eg. 1) Tony sings that hes from China ( 一共4句)目的既是为了活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣, 又是为了能很快进入主题Can you tell me where youre from?Pre-listening教师活动Step 2 Pair work1. Where are you from? 2.Where is your good friend from?学生活动S1: Where are you from? S1: Where is your good friend from?S2: I am from S2: My good friendis fromS1: S2 says that he / she is from S1: S2 says that 目的联系学生生活实际,体现用中学原则。用地图操练巩固目标句型-that引导的宾语从句。While-listening教师活动Step 3 ListeningPlay the recording and have them listen carefully.1. We know Sally is in China and now shes telephoning. Listen and answer who Sally wants to speak to and how many people you hear.2. Listen again and number the sentences you hear. Check answers in pairs, then the whole class. a. Is Chen Hua there?b. Is that Chen Huan speaking? c. Ill call back later. d. This is Sally Maxwell speaking. e. Whos calling, please? f. Hold the line , please. g. Sorry. He isnt here right now. h. Can I take a message? 3. Listen and repeat. Deliver the listening material to the Ss and ask them to read it aloud and then act it out in roles.学生活动 Listen carefully and answer the questions.目的在常规听力练习中进一步提高学生听的能力, 是一种听力输入活动。听完后将听力材料分发给学生让他们读并表演是因为本套教材在这个模块首次出现了用英语打电话,这个是重点,这样做学生能充分吸收语言,对电话内容和结构有个整体认识。教师活动Step 4 Lead in another listening. 1. Students listen and try to get what personal questions Chen Hua asked and then present the four sentences.Can you tell me where you are from? .Ive heard that you play in your school orchestra. (That means: whats Sallys school orchestra getting along with?).Can I ask you if you miss the UK, or your relations?.What does China feel like? (That means: What do you think of China?)2. Students read the dialogue carefully and work in groups to find out the answers to the personal questions, students guess the meaning of the new words and phrases. 1) What does Chen Huan say? He says that2) What does Sally say? She says that 学生活动Students read after the tape and help them overe some difficulties about prehension.目的听读两方面入手,由易到难,层层推进,重视对学生学习能力和技巧的培养Post-listening教师活动Step5 Language PointsLet the students to say something about the dialogue and get them to know some language Points. 学生活动 Talk about the useful information.目的让学生对本节课学习的知识加以整理, 帮助学生巩固本节课所学新知识。教师活动Step6 speakingWork in pairs. Imagine you could go anywhere in the world. Ask and say:学生活动Read the dialogue and find the sentences about their hobbies.Try to retell the dialogue. 目的通过朗读对话,寻找含有宾语从句的句子,读熟。再读对话,尝试复述对话。练习读说能力Practice教师活动Step7 Discussion1.Do you think whether Sally is happy or not in China? Why?2.Suppose you are in a strange place, no one knows who you are. What will you do to make you feel less lonely?学生活动Students answer.目的通过Q1讨论学生能更好的把握对话内容, Q2给学生设置了真实的情境,同时又为U2的学习做了铺垫。)Homework. Homework 1. Workbook Exx 4, 5. 2. Revise Unit 1.教学反思 第二课时 读写课教案教学目标知识目标1) 能利用宾语从句讨论与友谊有关的话题。正确使用宾语从句的三种句式。2) 能够正确使用本模块中出现的四会词及短语。能力目标读:能读懂阅读文章,理解语篇主题和细节。 写:能用宾语从句来写与友谊有关的短文。情感目标1) 通过对友谊的交流,掌握如何与他人交朋友,理解自己生活中情感影响的重要性。2) 引导学生与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务,尽情享受学习的乐趣。教学重难点正确运用宾语从句描述友谊教具 Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)教 学 过 程Warm-up教师活动Step1: Enjoy the song “Friends”.学生活动Listen to the tape目的让学生在歌声中感受语言,在轻松愉快的语言活动中输入语言。让他们在做中学,在玩中学, 在唱中学,在快乐中学习。Pre-reading教师活动Step 2: 1. What do you think of when you see this picture? (laugh, bright, friends, not lonely, happy)学生活动2. Discuss1) When was the last time you felt unhappy?2) Who did you tell when you were unhappy?3) What did you do to feel better?目的通过对这3个问题的分组讨论,使学生对所要了解的阅读材料的相关背景知识有一个感性认识,减少阅读障碍,为学生理解材料打下良好的基础。While-reading教师活动Step 3: Lead the students to read the text and answer the questions.1. Fast-reading: 1) Who was the writer?2) What changed the writers life?3) How was the writer at last?2Careful reading(Turn to page 13 Activity 5)学生活动1. Read the passage fast and answer the questions.2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.目的1.分步阅读使学生有充足的语言输入,从而有利于学生进行目标语言的输出。2.理清思路, 获取细节的信息, 培养学生的细读能力, 符合循序渐进原理。3.重点理解课文中的目标语句。Post-reading教师活动Step 4:1. Lead the students to read the passage and find the difficulties they dont know.2.Teach them the important language points.3.Lead them to read and try to retell or say something about the passage.学生活动1. Read and find the difficulties they dont know.2.Learn the important language points.3. Read and try to retell or say something about the passage.目的首先浏览全文,对全文有个大概印象,然后对全文进行精读,理解全文内涵。学生学习相关的阅读策略。教师活动Step 5:Free talk1.Who is your best friend?2.How did your friendship start?3. What did you do together to have fun?4.What could change things?学生活动Students talk目的适度自由的交际不仅可以为学生创造一个说英语的环境,激发学生说的愿望,还可以复习所学知识。为写做铺垫。Homework1.Write a passage about someone or something which changed your life. ( Including35 object clauses.)2.Listen and read after the tape for 15 minutes.(P12-2) 教学反思 第三课时 语法课教案教学目标知识目标1了解并掌握宾语从句的意义和用法。2掌握宾语从句的连接词,语序及时态问题。能力目标 理解并能正确运用宾语从句进行转述及交流。情感目标培养学生互相关爱的情感,增进同学友谊,与他人维持良好的关系。教学重难点 宾语从句中的语序及时态教具 导学案、粉笔、黑板。教 学 过 程Warm-up教师活动Step 1: Play a gameTeacher says something freely , then let the students say what the teacher says . e.g. “I am very happy to be your English teacher this school year.English is very important. So we must work hard ”Then let some students say or ask something and the other students try to say what he or she says. 学生活动1. Listen to the teacher carefully and tell the other students what the teacher says by using “The teacher says ”2. Listen to the students carefully and try to tell the whole class what he or she says. 通过小游戏,活跃气氛,为下文导出要学宾语从句做铺垫。Lead in 教师活动Step 2: Talk about the sentences Repeat a few sentences above and let the students talk what kind of sentences they are: 1. I am very happy to be your English teacher this school year. 2. The teacher says she is very happy to be our English teacher this school year.3. English is very important. 4. The teacher says English is very important. 学生活动Talk about the sentences in groups and say what kind of sentences they are.目的呈现例句,让同学们通过讨论,简单了解宾语从句。Specific structureteaching教师活动Step 3: The teacher asks the students to talk about the sentences in Part1 in their paper, help the students have a summary. Then explain the object clauses deeply.1.宾语从句:在复合句中作宾语的名词性从句,通常放在主句谓语动词(及物动词)或介词之后。带有宾语从句的复合句就是用连接词把一个主句和一个宾语从句连接在一起。2. 宾语从句的连接词可分为以下几类:1) that引导的宾语从句,that在句中只起连接作用,无具体意义,不作句子的任何成分,一般可以省略。2) Whether/if引导的宾语从句,作“是否”讲,在句中起连接作用,不作任何成分。3) 特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句(when where why how what who which whose whom) 连接代词what which who whom不仅起连接作用,还在句子中作主语,宾语或表语。连接副词when where why how分别在句子中作时间,地点,原因和方式状语。连接词whose which在句中作定语。3.宾语从句的时态1)在宾语从句中,若主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句可根据需要用任何时态. 2)在宾语从句中,若主语的谓语动词是过去时态,则从句必须用和过去相关的时态。4.宾语从句的语序应该用陈述句的语序,即“主语+谓语+宾语”的顺序排列。将疑问句转化为宾语从句时,一定要将疑问语序需转变为陈述语序。学生活动1. Look , think, and talk about the sentences, ask the teacher for help, listen to the teacher carefully, remember and understand the object clauses.目的呈现句型,让同学们观察、思考、讨论、询问,认真听,仔细记,深入理解宾语从句。Consolidationpractice教师活动Step 4:1. The teacher shows them some basic exercises.2. The teacher shows them some consolidation exercises.3. Use what we have learned to make a dialogue .学生活动Finish the exercises that the teacher gives.目的通过基础训练、巩固训练和应用训练,以练习和巩固宾语从句在语言应用过程和写作过程中不要出现连接词、语序和时态的错误。Homework1 Remember what we have learned this class.2 Finish the exercises on the workbook.教学反思第四课时 复习课达标课教学目标知识目标1. New words2. Phrases and drills3. Grammar4. Useful expressions 5. listening methods, reading methods and writing methods能力目标Use the new words, phrases, drills, listening methods, reading methods and writing methods to do exercises and talk in the daily life.情感目标From the learning, the students can learn how to get on well with each other.教学重难点1.New words2. Phrases and drills3. Grammar4.Useful expressions 5.listening methods, reading methods and writing methods教具导学案、笔记、粉笔、黑板等教 学 过 程Warm-up教师活动Step 1: Let the students read the words together before the class学生活动 Read the words together loudly.目的课前读词,营造良好的学习气氛。Remember the notes教师活动Step 2: Let the students take out their notes , read and memorize them by themselves.学生活动Take out their notes , read and memorize them by themselves.目的复习笔记限时记忆。Basic practice教师活动Step 3: Show the students basic exercises and let them finish the exercises by themselves.学生活动Finish the exercises by themselves.目的 效果检测,专项训练,对笔记等基础知识进行考察。Ask and answer教师活动Step 4: After the basic exercises, the students can ask the teacher some questions that they dont know. And the teacher explains them for the students. And teaches them some of the important language points.学生活动After the basic exercises, the students can ask the teacher some questions that they dont know.目的专项训练后,进行疑难解答。 TestHave a test or exam.Homework Remember what we have learned this class and the difficulties that the teacher explained.教学反思 学生使用材料一(听说课)1.Have a free talk. 1.Where are you from? 2.Where is your good friend from?_2Listening 一听Play the recording and have them listen carefully.Show the questions, ask the students to finish it after listening.a. Is Chen Hua there?b. Is that Chen Huan speaking? c. Ill call back later. d. This is Sally Maxwell speaking. e. Whos calling, please? f. Hold the line , please. g. Sorry. He isnt here right now. h. Can I take a message? 二听.Can you tell me where you are from? .Ive heard that you play in your school orchestra. (That means: whats Sallys school orchestra getting along with?).Can I ask you if you miss the UK, or your relations?.What does China feel like? (That means: What do you think of China?)3学习语言点: Language Points1) OK, here goes- Sally.Here goes=Lets begin.“开始吧!”Wele to the Talk Show. Now _ _欢迎来到访谈节目。下面开始吧。2) I asked your secretary whether she could e or not. whether or not = if “是否” 我记不清以前是否见过他。 I cant remember _ I have seen him _ _. I cant remember _ I have seen him before. 3)I know that foreigners find China very different from their own coutries.find sb./sth.+ adj.She found the math problems_ (difficulty) to work out.We _ the old man _.我们发现那位老人脾气很怪。They _ the flowers _ _ the others. 他们发现这些花与众不同。4)By the way, why dont you bring all your friends for a visit to Radio Beijing? bring sb/sth to sw/sb. “带某人/来某地/给某人” take sb/sth to sw /sb.“带某人/去某地/给某人” You must _ your homework here tomorrow, dont forget it again. 明天一定要把作业带来,不要再忘了。 Please _ the present _ Tom, and say Happy Birthday to him. 请把这份儿礼物带给汤姆,并祝他生日快乐。 5)Maybe sometime next week?sometime adv. 改天,来日,某时 I hope to see you again _ next year. 我希望明年某一时候再见到你。 some time 相当一段时间It took me _ to digest what I had heard. 我花了一些时间才把听到的东西弄明白。 sometimes ad. 有时 _ I go there by car. 有时我坐汽车去. some times 几次 We have been to the Great Wall _.我们已经去过长城几次了。Exercises:1)The patient _cried for the pain. 有时这个病人疼得哭起来。2)I saw him _ last summer. 去年夏天的某个时候我曾经见过他.3)They will stay with us for _.他们将和我们一起呆一段时间。4. 听后说:(1)朗读课文, 写出下列重点词组。个人问题_ 欢迎来中国_ 来自于_ 事实上_ 学汉语_ 在学校乐队_最后一场公众音乐会_ 几个月以后_ 你的亲人_ 挚友_ 与不同_ 交朋友_祝好运_节目的一部分 _ 顺便问一下_带某人来某地_ 一个令人兴奋的地方 _下周_ (2) 找出所有宾语从句的句子_5.形成性检测根据汉语提示填空。1. I asked my teacher _(是否)we would have a party or not.2.Do you mind my asking you some _(个人的)questions,Mr Black?3.Im not lonely because I have some _(亲密的)friends here.4.Chinese people often visit their _(亲戚)and friends during Spring Festival.5.Would you like to go to a _(公众的)concert with me tomorrow?6作业:1. Finish Activity 4 on page 85.2. 发挥想象,连词成文(50-100字)。flight, perfect, sothat, empty. 学生使用材料二(读写课)1Free talk1) When was the last time you felt unhappy?2) Who did you tell when you were unhappy?3) What did you do to feel better?2读中读:1. Fast-reading: 1) Who was the writer?2) What changed the writers life?3) How was the writer at last?2. Careful-reading: (Turn to page 13 Activity 5)3学习语言点: 1 .How can you make other people feel happy? 你怎样使其他人感到开心?make sb do sth 使某人做某事feel是连系动词其后跟形容词Eg:感到不开心 觉得好些 2 .a boy gave (give 的过去式)me an important gift 一位男孩给我一个重要礼物give sb sth =give 把某物给某人回忆与此相同的用法的词: 3. far away 远离 远离某地far away 4. I was very lonely and afraid to make friends with anyone. lonely 主观上觉得孤独 alone 客观上孤独 eg: He lives but he never feels .他独自居住但是他从不觉得独单。be afraid sth 害怕去做某事be afraid sth害怕某物 be afraid of sth害怕做某事5. Every time I heard (hear的过去式)the other students talking and laughing.hear sb sth 听见某人正在做某事hear sb sth听见某人做了某事6. I didnt want my parents to worry about me.我不想要我的父母担心我。 担心/担忧want sb sth想要某人做某事7. He couldnt remember smiling at me.他并不记得对我笑过。remember sth 记得曾经做过某事remember sth 记得去做某事 对某人微笑4写作训练Writing :Write a passage about someone or something which changed your life. ( Including35 object clauses.)_5作业: 1. Remember what we have learnt this class. 2.Listen and read after the tape for 15 minutes.(P12-2) 学生使用材料三(语法课)1. 观察、对比、总结句子结构:仔细对比下列简单句与宾语从句,小组讨论。1. I know this story.2. She bought a book yesterday.3. Betty decides to attend the meeting.4. I believe that well bee good friends.5. He asks whether/if we will go fishing on Sunday.6. I cant understand why they like puter games so much.读句型,体会句型表达的意义,小组内讨论出宾语从句表达的特点:_.这类句型经常带有连接词:_ 2.宾语从句的专项训练:a.选择合适的连接词1) Students knew _ they should work hard.2) I think _this is a good book. 3) He doesnt know _his grandpa likes the present.4) The teacher wanted to know _he came to school late.5) She told me _they were doing.6) Can you tell me _he wants?b.宾语从句的时态根据汉语提示,完成句子。1)He says _ (我爸爸三天后回来).2)Our teacher asks _ (昨天谁打碎了玻璃). 3)Please tell me _ (他们正在谈论什么). 4) She said _(她周末要和朋友一起去看电影) 5)He asked _(是否我能参加他的生日聚会) c. 宾语从句的语序 根据自己的理解,判断正误,并把错误的改正过来。 1)She asks me whats my name. ( ) _ 2) Can you tell me where are you from? ( ) _ 3) Do you know when will she e back? ( ) _4) He doesnt know if his mother likes the gift. ( ) _ 3.综合训练:a.单项选择 1) I wonder _.A. how much cost these shoes B. how much these shoes costC. how much do these shoes cost D. how much are these shoes cost2) At the museum, the boys and the girls get to know _. A. what is the spaceship like B. what the spaceship looks like C. how the spaceship looks like D. how does the spaceship look like3) Ill give a talk tomorrow. Im thinking about _. A. what do I say B. what I said C. what I can say D. how can I say4) “Do you know _ she came here? ” “Yes, I do. She came by plane.” A. where B. why C. how D. what5) He didnt tell me _ he got the job. A. what B. that if C. how D. which(独立做,小组核对答案后,读句子)b. 将下面的二个简单句合为复合句。(注意时态和语序) 1)Can you swim? Please tell me. Please tell me _ 2) How can we do the work well? I always think of. I always think of _ 3) When do you go to bed? He asked me.He asked me _ 4) Where did you meet Mr. Green? I wanted to know.I wanted to know _ 5) What are they drawing? Do you know?I wanted to know _ 6) Have you heard of anything about Mei? The man asked us.The man asked us _ (独立做,小组核对答案后,读句子)4. 巩固训练:(见课本workbook)5作业:1Remember what we have learned this class.2Finish the exercises on the workbook. 学生使用材料四(复习课)1.检测效果,专项训练:翻译词组和单词1.(不挂断电话)等一下_ 2.现在_ 3.捎口信_ 4是否_5.事实上_ 6.几个,两个_ 7.觉得_ 8.顺便说_ 9.害怕做_ 10. 和交朋友_ 11.担心_ 12.像往常一样,照常_13. 个人的 _ 14. 触摸,碰_ 15. .认为,相信_ 16.礼物,赠品_


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