2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 1 That smells delicious教案1 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 1 That smells delicious教案1 外研版Step1. warming upT: Im your new teacher. Do you like playing games? Lets play a game. “ Touch your nose. Open your mouth. Close your eyes. Touch your ears.”Step2. Presentation.T: What do you use to see / listen / taste / smell / feel?S: I use to see . (eyes) I use to listen. (ears) I use to taste. (mouth) I use to smell. (nose) I use to feel. (my body)T: This night, I will have a party with my friends. My boy friend will e. Can you guess what he looks like?S: He looks tall / handsome / fat / T: I repare many delicious food. What does the orange taste? S: It tastes sour / sweetT: What does the fish soup taste?S: It tastes salty. T: What do the chocolate cookies taste?S: They taste sweet.T: What does the hamburger smell.S: It smells fresh / delicious / strong.T: How does the music sound?S: It sound exiting.T: How does the skirt feel / look ?S: It feels / looks.Step3. Pairwork.A : How does /do look / sound / smell / feel / taste?B : It/Theysour, salty, sweet, fresh, quiet, strong, tight, deliciousStep4. Guessing GameT: I prepare the other things in my bag. Can you guess what they are?(apple, pear, banana, CD, sweat) How does it look / sound / smell / feel / taste?Step5. Groupwork.Describe your own(自已的) things. Let others guess. Make sentences as many as possible.Step6. Listening1. Listen and number.2. Listen and match.Step7. Reading.Read and answer the questions.1.What smells delicious? The pizza.2. What doesnt smell fresh? The cheese.3. What tastes sweet? The chocolate cookies.4. Who looks pretty? Sally.5. Who sounds nice? Sally.6. What feels soft and fortable? Linglings sweater.7. Who looks smart? Lingling and Betty.Step8. Make a dialogue . Were going to have a party for foreign teacher. Youre preparing (准备) something.A : Mmm that smells delicious! What are you making?B : Ive made a pizza. Have some.A : OK. But it tastes salty.C : Ive made some cookies. Have a try. A : Oh. They taste good. C,Youre wearing a lovely sweater. How does it feel?C: It feels soft and fortable.B: What does the foreign teacher look like?C: She looks pretty. A: Really? Im looking forward to seeing her.Homework:Make sentences with “smell, feel ,sound, taste, look”.Blackboard writing: smell (s) sour look (s) saltytaste (s) sweetIt feel (s) freshThey sound (s) quietstrongtightdelicious教学反思: 本课的学习的重点为感官动词的用法, 本节课的活动始终围绕着“smell, feel ,sound, taste, look” 这几个感官动词展开, 重点明确, 思路清晰. 并且本课以我为Party所做的准备为主线, 使本课衔接自然, 由浅入深. 这节课还出现了两个亮点,即热身部分, 既与本课的感官动词有关,又使学生主动参与到活动中, 既有趣味性, 又有灵活性. 但是如果此游戏让学生走上讲台, 在全班同学面前做,效果会更好. 还有一个亮点是我用自带的实物让学生 “看, 摸, 尝, 闻, 听”, 通过学生自已的感受, 自然地说出带有感官动词的句子. 但是本节课上的还不够紧凑, 导致最后的对话展示部分时间不够, 学生还没有尽情的表现出来.

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