2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 4 Wild Animals Period nine.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 4 Wild Animals Period nineTeaching Aims: To produce a report using information obtained from research.Teaching Procedures:.Talk to the students about school reports. Every student can get a school report at the end of the term. Usually there are not only school marks in it but also some words about the students behavior during the term written by the class teacher. The teacher can express his/her opinions through the choice of factual information rather than expressions of personal feelings. Its the same as the report on animals. Heres an example.Ask students to read the report on Page 67 and then plete Simons report on Page 68.Words and phrases.1. mice n. (mouse 的复数形式)老鼠2sharp a. 尖的,锋利的 一把锋利的刀 sharp teeth 3.upright adv. 挺直地,竖立地,垂直地 walk upright 直立行走 stand upright 挺立站直 adj. “直立的,挺直的” an upright tree 一棵挺拔的树 an upright old man 一位硬朗的老人4 Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time drinking their mums milk for up to fourteen hours a day! 小熊猫花费很多时间喝它们母亲的奶,甚至达到一天14小时! spend 是动词,意为“花费;度过”等。 spend on/doing sth 在(做)上花(1) 他每天花半小时读英语。 (2) 你应该在学习上花更多的时间。 (3) 你买这只钢笔花了多少钱? 复习其他几个表示花费的词的用法: take ,pay , buy , cost (1) The book me 50 yuan. (2) He xx dollars for the TV yesterday. (3) It us three days to finish the work. (4) I the table for 300 yuan. (5) You too much time listening to music. up to 直到复习: live up to 活到 The old man lived up to 95. 这个老人活到95岁.5. When the babies are born, they look like little white mice.当小熊猫出生时,它们看上去就像小白鼠. be born 出生你什么时候出生? 我出生在1982年。 look like 看上去像月亮有时看上去像小船。 little 小的 这个小男孩5岁了。 极少,几乎没有 There is little milk in the fridge, ? a little 一些 I have milk in the bottle. They have friends here. You have time for reading, dont you? 6. keep doing 继续做 , 强调状态的继续,常与表示延续性的动词或静止状态的动词连用. 如: sit , steep, think, ring 等.The telephone kept ringing until I answered. 电话机一直响着,直到我去接才停.He kept sitting there for a long time. 他坐在那儿很长时间了. 复习: keep a diary keep quiet keep the room clean keep life away from danger keep your hair away from fire 7. number 数目,数量 their number 他们的数量 the number of 的数量, 后跟复数名词,谓语动词用单数. e.g The number of the students in our class is 50. a number of 许多的,大量的,相当于many, 后跟复数名词, 谓语动词用复数. A number of visitors go into the museum every day.练习 the books is 500. books are still there, please take them away.复习: 你的电话号码是多少? 8. at a time 一次,每次 You can borrow two books from the library at a time. You neednt finish the work at a time. time : 时间 What s the time now? 次数 Take the medicine three times a day. 复习 have a good time 玩得高兴 at the same time 同时 all the time 总是,一直,老是 Its time for 该是时候了. March is the best time to plant trees. 三月是植树的最佳时间. Homework.教后感:

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