七年级英语上册 Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 2 She often goes to concerts教案 (新版)外研版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 2 She often goes to concerts教案 (新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 2 She often goes to concerts教案 (新版)外研版.doc_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 2 She often goes to concerts教案 (新版)外研版.doc_第3页
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Module8 Choosing presents. Unit2 She often goes to concerts一.教材分析:本模块的Unit 2 是 (新标准)系列教材中Module 8的第二个单元,根据新标准的要求, 第二单元是以培养学生的读写能力为主,包括词汇,语法的学习活动。通过unit 1中谈论“Tony的生日过程”的听说活动,过渡到本单元“如何为他人选择礼物”的读写活动,通过逐步递进,由易到难的教学以及活动,培养学生基础语言能力,阅读能力和语言听说能力的训练 , 最终实现听说读写的综合学习, 实现本模块的任务教学。二.教学目标: 能掌握本单元的单词:concert, magazine,choose ,expensive。能读懂有关生日的短文,并且识别别人的爱好。能用一般现在时介绍他人的爱好,能描述家人或朋友的喜好特点并为其挑选生日礼物。三.教学重难点: 能理解有关生日的短文。 能用一般现在时介绍他人的爱好。四、教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课的教学模式。本课指导学生通过阅读获取信息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:图片、录音机、课堂练习题、奖品。五、教学过程:教学阶段教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1. Revision and warming-up1.Greeting with the students and check the homework.2.Then tell them another secret :“ I usually have a birthday party and receive lots of presents on my birthday. Do you want to know which presents I get this year? let see them together, OK?” Show some pictures in Activity1 and teach the new words and phrases .1.Ask some students to act a dialogue about birthday last class.2.Ss will look at the pictures and learn them by reading after the teacher in English two times.And in Chinese once.Revision about knowledge last lesson and get ready for this class.By looking at the pictures and learning some new words and phrases, the students can get key information and prepare them for answering the next questions.Step2. Lead-inHave free talk Ask Ss to answer two questions.1) What present will you choose for your birthday ?2) What will you choose for your family and friends?Ss will answer the two questions according to the phrases and other Presents they have learnt.By asking questions,we can attract students attention and prepare them for Learning our passage.Step3. Reading1.Pre-readingAsk Ss to watch the video and answer two questions1). What does the passage mainly talk about?2).How many people are mentioned in the passage?Ss will watch the video and answer two questions according to it.By answering the question, the students can get a general idea of the passage.2.While-reading 1).Fast-readingAsk the students to read the passage quickly to match the people with what they like doing.Damings grandparents going to concerts Damings mother going shopping Bettys cousin staying healthy Tonys sister watching filmsLinglings aunt and uncle watching football matches2).Careful-readingRead the passage carefully and finish the following tasks Task1. Read para 1 loudly and choose the correct answer.(1)Guess the meaning of the underlined wordThey get some exercise in a park near their home.A:练习 B:锻炼,运动(2)Choose the best birthday presents for Damings grandparents.A:some books B:new T-shirtsTask2. Read paragraph 2 quietly , do T or F questions (1)Damings mother often buys some chocolate and clothes.(2)Damings mother has got 20 silk scarves and 11dresses.Task3. Read paragraphs 3 and 4 in pairs, and answer two questions(1)Where do you choose birthday presents for Damings cousin?(2)Translate this sentence into ChineseShe buys CDs of her favourite songs.Task4. Read paragraph 5 in groups, fill in the blanks.Linglings aunt and uncle _ watch football on television, so they _ go to football matches at weekends._ they watch Manchester United,but they like watching AC Milan.1).Ss will read the passage quickly and finish the task according to the key information about people and their hobbies. 2).Ss will read para 1 loudlyand choose the correct answer.Task1. (1) Ss will guess the meaning of the underlined word according to the whole sentence and place.(2)Ss will Choose the best birthday presents for Damings grandparents according to theLast sentence .Task2. .Ss will read paragraph 2 quietly and do T or F questions according to the key sentence. They Should read this paragraph carefully.Task3. Ss will read paragraphs 3 and 4 in pairs, and answer two questions.(1) Ss will answer it according to Damings cousins hobbies.(2) Ss will translate it correctly according to the key phrases.Task4. Ss will read paragraph 5 in groups, fill in the blanks according toThe adverbs of frequency.By reading the passage quickly ,we can improve the students ability of getting information from the passage.By guessing the meaning of the underlined word,students can find the key information and understand the passage more correctly.By choosing the correct answer, Students can find out the reason of the questions.By doing T or F questions Students can get the right information and improve their the leves of understanding.By answering two question, Students can make new sentences according the answers .By filling in the blanks, Students can make use of the grammar.3. Post-readingRetelling:Read the passage again and plete the passage in Activty3.Damings mother _a lot of _on clothes. She buys _scarves, dresses and _shoes. Tonys sister likes music and she often goes to_. Lingling s aunt and uncle likes watching football _, but never goes to football_. Which birthday presents do you _for them? Ss will finish this task by reading the text again and find out the key words according to the passage. At last,check the answers.The purpose is to consolidate the knowledge.Step4. Follow-up1.Summary Tonys birthday is ing, Ask the students to fill in the blanks according to this unit.Its Tonys birthday soon. His father often gives him a concert(1)t_ as his birthday present. His mother often(2)m_ a birthday cake for his birthday, but she never(3) b_ him jeans or trainers. His uncle sometimes(4)s_ him an email, but he never gives a(5)m_ to him. His aunt buys CDs for him, but she doesnt(6)s_ lots of money.On his birthday, his classmates often(7) s_ birthday songs and gives him presents, but they never go to a football(8)m_ They enjoy(9)t_ He usually(10) c_ birthday cakes and eats noodles.So he always loves his birthday parties!2. Writing 1).Look at the sentences and underline apostrophes()(1) Damings grandparents sometimes wear T-shirts.(2) Bettys cousin likes to go the cinema.(3) Tonys sister often buys CDs of her favourite songs.(4) Linglings aunt and uncle dont go to football matches.They watch TV.(5) Damings mother doesnt buy chocolate.2).Ask the students to write a passage about choosing birthday presents according to the summary or Activity1. (1)DiscussionShow some examples and ask the students to use some key words and phrases to make some sentencesin different groups. A:What do you like? What present do you want to get? What about your family and friends? B: I like I want to get .on my birthday.C: My mother likes I usually buy her .D: My friend Linda likes. I usually buy her. (2)Writing and showAsk the students to write the sentencesAnd read them in front of the class.1.Ss will finish this task by the followingsteps.Read the text first, and work in pairs.fillIn the blanks according to the key words and grammar.At last,check theAnswers.2.1). Ss will underline apostrophes() inEach sentence and check the answer, then summary the usageof the apostrophes()2) (1)Ss will have a discussionBy different groups according toThe examples and key words theyHave learnt in this unit.(2)Ss will write the passageAccording to the discussion and readit in front of the class.The purpose is to make use of the key information and help them impove reading and writing abilities.Step5.HomeworkLets Ss finish the passage about choosing birthday presents.Check and revise the studentslevel.六、板书设计:Module 8 Unit 2 She often goes to concerts Key words: Sentencesconcert She likes going shopping.magazine She always buys expensive clothes.choose She never watches sport.expensive They usually watch football on television at weekend.教学反思:一、教学设计要体现新课程的目标,关注学生学习能力的培养。教师在教学过程中处理好知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观之间的关系。不是教书本,而是以书本教,以学生现有的知识经验导入,学生兴趣浓,由学习课本的语言知识输入到延伸过程中的语言知识输出,通过教师引导使学生运用语言知识,学会交际,学会做事情。整个教学过程中,要以学生为主体,注重在教学过程中加强对学生学习方法的培养,学习策略的渗透,情感的培养,真正朝着“学生发展”方向努力。重视情感态度与价值观的培养。教学过程中培养学生的团队合作精神,积极调动不同层次学生积极学习,自主学习,积极评价,激发持续的学习热情,不断使学生体验成功,提高学生的自我价值,也要注意个性的培养。二、教学内容处理手法应多样,重在培养学生语用能力。以教材为基本,但又不拘泥于课本,利用多媒体创设情境,促使学生感悟和体验教学内容与生活的内在联系。培养学生语言技能和语言运用能力,听、说、读、写的训练巧妙地穿插其中,努力体现教师的教学智慧。三、要关注学生的发展与教师的活动,体现教学相长。本课内容适中,难易程度相当,学生在课堂上与教师能够很好地互动,会学得很容易,一堂课的气氛也会活跃很多。因此成功创设情境,在具有一定意义的语言场景中,饱含情感地学习语言,让学生主动参与到活动中来,是教师工作的重点。教师要真正把学生当作主体,在形式多样的活动中,把自主探究与合作学习融为一体。教师的安排要努力让学生在活动中情绪饱满,参与度高,探究欲望强烈。为了达到这样的效果,教师要对教材进行合理的分析和利用,要充分了解学情,做好教学设计,合理安排教学环节。教师和学生的完美配合能充分体现教学相长。

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