2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 2 Colour》Pronunciation教学案(无答案) 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 2 ColourPronunciation教学案(无答案) 牛津版总 课 题 9A Unit2 Colour总课时10第 8 课时课 题 Pronunciation课 型新授教学目标知识目标1.To understand the difference between the voiced and voiceless “th” sounds.2.To distinguish the voiced and the voiceless “th” sounds.能力目标To pronounce the two “th” sounds correctly.情感目标 To know the importance of correct expressing教学难点To understand the difference between the voiced and voiceless “th” sounds.教 (学) 过 程教 (学) 活 动自主个案预习导学动词填空1. He got the first place last time and _(be) very happy.2. Id rather _(have) a rest than _(play) outside.3. Do you prefer _(travel) to other cities to _(stay) at home this ing holiday?4. What do you prefer, _(see) the beautiful view or _(play) games?5. My father _(give) up _(smoke) already.教学过程Step1. Revision1. Tell a student to give a daily report. 2. Revise something learned in the last period.Step2. Lead and presentation1). Show some letters on the board. Ask them to read and tell them that there are two ways to pronounce the “th”.2) Read through the three steps to pronounce the voice /sound. Ask the whole class to pronounce the voiceless sound together. Remind them to put their hands on their throats to make sure they do not feel any vibration.Step3 Sum up 辅音字符 th 有 清与浊 两种读音: 1 当位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音第一类:在以下 4种 词类 th 读 清音,即国际音标的/第二类:在以下 两种 词类 th 读 浊音:但是,也有读清音的。如在单词 method, nothing,Homework课内研讨单词拼写1. I have some _ (困难) working out the maths problem.2. - Has he _ (认识到) his mistake? - Not yet.3. Bravery can bring you _ (成功).4. When Jimmy was in the _ (大学), he always worked hard.训练巩固选择题( ) 1. Some students like _ their favorite stars by wearing long hair and strange clothes. But this _ the school rules. A. follow; break B. to follow; break C. following; break D. to follow; breaks( ) 2. - Guess, how much does it cost? - I think it costs _ 15 and 20 dollars. A. from B. between C. among D. with( ) 3. Which word has the different pronunciation for “th”? A. within B. there C. length D. mother( ) 4. _ of them knew about the accident because it has been already reported on TV. A. Each B. Everyone C. Every one D. Everybody( ) 5. I wanted to buy a story book but there were _ left in the bookstore. A. anyone B. no one C. none D. nothing拓展延伸翻译句子1. 我们允诺你们成功,否则费用全部退还。We _ you _, or you will _ your money _.2. 深色皮肤的人适宜穿红色。 People _ _ _ look good _ _.3. 你能给我些建议嘛?我不知道该穿什么?_ you give me _ _ ? I dont know _ _ _.4. 牛仔裤舒服并且蓝色能使你感到平静。Jeans are _ and they can make you _ _.教(学)后记(我的问题,体悟,收获)

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