2019-2020年九年级英语上册 unit 1 Reading I 特色教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 unit 1 Reading I 特色教案 牛津版一、年级:九年级二、教学内容: 9A Unit 1 Star signs三、课型:Reading (I)四、教学目标1.知识目标 正确理解本课相关词汇和句子。2.能力目标 通过阅读,获取描述不同星座的人的性格的相关信息。3.情感目标 通过了解不同星座的人的不同性格特点,学会与人相处。五、教学重难点1.理解描述人物性格的相关词汇。2.通过阅读,了解不同星座人物的性格特征。教学步骤I. Pre-reading1. Lead in new words (adjectives)T: Hi, everyone, nice to meet you. And I have brought some of my best friends here. Would you like to meet them?大家好,今天我带来了几个好朋友,你们想见见他们吗?T: Look, who is the first one?T: Garfield. T: What do you think of him?T: Is he friendly? T: No, he is unfriendly. T: Is he patient? T: No. He is impatient. T: Now, please read after me, patient, patient, impatient, impatient.T: Now lets play a game called “Brain-storm” 现在我们来玩个游戏,叫做头脑风暴。T: I will show you the other friends.Would you like to meet them?Then please tell me your opinions for them. 我将介绍我的几个朋友给你们。请告诉我你们对他们的看法。T: Now lets see who the first one is. Oh, a cow. What do you think of him? T: Yes. He has a lot of energy. He is energetic. T: What about this rabbit. Is he clever? T: No. She is silly. T: Look. Who is this man?T:葛优. Do you like him?T: Yes. Why?T: Because he is funny. He is humorous. T: And here es the last one. A boy. hat is he doing?T: He is raising his right hand to answer the teachers questions. 他正在举手回答老师的问题So what do you think of him? T: He is active. T: Now please read after me. Energetic, energetic, silly, silly, humorous, humorous, active, activeT: There are other words for characteristics. Lets meet them. Now please read after me. modest 谦虚的 stubborn 固执的 fair 公平的 outgoing 外向的 wise明智的 confident 有自信的curious 好奇的 creative 有创造力的 elegant 文雅的 practical 心灵手巧的easy-going 平易近人的imaginative 有想象力的2. Lead in names of the 12 star signsT: Look, who is ing? T: Eddie. What do you think of Eddie?T: He is lazy and silly. T: Who else is lazy and silly?T: Garfield. T: So Eddie and Garfield are both silly and lazy. T: We say they share similar characteristics. T: Do you know why?T: Maybe because they were born under the same star sign.T: What star sign are they?T: They are Cancer. T: Now please read after me, Cancer, CancerT: Do you know other star signs?T: Now lets meet them. T: Aries, AriesT: Taurus, TaurusT: Gemini, GeminiT: Cancer, CancerT: Leo, LeoT: Virgo, VirgoT: Libra, LibraT: Scorpio, ScorpioT: Sagittarius, SagittariusT: Capricorn, Capricorn T: Aquarius, AquariusT: Pisces, PiscesT: Now, please read these star signs after me. T: Aries 白羊座 Taurus 金牛座 Gemini 双子座 Cancer 巨蟹座Leo 狮子座 Virgo 处女座Libra 天秤座Scorpio 天蝎座Sagittarius 射手座 Capricorn 摩羯座Aquarius 水瓶座 Pisces 双鱼座 II. While-reading 1. First readingT: Please open your books to page 8 and 9, read the article and find the answers to these questions. 请同学们把书翻到第八和第九页,阅读课文,找到以下问题的答案。T: Number One, was Garfield born between 21st Apr and 21st May?T: No. T: Number Two, what characteristics does Aquarius have?T: He is kind, wise and strange.2. Second reading T: Now lets read with the tape. Then please find the suitable words to fill the blanks. 请同学们合着朗读带跟读课文。读完后请找出适当单词或词组完成下列表格。T: Now lets check the answers. 现在我们来核对答案。 Aries, energetic and active What about Taurus? Stubborn, hard-working and patient.T: Libra, polite, fair, elegantT: Scorpio, powerful, sillyT: Sagittarius, humorous, luckyT: Capricorn, patient T: The last one, Aquarius, kind, wise, strangeT: Pisces, generous, kind, gentle, easy-going, creative, imaginativeIII. Post-reading1. C1, Page 10T: You have learned so much of star signs. Please open your books to page 10, lets finish C1. 请同学们把书翻到第十页,完成C1部分。T: Now, lets check the answers. 现在我们来核对答案。T: The first one?T: False. Kitty is not kind and wise but energetic and active. T: The second one?T: It is false. T: Suzy is not energetic and active but is stubborn, hard-working and patient. T: Number three. T: It is true. T: Number four. T: It is false. Sandy is not careless but practical. T: Number five. T: It is true. T: Number six. T: It is false. Amy is not a patient but is powerful. 2. C2, Page 11T: Now open your books to Page 11, lets finish part C2. 现在我们把书翻到11页,完成C2部分。T: The answers are : impatient, energetic, activeT: creative, imaginative, easy-goingT: humorous, traveling T: take care of, saving moneyT: hard-working, gives up, stubbornT: successful, patient3. A guessing GameT: Now lets play a game called “guessing game” 现在我们来玩个游戏,叫做猜猜看T: Try to guess which star sign your friend was born under. You can only ask three Yes/No questions. 试着猜出你的朋友是什么星座的,你只能问三个一般疑问句。T: For example, 下面我们来看一个例子Are you selfish? Are you creative? Are you imaginative?So Are you a Pieces?IV. Homework1 Copy the new words. 2 Use 5 adjectives(形容词) to describe your characteristics and write them down. 说明 本课时是9A第一单元阅读课的第一课时,展开星座话题的讨论,学生可以从中学会描述某人性格的常用单词、词组和句型。为完成本单元中心任务“写一篇描述某人性格和能力的文章”打好基础。 本课时的教学重点在于理解描述人物性格的单词、词组和句型。不是记忆星座名称及其相对应的时间。所以课文的引入和阅读过程中任务的设置都与性格描述有关。由于描述性格的词汇较多,教师在教学过程中可以适当选择重点词汇,用图片等方式引入,其余单词、词组可以直接带读,告知中文意思即可。 同时,在教学过程中,可根据本课的阅读内容适当介绍一些阅读技巧。


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