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2019-2020年八年级英语下册口头表达专练Unit8HaveyoureadTreasureIslandyetSectionA试题新版人教新目标版你决定英语课上写哪本书呢?小妇人。我已经看完了。哇,你真快!这本书讲的是什么呀? 讲的是关于四姐妹成长的故事。真的很棒,所以我对它爱不释手。你选了哪本书? 我选了金银岛,但我还没有看完。我只看到第25页。 那你至少看了书的背面,了解这本书的大意了吧? 是,了解了。好像挺有意思。 你该赶快了。读书报告的上交期限只有两周了。 是啊,我知道。我会很快看完。 当我最初来到这个岛上的时候,我什么都没有。尽管我一无所有了,但至少我还活着。 所以我不会放弃,我要好好生活。我几乎每天带着枪出去,打一些动物和鸟儿为食。 我甚至在学习种植水果和蔬菜了。几周前,我在沙滩上发现了另一个人的足迹。 还有谁在我的岛上?他们来了多久了?在那以后不久,我看到一些野人想要杀害一条破船上的两个人。 一个死了,但另一个朝着我的木屋跑过来。我帮他杀了那些野人,这个人现在住在我这里给我帮忙。 我叫他星期五,因为你是我遇到他的日子。他很聪明,我已经教了他一些英语。 你读过小妇人吗?读过。/还没有。蒂娜读过金银岛吗?读过。他觉得挺迷人的。 你已经决定写哪本书了吗?对,我已经看完了。写得真好。 Have you decided yet which book to write about for English class? Yes, Little Women. Ive already finished reading it! Wow, youre fast! Whats it about? Its about four sisters growing up. It was really good, so I couldnt put it down. Which book did you choose? I chose Treasure Island, but I havent finished reading it yet. Im only on page 25. Have you at least read the back of the book to see what its about? Yes, I have. It looks interesting. You should hurry up. The book report is due to in two weeks.Yes, I know. Ill read quickly. When I first arrived on the island, I had nothing. Although I havent had everything, I have not lost my life. So I will not give up and I will live well. I go out with my gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food. Im even learning to grow fruit and vegetables. A few weeks ago, I found the marks of another mans feet on the island. Who else is on my island? How long have they been here? Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. One of them died but the other ran towards my house. I helped him kill the cannibals. This man now lives with me and helps me. I named him Friday because that was the day I met him. He is smart and I have already taught him some English. Have you read Little Women yet?Yes, I have./No, I havent. Has Tina read Treasure Island yet? Yes, she has. She thinks its fantastic. Have you decided which book to write about yet? Yes, I have. Ive already finished reading it. It was really good.

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