2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit4 Lesson31教案 冀教版 .doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit4 Lesson31教案 冀教版 .doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit4 Lesson31教案 冀教版 .doc_第2页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit4 Lesson31教案 冀教版Lesson31 Surprise Your Friends!?Step1:复习巩固、激情导入复习:提问Lesson30知识点1-5导入: Do you want to surprise your friends ?Step2:出示目标、明确任务1.熟读日记,把握其意;2.背诵重点句子1-4,并灵活运用相关知识点。?Step3:自主学习、合作探究任务一:熟读日记,把握其意,画出不理解处,同桌之间交流任务二:背诵重点句子,并自学知识点,画出不理解处,同桌之间交流1.Do you want to surprise your friends?2.The cardboard will hold the water up.3.It pushes down on us from above.4.Science is interesting.?Step4:师生互动、展示提升互动一:单词记忆比赛互动二:熟读邮件接力赛互动三:知识点展示大比拼知识点一:Do you want to surprise your friends?surprise是动词,意为“使惊奇,使感到意外”Eg:It surprised me to see so many people here.它还可以作名词, 意为“惊奇,惊讶,诧异,意外之事”常用的有两个短语:to ones surprise; in surprise.Eg:To my surprise the plan succeeded.She looked up in surprise when I entered.surprise对应的形容词有两个:surprised和surprising.Surprised意为“感到惊奇的”Eg:We are surprised at the news.Are you surprised,class?We were surprised to learn that he was French.surprising意为“使人惊讶的,出人意料的,惊人的”Eg:We knew the surprising fact.We are surprised at the surprising news.知识点二:The cardboard will hold the water up.hold the water up=keep the water in the jar。知识点三:It pushes down on us from above.It also pushes up on us from below.In the experiment,air pushes up on the cardboard.pushes up/down on sb./sth.意为“向上或下推在上;给一个向上或下的推动力”知识点四:Science is interesting.interesting形容词,意为“有趣的。常用来形容事物”Eg: Its an interesting story.interested形容词, 意为“对感兴趣。常用来形容人”Eg: Are you interested in history?be/bee interested in sth./doing sth.对(做)感兴趣。Eg: We became interested in the interesting story.?Step5:巩固练习、检测验收教学反思:

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