2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Past and present Period four.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Past and present Period fourTeaching Aims: 1. Grasp some new words. 2. To develop an understanding of opposites. 3. To use appropriate adjectives in context to express positive and negative meanings.Teaching Steps:一、Greeting:二、New words 1. plete adj. 完整的,完全的 e.g.: He is a plete stranger to me. 对我来说,他完全是个陌生人。 inplete adj. 不完整的 e.g.: The work is still inplete. 这项工作仍没有完成。 2. unhealthy adj. 不健康的 反义词 healthy 健康的 3. unkind adj. 不友好的 反义词kind友好的、和善的 4. lucky adj. 幸运的 反义词unlucky e.g.: Its unlucky for him to lose the book. 他很不幸地丢了书。 5. unpleasant adj. 使人不愉快的,讨厌的反义词pleasant e.g.: The trip was unpleasant. 旅途很不愉快。 6. impolite 不礼貌的反义词polite 7. project n. 课题、工程、项目 s e.g.: The project will be finished by xx. 这项工程将于xx年完成。 8. interview n. /vt. 采访、会见 s 9. although conj. 虽然 though引导让步状语从句,不能与but连用 e.g.: Although its expensive, Ill buy it. 虽然它昂贵,但我要买。 Although they are poor, they are happy. 他们虽然穷,但很快乐。三、1. Read the opposites on Page 8 and try to understand. 2. Read Millies file and underline the wrong words. Write the correct words above the mistakes. 3. Review the opposites on Page76 of Book 8A.四、Some language points 1. write about the interview on the puter 在电脑中写有关采访的情况 2. write an article on the Kowloon Walled City 写一篇关于九龙城的文章 3. have an interview with sb “与某人面谈、会面” e.g.: I am going to have an interview with my boss. 我打算和我的老板面谈一下。 4. ask sb about sth 询问某人关于某事 5. the history of that area 那个地区的历史 e.g.: the history of China 中国的历史 6. tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事 7. He is lonely from time to time.他经常感到寂寞。 8. Its difficult for him to see them as often as before.他很难像以前一样见到他们。 9. more and more people 越来越的人五、Read and understand the short passage.六、Homework 1. Read and grasp the new words and language points. 2. 当、作第四课时教后感:

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