2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 8 Unit3教学设计 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 8 Unit3教学设计 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 8 Unit3教学设计 外研版教学目标:一知识目标:1、 能够问路、指路,对某一区域进行描述并且正确运用方位介词。2、 语言目标:(1) 词汇:tourist .(2) 能在相互交流中运用句型。 How do I get to the Forbidden City ? Go straight ahead .Its opposite Tiananmen Square . Can you tell me thee way to a park ? Where can I do some shopping ?3、 语法功能:正确运用方位介词。二、 情感目标: 乐于参加运用英语的实践活动,乐于了解别国文化。三、 学习策略1、 能够将语言学习与实践应用结合起来。2、 问路和指路应该有礼貌。教学流程: Step 1 Warming up Teachers Activity : Morning, everyone! Tomorrow I go to Shanxi Museum. How do I get to it? Xie Yu, tell me how I can get to Shanxi Museum from here. Students Activity : Give the direction to Shanxi Museum .Step 2 Language practice Teachers Activity : 1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class. 2. Ask students what language point is demonstrated. ( Directions to places in town. ) 3. Ask students to finish Activity 1 Students Activity :Look at the map in Activity 1. Find the way from FLTRP Tower to Tiananmen Square in pairs. Step 3 Exercise Teachers Activity : 1. Choose a starting point and a finish point. Ask students to write down the directions in Activity 2. 2. Ask students to finish Activities 3 and 4. Students Activity : 1. Choose a starting point and a finish point and write down the directions in Activity 2.2. Look at the map on Page 66 . Match the questions with the answers.3. Ask and answer about their school according to the questions in Activity 4 in pairs . Step4 ListeningTeachers Activity : Play the tape for the students to listen and finish Activities 5 and 6 .Students Activity :1. Listen and label the places in Activity 5. 2. Listen again and answer the questions in Activity 6. Step 5 Exercise Teachers Activity : Ask students to look at the map in Activity 11 and plete the passage. Students Activity : Look at the map in Activity 11 and plete the passage. Use the words and expressions in the box. Step 6 Around the world: A famous place. Teachers Activity :1. Read through the box with the students. 2. Discuss the content with the students. Students Activity : Read through the box and discuss the content with the teacher .Step 8 Feedback Giving directions Look at the map on page140 and write down how to get to Library, then show it to the class.Step 9 Homework Finish the exercise in the workbook Ex. 8, 9, 10 &11检测题根据汉语提示完成英语句子1.让我来告诉你去飞机场的路。Let me tell you _ _ _ the airport .2.银行紧挨着邮局吗?Is the bank _ _ the post office ?3.这儿有个名叫中华的书店。There is a _ _ Zhonghua here .4.打扰了,请问超市在哪儿?_ _, wheres the _ ?5.沿着这条街一直往前走,然后向右拐。_ _ this street and _ _ .答案:1. the way to 2.next to 3.bookshop called 4.Excuse me, supermarket 5.Walk along ,turn right

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