2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 1 The Olympics Lesson 4 Good Luck to You同步教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 1 The Olympics Lesson 4 Good Luck to You同步教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 1 The Olympics Lesson 4 Good Luck to You同步教案 冀教版课程导航【教学目标】1. 通过学习这首歌, 鼓励学生尽自己最大的努力, 争创最佳成绩 2. 培养学生的自信 3锻炼学生的意志 永不放弃【教学重点】1. Use the phrase and words of Lesson 4 to make sentence. 2. Play some English songs, and then ask the students sing them. At the same time, The English songs can help students remember words. 3. Encourage students to sing some English songs.【教学难点】1. Let the students master Object Clauses. 2. Express wishes and congratulations. 3. Write a song about long jump and running.教学情景导入 I had a dream when I was kid. My dream was to be a singer but it didnt e true. I am an English now. But I like singing songs. Do you like to sing songs, children? Can you sing an English song, if yes, please sing it to us, if not, lets learn how to sing an English song well.教学过程设计Step 1. Learning new words and phrases. There are some new words and phrases in this song. Lets learn them. do ones best 尽力give up 放弃believe v. 相信Step 2. Lets know about the swimming actions of a swimmer. Please look at the picture.Step 3. Play the audiotape twice. And then have the class follow the audiotape while singing after it.Step 4. Language notes: Explain the song and learn some language notes.1. Do your best! 尽最大努力!do ones best to do意为“尽某人的最大努力去干某事”ones与主语人称相一致。同义短语: try ones best。如:I will do my best to finish the work. 我将尽我的最大努力去完成这项工作。2. Dont give up! 不要放弃!give up “放弃”,后接动词时用动词的-ing,同义短语stop。He gave up smoking. 她戒烟了。【辨析】:give up与give in同:意思上:放弃;让步形式上:作不及物动词使用。如:He give up/ in at last.他终于投降了。异:意思上:give up放弃give in屈服形式上:give up可以作及物动词,后接名词或动名词,而give in只作不及物动词,后没有宾语。如:她将放弃这次旅行。 误:She will give in this journey.正:She will give up this journey.3. We believe in you! 我们信任你!believe in信任,believe v.相信。I believe what he says.我相信他所说的。He believes in getting plenty of exercises.他相信充分的运动必有益处。【辨析】:believe sb.与 believe in sb.believe sb.相信某人(所说的话是真的) I believe him, but I cant believe in him.我相信他的话是真的,但我不能信任他。4. Can you tell? 你能说出吗?can或be able to +tell表示“能够说出,分辨出”的意思。Can you tell the differences between the twins?你能说出那双胞胎之间的不同吗?I cant tell the two words.我不能辨别这两个单词。Step 5. Evaluation standards:根据句意及所给汉语提示,完成句子1.I must _do my best_(尽力)to help her.2.My father had to _give up_(放弃)his studies because of lack of money.3.I believe him, but I cant _believe in_(信任)him4.At last, he gave up _playing football_(踢足球).5._Good luck to you_(祝你好运).Thank you.6.Run _as fast as you can_(尽可能快地).Step 6. Ask tow volunteers who are willing to sing and act out the song to the class.Step 7. Divide the class into two groups. Have each group read the song aloud as a poem, one line at a time.Step 8. The second time: You could ask one group to read the lines and the other group to act out what is being read. Step 9. e to “Lets Do It.” Step 10. Homework: Suppose you are part of the cheer team to create a cheer or a song to help youre your team win.课堂板书设计Lesson 4: Good Luck to You1.- Well done and congratulations to you.-Thanks very much.2.- I hope youll succeed in everything.-So do I.3.- I wish you success.-Thank you.4.- We send you our best wishes.- Thank you very much.5.- Happy new year!- Happy new year! (The same to you.)6.- I hope youll have a good time.- Thank you.7.- Happy birthday!- Thank you.give up do ones best believe believe in作业1. Finish the remaining exercises in the activity book.2. Learn to sing an English song, and then sing it to your classmates.3. Preview the next reading in the student book. 教学反思通过对这首英语歌曲的学习,学生们学习英语的兴趣更浓了。音乐可以增强英语学习的趣味性。歌曲不但是一种音乐形式,而且是一种很重要的教育方式。把英文歌曲与英语教学密切结合起来,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,陶冶情操,全面提高学生素质。音韵优美和谐、节奏轻快鲜明的英文歌曲,是学生学习的好帮手。英文歌曲教学简便易行,操作性强,效果显著,能有效地激发学生学习英语的热情,深受学生欢迎。当然,英文歌曲要注意科学地选用,切忌滥用,才有助于教学,因此首先需要注意的是歌曲的选择。教学生唱一些简单易学、朗朗上口的歌曲,从而消除初学者对英语的陌生感、畏惧感,使之对英语产生兴趣。

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