七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science Section A(2a-2d)教案 人教新目标版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science Section A(2a-2d)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science Section A(2a-2d)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science Section A(2a-2d)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 9My favorite subject is science课题:Unit 9My favorite subject is science. Section A 2a-2d 课时第二课时教学设计课 标要 求能听懂学习活动中连续的指令和问题,并做出适当的反应。能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段。能在课堂活动中用简短的英语进行交际。能在教师的指导下进行简单的角色表演。能就熟悉的话题进行简单的交流。教材及学情分 析本单元是人教版七年级上册的最后一个单元第九单元,主要学习一周中星期一到星期天的表达方式;掌握学科的表达;学习用because和表示品质的形容词表示理由;学习what,why,who引导的特殊疑问句。本单元内容与学生的日常活动学习有关,每个话题是能够引起学生共鸣的,学生在学习过程中会觉得有话可说,有兴趣参与。围绕“谈论自己所喜欢的学科”这一话题,本单元的语言目标是:询问最喜爱的科目;谈论为什么喜欢某门科目;用形容词描述科目的特点;描述各科目的时间安排。学完本单元后,学生应能学会表达科目的词汇如P.E, art, science, music, math, Chinese, geography, history,能够学会询问科目和喜好的句型:Whats your/his/her favorite subject? Why do you/does he/she like ? When is the class? 学会运用物主代词和一些描述性形容词、星期和日期的表达。能在和同学日常相处过程中询问对方对包括功课在内各种食物的喜好。能读懂对话和阅读材料并完成任务。学会阐述自己喜爱的功课和日常课程安排。课时教学目标1. 通过相关的练习,学生能够更熟练地运用表述科目的词汇,P.E, art, science, music, math, Chinese, geography, history2. 学生能够在谈论对科目的喜好:Whats your favorite subject?基础上,知道询问理由:Why do you like?3. 学生能够熟练运用because 说出喜好和不喜爱的理由。4. 学生能够进一步巩固who的用法,询问谁是你的老师。重点掌握以下句式:- Whats your favorite subject? - My favorite subject is -Why do you like? Because its fun/interesting/relaxing.- Why dont you like?- Because its boring/difficult. Who is your teacher.?难点学生能够掌握science等科目名称的巩固,以及句式Why.? Because的运用。教法学法指导教师引导,学生自主学习,教师再总结教具准备课件教学过程提要环节学生要解决的问题或完成的任务师生活动设计意图引入新课Step 1. Warming up (preparation)Ask some students to say what her or his favorite subject is. eg, Whats your favorite subject? More questions:T: As you know, my favorite subject is English? Why do I like it? Because its fun and attractive.通过复习相关的句子,进入新课的学习,为之后的学习创造条件。教学过程Step 2 Presentation& PracticePractice 1Listening (2a) Presentation 1 Describing subjectsWhy do I like English? Help answer “ Because its interesting.” Ask more students about their favorite subjects and ask them why. Ask Ss to look at the picture, guess what they are talking about. Ask Ss to read the sentences together. Then play the recording, ask Ss to listen for the first time. Then play it again, ask Ss to listen and put the conversation in order. Ask Ss to practice their own conversation in pairs. 话题讨论,为听力做准备 通过听力训练,让学生了解熟悉地的掌握相关的问句以及相关的回答。教学过程 Listening(2b) Reading for 2d First ask Ss to read each word together. Play the recording for the Ss to listen. Then ask Ss to listen again and match the subjects with the descriptions.Then ask Ss to talk about the subjects they like or dislike, and say the reasons. (2c) (1) Fast reading.Lead students to read the conversation quickly and find out the main idea .The main idea of the conversation is _A favorite teachers B favorite subjects and days C favotite sportsCheck the answers: B(2) Carefully reading. Ask students to read carefully and answer four questions.What are Bobs favorite subjects?Why does Bob like history?Why does Frank like Friday?Does Bob like Friday?Check the answers: 通过听力训练,让学生了解熟悉地的掌握相关的问句以及相关的回答。 快速阅读课文,获取信息,完成选择题,培养学生的阅读概括能力。小结 学生谈一谈自己本节课的收获。板书设计Unit 9My favorite subject is science. P.E, art, science, music, math, Chinese, geography, history Whats your favorite subject? Whats his/her favorite subject?作业设计一、必做: 1.做绩优学案中第二课时基础关中的题,做能力关中的一、二题。二、选做: 1.与同伴一起朗读2d中的对话。 2.做绩优学案第二课时能力关中的第三题。教学反思优点: 1.导入部分,先给学生们创设易于理解的语用情景,并逐步引导学生们在实际运用中初步感知如何依据事实做推测。2.本课的听力训练。先听大意再细节,听后多种形式的小组合作活动,最后的对话练习为学生们创设了较为真实的语用环境,使学生们体会到所学的语言是真实可用的。建议: 1.本节课有听有说,有读有练,课堂活动较多,所以预习内容一定要提前布置给学生,便于学生更有目的性的去预习,提高课上学习速度。否则可能时间不够而无法完成本课目标。

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