2019-2020年八年级英语译林版Lesson Eight Sending a Letter Home .doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语译林版Lesson Eight Sending a Letter HomeA.词汇1.ago adv.以前,用于一段时间后,后常跟过去时连用。如:three years ago,三年前,a few days ago,几天前,而before 表“在以前”是介词,后面跟宾语,如:the day before yesterday 前天,the year before last 前年。He left home three years ago.三年前他离开了家。A few days ago,Helen fell ill.几天前海伦病倒了。fell为fall的过去式。 He ate the cake out before the others.他当着别人的面吃下了那块蛋糕。2.city n.城市,复数是cities。类似的名词还有lady,family 等。如:Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.上海是中国最大的城市之一。There are a lot of cities in the USA.美国有许多大城市。3.poor adj.不好的,与bad同义;贫穷的,与rich相对,be poor at =be bad at。如:I am poor at English.=I am weak in English.我英语学得很薄弱。The poor had no houses to live in in the past.过去穷人没有房子住。the poor 穷人,集体名词4.leave v.离开,遗留;过去式为left,leave 作为“离开”常用现在进行时代替将来时。如:Hes leaving here tomorrow.他明天离开这儿。 leave 作为 “遗留”与forget的区别在于leave 把东西遗忘在某地,forget是忘记内容。如:Sorry,I left your book in the office.对不起,我把你的书忘在办公室里。Dont forget to send the letter for me.别忘了替我寄一下信。5.care n.v.小心,关心,照料;careful adj.小心的;carefully adv.仔细地;care for关心take care of照顾=look after。如:Be careful,or youll fall off the bike.小心点,否则你要从车上摔下来。Please listen carefully,and write down all the words.请仔细听,然后记下所有的单词。6.myself pron.在句子常作主语同位语或宾语。反身代词的构成规律是第一、二人称的反身代词由其形容词性物主代词加上self/selves,第三人称的反身代词,由其人称代词宾格加上self/selves。The little girl can look after herself.那小女孩能照料她自己了。I myself can tidy the room.我能亲自整理房间。I often teach myself Japanese.我经常自学日语。B.短语1.choose from 从选择;choose的过去式为chose,从两者中选择用choose between。如:Here are many flowers.You can choose one from them.这儿有许多花,你可以从中选择一支。I have two books.You can choose one between them.我有两本书,你可以从中选一本。2.the one with an apple on it介词短语with an apple on it 在这里作后置定语。如:the coat with pictures on it 上面有图片的外套the woman with a pair of glasses 戴眼镜的那位妇女The desk with a vase on it is Beibeis.上面有花瓶的桌子是贝贝的。3.fall ill 病倒 fall 过去式为fell,要区别于feel的过去式felt。 如:Helen fell ill last week.上个星期海伦病倒了。Helen felt ill this morning.今天早上海伦不舒服。The child fell asleep just now.那孩子刚才睡着了。fall asleep 入睡4.send her some pictures 寄给她一些照片,send sb. sth. 给某人寄某物,“sb.”为间接宾语,sth.为直接宾语。如把间接宾语置于直接宾语之后,则加上介词“to”。send sb. sth.=send sth. to sb.类似的动词还有give,show,pass等。如:Yesterday I sent some presents to my friends in London.昨天我寄了些照片给英国的朋友。Beibei showed her new skirt to me.贝贝把她的新裙子拿给我看。C.交际用语及句型1.What a poor memory I have!我的记忆力多差啊!此句是感叹句,又如:What beautiful postcards!What bad weather it is!weather为不可数名词,前面不用冠词。Children have good memories.孩子们记性好。I can tell the story from memory.我能凭记忆讲出这个故事。2.How much is it? 这多少钱?问价钱应用“how much”。如:How much is the shirt? 这件衬衫多少钱?How much are these stamps?这些邮票多少钱?How much is it?的同义句是How much does it cost? 第13课将学到此句。3.How are you?I miss you very much. 你好吗?我很想念你。写信开头常用语。“miss”想念。如:I miss my parents and often write to them.我想念我的父母,经常给他们写信。write to sb.写信给某人miss还有“错过”的意思。如:I missed the early bus this morning.今天早上我错过了早班汽车。miss the bus=not catch the bus“miss” M大写“iss”就是指小姐。如:Miss Green 格林小姐D.语法一般过去时1.继续学习巩固其肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句,重点学习其特殊疑问句式及其回答。如:I wrote the letter this morning.我今天早上写了这封信。Pingping didnt do his homework yesterday.昨天平平没有做作业。Did they have a great time last weekend? 上周末他们玩得开心吗?Yes,they did.是的。here did you have your breakfast this morning? I had it at home.今天早上你在哪里吃的早饭?我在家里吃的。2.当谈论到过去的人与物时,记日记时,讲故事时均用一般过去时态。如:I joined the League in xx.我是xx年入团的。Lei Feng was a good son of our Party.雷锋是我们党的好儿子。Long long ago,there lived an old man.从前有一个老人/这儿住着一位老人。


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