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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Module1SocialmunicationUnit2Bodylanguage教案牛津深圳版This unit focuses on Body Language - Body Language, which refers specifically to Body Language, how to understand Body Language, and Body Language intercultural and so on. This unit of language skills and language knowledge are also around the center topic of body language, aimed at through teaching unit, with listening, speaking, reading and writing, do (act), and other forms, let the students understand and master the role of body language in munication and meaning, causes the student to clear the importance of body language in human munication, understand body language in the diversity of different nationalities, different cultural munication; To make the students in the future life, study, work and daily interaction as far as possible to reduce or avoid the use of body language may produce misunderstanding, to improve the ability of munication and non-verbal munication ability. 教学目标【知识目标】1Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this period.2Help students to learn about useful expressions.【能力目标】To read the passage and answer some questions about body languages.【情感目标】1Help them understand more about body languages.2Develop students sense of cooperative learning. 教学重难点【教学重点】How to train their reading ability effectively.【教学难点】1Develop students reading ability.2Help students understand the difficulties. 课前准备 Multimedia 教学过程Part1step1 Getting ready1.Look at the cartoon and answer the questions.How does Harry look?What is his problem?Do you understand why?What does he need to do?2) Think and sayWhat is body language?step2. Play a game1) Play a game 2) What is the function of body language?Body language helps us municate with others. Proper body language can help us make a good impression on others.3) What else can help us make a good impression on others?Your appearance and the way you dress will make a good or bad impression on others . These are also a part of your body language.4). What do you know about ? Look at the pictures below and match them with the adjectives from the box. Write the words in the blanks. step3. Before you read1). B Look at the photo, the title and the introduction to the story on page 19. Then answer the questions below.Body LanguageDebbie and Simon are students. They both have part-time jobs at a travel pany.Questions:1. where does the story take place?2. Who are the young people in the photo?3. What body language are the boy and the girl showing?Tick B for the boy and G for the girl.4. Which person looks friendlier the boy or the boy or the girl?2). Read the introduction, the first two and last two paragraphs and plete the table. A well-dressed lady entered the office. She looked at Debbie and Simon, and then walked over to Debbie. Debbie gave her a cheerful greeting. Simon sighed and walked away.Mr Yang came over at once and said, “You made a good impression on her, Simon.”“That was my sister,” said Simon. “She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday.”Placel Charactersl 3).VocabularyC1 Find words from the story on page 19 that have similar meanings to the words below.1. wearing nice clothes (line 3)2. a polite word for a woman (line 3)3. the look on ones face(line13)4. the way someone or something looks (line 14)5. keeping something in a place (line 17)Step4. While you read1. Read Paragraphs 3 to 10 and plete the table.“Whats the matter?” Mr Yang asked.“People always choose Debbie instead of me. I dont understand.”“I do. Its the way you municate.”“How can that be?” Simon asked. “I dont get a chance to speak.”“municating is more than just speaking. Your body language is important too.”“Body language?”“Its the way you stand and sit. Its your gestures and the expression on your face. Your whole appearance municates things. You dont give people a good impression, Simon. You look down, you never smile and you dont turn your head towards them.“Look at Debbie. Shes holding her head up. She always smiles and looks friendly. Her body language is making people feel wele, so they go to her for help.”Body languageImpression on peopleSimonDebbie2. StrategyRead Paragraphs 3 to 10 again and identify the speakers.I dont understand .Its the way you municate.municating is more than just speaking.Body language?Its the way you stand and sit.Shes holding her head up.What punctuation mark do we use when we quote people?Identifying the speaker In a written conversation, a new paragraph starts and ends with quotation marks (“”). See lines 6 12 on page 19. If a paragraph does not end in a quotation mark, the same speaker will still be speaking. See lines 16 17 on page 19.Its the way you stand and sit. its your gestures and expression on your face and in your eyes. your whole appearance municate things.you dont give them a good impressin,simon,you look down,you never smile and you dont turn your head towards them.Look at Debbie. She is holding her head up . She always smiles and looks friendly. Her body language is making people feel wele,so they go to her for help.These words were said by the same person-Mr Wang.Step5. After you read1).Read Paragraphs 11 and 12 and plete the table.Simon decided to improve his body language. He sat up straight and tried smiling at people.Minutes later, a beautiful girl entered. She walked over to Simon. A few moments later, she left with a smile. Changes in Simons body languageBeforeAfter2).Read the last two paragraphs and identify the speakers.You made a good impression on her.That was my sister.She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday.Step6. More details1). C2 Later that day, Simon was talking with his mother. plete their conversation with the words from the box.(图片展示填空)2). The beginning Whom did the well-dressed woman prefer? _ How did Debbie greet the woman? _ What did Simon do then? _3). Read the story again and put the following sentences into the correct order.(图片展示)课本内容Step7 prehensionD1 Simon is talking to a friend on the phone. Read the story on page 19 and pletehis words with the information from the story.Our customers always (1) _ .I didnt know why and Mr Yang told me the reason. It wasbecause of the way (2) _ . I wasnt giving customers (3) _ . My (4) _wasnt making them (5) _ . So I decided to improve it.D2 Read the story again and answer the questions below in plete sentences.1 What is body language according to Mr Yang? _ _2 Why did Simon not give customers a good impression? _ _3 Why did customers choose to talk to Debbie? _4 What happened after Simon sat up straight and tried smiling at people? _ _5 Who was the girl that walked over to Simon? _Step7. Homework 1. 抄写单词和短语:2. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。3. 完成综合练习册Reading的练习。Part2step1 Show time Share your report about your and your classmates body language.step2. GerundsGerunds are nouns ending in ing . These nouns refer to actions and activities.We use gerunds as subjects,objects,predicatives,etc. municating is more than just speaking. He tried smiling at people.2) We form gerunds from verbs.beginbeginningmunicatemunicatingdancedancingholdholdingsighsighinglielying 3).work out the rule. 4). Look at the pictures and plete the sentences with gerunds. 1. I like _. 2. _ damages your health. 3. _ builds your imagination4. _ is fun. step3. Gerunds as subjects 1). Smiling shows that you are happy. Ballet training usually starts at an early age. Dancing is her favourite hobby.When we use a gerund as the subject of a sentence,the main verb is in (single/plural)form.2). In pairs, ask and answer questions about the pictures. Follow the example. S1: What can shaking your closed hand show?S2: Shaking your closed hand can show that youre angry. S1: What can resting your head on your hand show?S2: Resting your head on your hand can show that youre bored.S1: What can sighing show?S2: Sighing can show that youre sad. S1: What can closing your eyes show?S2: Closing your eyes can show that youre thinking.Step4. Gerunds as objects1. Debbie enjoys smiling and always looks friendly. Simon tried smiling at people.We often use gerunds after these verbs.consider finish mind suggest enjoy imagine practise2. In pairs, ask and answer questions about the pictures. Follow the example.1)S1: What does the boy enjoy? S2: He enjoys reading books.2)S1: What is the girl practising?S2: She is practising climbing mountains.3)S1: What is the girl good at? S2: She is good at skiing.4)S1: What is the girl interested in? S2: She is interested in playing chess.3. We often use gerunds after prepositions.Debbie is good at municating with people.I am looking forward to going to Beijing.We often use gerunds after these phrases.be fond of be interested inbe used tokeep onthink ofbe good atbe tired ofgive uplook forward tobe bored with4.EX:1.She is afraid of _ (scold) by her teacher.2.She didnt go to school because of _ (ill)3. I am fond of _ (listen) to music, so I have bought a lot of CDs.4. Everybody likes _ (praise).5. I am sorry for _ (late).5. plete the sentences using the verbs in the box in the -ing form. breathe do hear organize smoke take use walk1 She is tired of _ the dirty air in the city centre.2 She keeps on _ to school instead of _ a bus.3 He finally gave up _.4 She is used to _ a handkerchief instead of a tissue.5 She was interested in _ the puzzle.6 She looks forward to _ from her new e-friend.7 She is good at _ party activities.Step5. 根据下列句子回答问题。(1) Cycling is fun.(2) Karen likes reading.(3) David found the answer by looking in the encyclopaedia.(4) An abacus is used for doing sums. In sentence 1, which word is the subject? In sentence 2, which word is the object? How did David find the answer? What is an abacus used for? Step6. Homework 完成综合练习册Grammar的练习。Part3step1. Listening1).Look at the picture and read the title and the notes. Then, tell whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).(通过图片展示课本填空内容) Ballet tells stories through the dancers steps, gestures and the expressions on their faces. Ballet began in America in the 15th century. In the ballet Swan Lake, the dancers move their legs like swans wings. The dancers use their bodies to municate all kinds of messages.2) Listen to a speech about ballet and plete the notes below. Write one word in each blank. Balleta. Dancers use such as steps,gestures and the expressions on their faces to tell stories.b. This type of dance started in Europe in the century.c. Swan Lake is one of the most ballet in the world. The dancers move their arms like and move their necks like the Of swans.d. Ballet dancers start training at an age.e. The dancers use their to municate messagers.l Do you like watching ballet?l Whats your favourite ballet? step2. Talk time1) lets go to watch the ballet Swan Lake. When we make suggestions, we use:We can also use the following expressions to make suggestions.l Why dont we/you (do) ? l Why not (do)? l What/How about (doing) ? l Youd better (do) !When we accept suggestions, we use:l Thats a good idea. l Good idea. l It sounds nice/great/wonderful.When we reject suggestions, we use:l No, thanks. l Sorry, I cant make it. l I dont feel like it. l Id love to, but I l Im afraid I cant 2) Listen to the conversation. Repeat after the recording.When we want to express concern, we say:l Whats the matter?l Whats wrong?l Whats the problem?l Whats up? 4). In pairs, read the example below. Pay attention to the words in blue.Situation 2S1: Whats the matter? S2: Im thinking about going somewhere nice during the summer holidays with my parents.S1: Why dont you go to Harbin? Its cool there in summer.S2: I went there last summer.S1: What about Qingdao? The beach city is a perfect place for the summer holidays.S2: Qingdao is a good place, but its a bit far away from here. We want a short trip.S1: Well, youd better find some ideas for a short trip in a travel guide.S2: Thats a good idea. Thank you.S1: Youre wele.In pairs, make conversations according to the situations below. You may use your own situations.Situation : S2 keeps getting low marks in English and wants to improve.Situation : S2wants to buy a birthday present for his /her friend. step3. Speak up 1). Match the phrases from the box with the correct pictures. Crossing ones arms shaking hands nodding ones head shaking ones head2). Discuss the meaning of each gesture. Follow the example.S1:Hii,lookatPicture1.Themaniscrossinghisarms.Whatdoesitmean?S2:Maybehesunhappyaboutsomething.S1:Imnotsure.IcrossmyarmswhenIfeelcold.S2:Ithinkismeanshesangry.Justlookathisface.S1:Maybeyoureright.Step7. Homework 1. 仿照Speak up部分的示例,与同伴挑选其他肢体动作并讨论它们的含义。2. 完成综合练习册第22至24页Listening and speaking的练习。Part4step1. The form of a letter1).the address of the receiverThe dateThe greetingThe main bodyTha closingThe signature2) remember We often write short messages to family members, friends or classmates to remind them about something. The messages can be on any topic. 18 SepHi JimmyThis is to remind you about our baskerball game tomorrow evening.Ill meet you outside the club at 8p.m.Dont forget to wear your basketballshoes.See you there!Simon step2. The form of a message1).Start with a greeting.Talk about the topic in the first sentence.Give the message clearly in a few words.End with a friendly word or phrase.2) A What does a short message include? Look at the short message below and write the letters a f in the blanks.(图片展示)step3. plete a short messageRead the message on page 28 and plete the table below.Time to meet Place to meetThing to remember2). B You will watch a ballet with your friend on Sunday. Write a short message to remind him/her about it. Use the notes below to help you.Time to meet :2:30 p.m,SundayPlace to meet: main gate of City ThertreThing to bring : ticket_ Dear _,This is to remind you _.Ill meet you _ _ Dont forget to _.See you there!_Step 4 Write a short messageWrite a short message to your classmate according to the given situation below. 请在前一天写一张便条提醒你的同学John,于3月12日上午9点,在人民公园参加植树活动(tree-planting activity),提醒他记得带好铲(shovel)和水桶(bucket)。Share your short message with your classmates. 11 MarchDear John,This is to remind you about tomorrows tree-planting activity.Ill meet you at the main gate of Peoples Park at 9 a.m.Remember to bring a shovel and a bucket.See you there!MarkStep5 ExamplesNote 1: Sending invitationAug. 11, 2011Dear Alice, The Russian National Ballet Troupe will give a performance in the Beijing Grand Theater tomorrow evening. Watch it. Sevenoclock sharp. The theater entrance.Yours truly,LilyNote 2: Accepting/declining an invitationSample 1: Accepting an invitationApril 18, xxDear Amelia, To the dinner party, I would like to e. I will go to the place right after I finish my work at about 5 p.m. this evening. I shall be very happy.Yours sincerely,FionaSample 2: Declining an invitationApril 22nd, xxDear Jimmy, Join the universitys swimming club.Ive already joined a basketball club. You know I like playing basketball very much. I do not have enough time to take part in two sports.Yours faithfully,MikeNote 3: Consolation and condolenceAug. 11, 2011Dear Tom, Now, for I had been through the same experience before.I just want you not to be so depressed and not to lose your will call on you as soon as possible.Yours faithfully,LilyNote 4: ApologyApril 18,xxDear Fiona, The abrupt way I departed just after was so excited when I learned I had passedthe exams with high marks that I couldnt wait to get home and tell my parents.Yours truthfully,AmeliaNote 5: Asking for leaveAug. 22, xxDear Miss Li,My father now in the hospital is badly ill. I have to go to see him andtake care of him for a few days. You know Im the only child in my family. Yours respectfully,VivianStep6. Homework 1. 以班主任王老师的口吻,提前一天写一张给八年级(9)班全体学生的通知。通知内容如下:3月22日上午9点,在人民公园进行植树活动(tree-planting activity),记得带好铲(shovel)和水桶(bucket)。2. 完成综合练习册第28页Writing的练习。Part5step1. More practice 1).Eye contactWhere can we find this article?What is this article about?2) A Read this online article about eye contact and answer the questions below.Eye contact Eye contact means looking into another persons eyes. This is a very important of body language.It can be the key to municate. Eye contact can show feelings such as friendliness, interest and understanding. In Western countries, using eye contact in conversations is very important. If you do not use eye contact, Westerners may think that you are not listening. And if you look away, they may also think that you are lying. However, in many Asian countries, looking down when talking with an older person, like a teacher or a parent, is polite. These differences can cause problems. For example, an Asian person might look down while listening to a Western speaker. The Western speaker might think this person is not interested in what he or she is saying. Not using eye contact can cause problems, but using too much is not polite either. In many countries, watching other people, especially strangers, for a long time is impolite. This may make them feel nervous.1. Wha t does eye contact mean?2. Why is eye contact the key to munication?3. If you do not use eye contact in Western countries,what may happen?4. Do Asians use eye contact as often as Western/5. What kind of eye contact is impolite in many countries?3).Read the article again and identify the cause and effect.4).B How can you tell a persons feelings through his/her eyes? Discuss this with your classmates. step2. Culture corner1) Qu


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