2019-2020年八年级英语下册 第七单元第一部分教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 第七单元第一部分教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 第七单元第一部分教案 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 第七单元第一部分教案 人教新目标版Background information :Teacher :08级8班 湛井冈 22xx310011223Students :30 students, grade 8. Lesson duration: 45 minutes Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. Make conversations with the sentence structure learnt fluently.2. Apply the sentence structure to really life to solve some problems.3. Know how to make requests politely, how to care for others by behaving politely.Teaching contents: Vocabulary of doing sth , some use phrases would you mind doing something ?-no, not at all Would you mind not doing something? , ok, I will do it right away.Teaching aids: Ppt, chalk, blackboard, text books.Teaching focus : would mind doing not doing sth ?Teaching difficulty: Help students how to make requests politely, how to care for others by Behaving politely.Teaching procedures: Step 1. 5mins T :Morning everyone? S: good morning Mr. Zhan. T: boys and girls, today I want to ask you a question. What will you do and say if you are bothered by noisy music. For example, you are doing listening task, but there is a person playing a pop song loudly, then what will you say to him? S: S: (the teacher writes down students simple answer on the black board) T :我们有一个更地道更礼貌更有效的说法。ok ,now ,open you book ,turn to page 52,you can also look at my ppt . Ss: would you mind turning down the music? T: Yes, would you mind turning down the music? Step 2 10 minutes Now, look at the picture in your book, and find out what they are doing .and then finish 1a. Just like the example: would you mind turning down the music is D. then you put D into this box .clear?Ss: yes,T: Ok, do it now.Ok, lets check the results (with the ppt showing the results)Good, all of you chose right! (Applause for them)Now, lets try something new. Listening! 1b, listen and number the requests above in the order you hear them. Ready? Ok! (Play the listening material)Now, lets see if you have numbered them right.Ok, James bond, can you tell us your order?S: two four, three, one T: perfect. (If not right, listen once more)Step 3 20 minsExplain sentence structures meaning with ppt as reference and suggest students take some notes on their note books.And then make conversations two of a pair with the example in 1c in students book.(Here, make a conversation with a student to show to the class)Ok ,all of you have done a good job ,and lets listen to some others conversation with the five pictures ,and when you are listening ,you should also number the pictures ,that is 2a .叮咚!(play the listening materials 2a )After checking the answers, finish 2b immediately.Now listen again, Match the requests in activity 2a with the responses below. Write the letters (ae) in the blanks.Introduce some phrases on the ppt as a summary of the the listening plot .Step 4 9mins Group work with example .on the ppt 3minutes to prepare and invite one of the group to act out in front of class .feed back .and make a summary of the grammar focus Step 5 1 mins Home work. 1. Make conversations with your partner.2. Think how to refuse others requests politely. refuse:拒绝| Now, Would you mind taking a break ? see you later .


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