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2019-2020年八年级英语上册Unit6Ancientstories练习无答案新版牛津深圳版第1课时 Vocabulary一、根据要求写出相应的单词1. understand _(过去式) 2. different _(n.) 3. secret _(adv.) 4. pull _(现在分词) 5. celebration _(v.) 6. full _(反义词) 7. army _(复数形式) 8. punish _(n.) 9. quiet _(adv.) 10. steal _(过去分二、词汇测试( ) 1. Some ancient stories are educational and interesting.A. new B. old C. fun ( ) 2. They didnt give up and succeeded in the end. A. finally B. in the beginning C. in last( ) 3. You have made a stupid mistake. A. fool B. clever C. silly( ) 4. The room is empty. A. is big B. is full C. has nothing in it( ) 5. We should not play jokes on others. A. tell lies to B. play a trick on C. make jokes to( ) 6.Tom succeeded in working out the Maths problem at last.A. managed to work out B. tried to work out C. enjoyed working out( ) 7. The Empire Tower is a huge building. A. very small B. very good C. very large( )8. Susan wants to enter the cinema but she lost her ticket.I can give my ticket to her because I have watched the movie before.A. get out of B. leave C. get into( ) 9. If two things are _, they are not the same.A. similarB. differentC. alike ( )10. _ is the time after 12 oclock in the evening.A.TonightB. NightC. Midnight( )11. Why did the police take Bill away?Because he _ money from his neighbour.A. inventedB. boughtC. stole( ) 12. Did you watch the film last night?No, I didnt. My parents _ me by not letting me go out because I had done something wrong.A. encouragedB. mentionedC. punished( ) 13. _ has Tom been in the army?_ last year.A. How soon; SinceB. How often; For C. How long; Since( ) 14. Dont _ the poor people. Its impolite.Sorry, I wont do things _ that again.A. smile at; likeB. tell jokes; likes C. make jokes on; like ( ) 15. Do you want to go to Changsha or Shenzhen for winter?_.A. Yes, I do B. Changsha. I like snowing C. I went to Shenzhen第2课时 Reading一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Dont push others when we get on the bus. Lets get on it _ (quiet).2. Its wrong of you to make _ (joke) about the poor people.3. After trying different ways, he worked out the problem _ (succeed) in the end.4. Im good at Maths. Its easy for me _ (understand) what the teacher is talking about in class.5. There are a lot of trees on both _ (side) of the road.6. Im going to hold a party _ (celebrate) my 20th birthday. 7. They rearranged the books of the library in a pletely _ (difference) way.8. She promised me not to tell anybody about my _ (secret).9. We have now found the _ (steal) car.10. To escape _ (punish) is one of the most obvious reasons why people lie.二、阅读理解 ( )1. You can book a ticket to Sydney Tower by the following ways except _.A. sending an emailB. sending a fax C. visiting the websiteD. making a call( )2. Frank will have to pay _ if he wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children.A. 60 B. 90 C. 120 D. 150( )3. What cannot we know from the table?A. Sydney Tower is on Market Street. B. Sydney Tower is open for thirteen and a half hours on Friday.C. Sydney Tower is the most beautiful place of interest in Sydney. D. Sydney Tower can take you to the highest point above Sydney.( )4. The information above probably from _.A. a mapB. a book on travelling C. a storybookD. a fashion magazine 第3课时 Grammar一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. I think you _ (understand) me. We need to have a talk to make it clear.2. They succeeded in _ (capture) the city in the end.3. They tried their best _ (pull) the huge stone into the garden.4. The box is _ (fill) with clothes.5. They won the war by _ (fight).6. The soldiers _ (quiet) climbed out of the horse one by one.7. Never give up, and you will be _ (succeed).8. He made her happy through a surprising _ (celebrate).9. This pen is _ (difference) from that one.10. He soon fell _ (sleep) after a days hard work.二、选择填空( )1. Do you know him well?Sure. We _ friends since ten years ago.A. were B. have been C. have bee( )2. There are _ many clubs in our school that I cant decide which one to enter.I _ a member of the dancing club over a year. Would you like to join us?A. such; have been B. so; have been C. such; have bee D. so; have bee( )3. Its said a pianist will perform at Poly Theatre on Friday evening. Is it Lang Lang? Yes, it _ him. He _ for a week. A. must be; has arrived hereB. maybe; has been here C. must be; has been hereD. maybe; has arrived here( )4. Im looking after Tony today. Hes been in my house _ 8:00 this morning. A. at B. since C. for D. till ( )5. I have been in China _ 1997. A. since B. for C. in D. until ( )6. My sister _ English since she was 9 years old. She can talk to foreigners freely. A. learns B. learnt C. has learnt D. have learnt( )7. I _ my home town for a long time. I really miss it. A. went away from B. have been away from C. have left D. have gone away( )8. I _ the History Museum twice. Ive learned a lot there. A. visit B. am visiting C. have visited D. will visit( )9. Oh no, I cant find my mobile phone.Well, where _ you last put it? A. have B. do C. did D. has( )10. Have you ever _ an amusement park?Yes, I have. I _ Fun Times Amusement Park last year.A. been to; have gone to B. gone to; have been to C. go to; went to D. been to; went toU6 HOMEWORK第1课时Vocabulary 1. We can learn a lot from a_ stories.2. Lets find out the d_ between the two pictures.3. There is a h_ stone over there. 4. The age is a s_ to a woman.5. They e_ the room just now.6. We should _(理解)others feelings.7. People are _(庆祝)the New Year. 8. The _(士兵)are fighting with the enemies.9. They _(拖)the big bag into the garden.10. He worked hard and _ (成功)finally.二、词汇测试 ( )1. In the end, we went to the park together.A. At lastB. In the beginningC. Just then( )2. There is a huge horse outside the city.A. very small B. very light C. very large( )3.He is so stupid that he has made the same mistake for many times.A. smart B. happy C. foolish( )4. Ms Mays classes are always full of laughter. A. filled withB. made ofC. e from( )5.Tom entered the room with some books.A. left B. went into C. travelled( )6. Tom practise very hard for the petition and I believe he will succeed.I agree with you.A. be cheerfulB. be pleasedC. be successful( )7. I like all meat except beef. Me too.A. together withB. not includingC. including( )8. The film is about a famous ancient story.A. modernB. oldC. interesting ( )9. When you _ a place such as a room or building, you go into it or e into it.A. getB. enterC. leave( )10. A(n) _ is a member of an army.A. soldierB.scientistC. artist( )11. The _ between two things is the way in which they are unlike each other.A. likenessB. similarityC. difference( )12. The house is made of _. It is a _ house.A. wood; wooden B. woods; wooden C. wood; wood ( )13. Ive _ my book at home.A. forgotten B. taken C. left( )14.His work is a great _ and he is a _ writer.A. succeed; successfulB. successful; success C. success; successful ( )15. Oh! Weve just missed the 8 oclock film._. Itll be on again in one hour.A. My pleasure B. Have fun C. Dont worry 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Your _ (understand) gives me lots of confidence. 2. There are many _ (difference) between the two photos.3. He _ (leave) some food on the table just now. 4. They will hold a _ (celebrate) for her birthday.5. They went inside _ (secret).6. If you want to have much _ (succeed), you should not give up.7. You will get _ (punish) if you are careless.8. They looked everywhere to find the _ (steal) horse.9. We should not play _ (joke) on the old.10. He lives in a _ (wood) house.四、完形填空 Tina and Tara are twin sisters. They look 1 , 2 they also have some differences. One day their grandfather came to see them with two gifts. When he came into the house, he saw Tina and 3 her a gift. After a while, when he got into the garden, he saw 4 granddaughter “Tara”. In fact that was Tina. When he gave the other gift to her, she said, “You gave me one just now.” “No, I gave a gift to your sister Tina.” “Oh, Grandfather, Im Tina.” Just then Tara came into the garden, 5 . “Now, Grandfather, can you tell the differences 6 us?” “No, I cant. Can you 7 me?” “Yes, look. Tara is a little 8 than me. Her hair is longer and curlier than 9 . Now, Grandfather, can you see?” “Yes, now I can tell you from Tara. Tara, here is the gift for you.” “Thank you 10 your gift, Grandfather.” With these words, they all laughed happily.( )1. A. same B. the same C. different ( )2. A. and B. so C. but ( )3. A. gave B. took C. brought ( )4. A. others B. another C. the other ( )5. A. either B. so C. too( )6. A. as B. between C. from ( )7. A. tell B. say C. talk ( )8. A. tall B. taller C. tallest ( )9. A. I B. me C. mine( )10. A. with B. of C. for 第2课时Reading You have known a lot about the story of a wooden horse. But how much do you know about the Trojan War? The Trojan War was a war between Trojans and Greeks. The Trojans lived in the city of Troy, which is Turkey now. The story of their war with the Greeks was told in The Iliad. The Iliad is a long poem. It is said that it was told by a storyteller named Homer. The Odyssey was also told by Homer. It is about the tale of the adventures of a Greek soldier named Odysseus. The Trojan War began when Paris, the prince of Troy, ran away with Helen, the wife of King Menelaus of Sparta. The Greeks sent a fleet of ships (船队), with an army, to get her back. The war lasted for ten years. In a single fighting, a brave Greek soldier named Achilles killed the Trojan leader Hector. In the end the Greeks won by a clever trick using a wooden horse. ( )1. What is The Iliad according to the passage? A. A long novel. B. A short novel. C. A long poem. D. A short poem. ( )2. The Odyssey told by Homer is mainly about _.A. a wooden horse B. Troy C. Turkey D. Odysseus( )3. Who was the wife of King Menelaus of Sparta?A. Paris.B. Helen. C. Achilles.D. Odysseus.( )4. Who was Hector in the passage?A. A Trojan leader.B. A Greek leader. C. The prince of Troy. D. The king of Troy.第3课时Grammar一、选择填空( )1. Tracy is so kind. We _ friends since ten years ago.A. becameB. wereC. have been( )2. I have lived in Shenzhen _ ten years.A. sinceB. forC. in ( )3. The Greens _ in London since 1980.A. lived B. are living C. have lived ( )4. He has learnt to play the piano _ two years ago.A. since B. for C. in ( )5. How long have you _ the car?A. borrowed B. lent C. had ( )6. Her grandma _ for two years.A. died B. has died C. has been dead( )7. Hurry up! The film _ ten minutes ago.A. is on B. has been on C. began ( )8. Where is Mary?She _ to the library. She just now.A. has gone; left B. has gone; has left C. went; left( )9. _ you _ the film?Not yet. I am going to see it tomorrow.A. Do; see B. Are; seeing C. Have; seen( )10. He _ the army for two years.A. joined B. has joined C. has been in( )11. You _ the book for two weeks. You should return it to the library.A. kept B. have kept C. borrowed( )12. Shenzhen _ a small city in the past. But in the past thirty years, a great change _. A. was; took place B. was; has taken place C. has been; took place ( )13. He has _ London twice and New York for ten years.A. gone to; been in B. been to; been in C. gone to; been to( )14. It is about two years since he _ his home town.A. left B. has left C. has been away( )15. He _ his work and _ home just now.A. has just finished; has gone B. just finished; has gone C. has just finished; went二、用since, for, already, yet, ever, so far, before或 just填空 1. I have _ read this book. 2. She hasnt finished her homework _. 3. _ she has made many new friends. 4. Tom has been away from home _ two months.5. He has been in the army _ xx.6. We have _ seen him here. 7. Have you _ been to Britain? 8. He has lived here _ he was born.9. Mary has never known this man _. 10. He has kept the book _ a week. 三、语法填空 The captain stood on the high wall of the city of Troy. He felt 1._(cheer)that the Greeks had gone and they had won. The Greeks had tried 2._(capture)their city for ten years but they had given up and sailed away. A soldier found the Greeks had left 3._ huge wooden horse outside the city. The captain thought the horse was so big 4._ they didnt want to take it with them. That night, all the Trojans celebrated in the main square of the city. They sang and danced around the horse, and made 5._(joke)about the stupid Greeks. After the party, they locked all the gates of the city and then all went to sleep. By midnight, the main square was empty except 6._ the huge horse. Suddenly, Greek soldiers 7._(quiet)climbed out of the horse. They opened the main 8._(gate)and the Greek army entered the city. For ten years, the Greeks failed to capture the city by 9._(fight). In one night, however, they succeeded in capturing it 10._ a clever trick.二、思维导图复述 My name is Yue Fei. I was born in a rich family. My parents were strict with me. I liked reading very much when I was young. I learnt a lot from different books. Many years later, I joined the army and became a soldier. As a soldier, I was excellent in my team, so I became a captain of the army. I led the soldiers to fight against enemies because we decided to protect our country and we won many wars. I was known as a great hero. 根据上述短文内容完成下面的思维导图,再根据思维导图,复述该篇短文的内容。二、书面表达我们都知道司马光砸缸的故事。请你根据下面的故事内容要点写一篇短文,向外国朋友介绍这个故事。内容包括:1. 几个小朋友在花园里捉迷藏(hide-and-seek)。2. 突然一个小朋友不小心掉进一个盛满水的大缸(jar)里。3. 其他人不知所措(didnt know what to do)。 4. 司马光用石头砸破大缸救了那个小朋友。5. 大人表扬(praise)他机智(intelligence)救了人。要求:1. 字数:70字左右(标题已给出,不计入总字数)。2. 文章必须包含所有提示内容,并可作适当发挥。3. 条理清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书面规范。The story of Sima Guang_

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