2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Sports and Games Topic 2教案 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Sports and Games Topic 2教案 仁爱版I. Teaching objectives教学目标Skill Focus听Listen to people talking about requests and responses.说Talking about team games and racing, expressing plains and apologizes, making requests and responses.读Read about the history of basketball and someones sports life. 写Write passages to introduce sb. and some sports. . Language Focus功能句式Making requests and responsesCould you please do me a favor?Sure. What is it?Will you join us?Id be glad to.Would you mind teaching me?Not at all.词汇1. 重点词汇ill, mind, practice, window, smoke, somewhere, careless, chance, fight, angry, serve, ready, important, petition, invent, college, even, score, well, basket, throw, follow, over, century, however, tired, active, mile, fresh, instead, build, bee, coach, feeling 2. 认读词汇favor, teammate, No., make ones bed, right away, loudly, goal, quickly, clearly, at once, traveling, tiring, Canadian, indoor, court, more and more, chips, easily, instead, runner 3. 短语fall ill, be glad to, get to, Capital Stadium, far from, do ones best, turn down, in a minute, as well, Springfield College, build up语法Will for intentionsIll play in the basketball game.Will you e and cheer us on?Ill be there soon.Ill go somewhere else.II. Teaching materials analyzing 教材分析Section A 1a、1b是两个男生之间的对话,还是围绕着运动这个话题,并让学生模仿对话练习。2a是个听力练习,同时学习如何表达请求和回复;2b要求学生把请求与适当的回复搭配并表演该对话;3是个听说训练,图文搭配。Section B 1a是3组朋友之间的对话,让学生进行情景表演;1b是词汇练习,将阅读与词汇很好的结合在一起学习;2重点学习本节的重点句型Would you mind? 3加强学生对请求和回复的掌握。Section C 1a、1b的对话发生在小记者Kangkang与篮球运动员之间;1c是个写作练习,假设自己是Ming,写一段自我介绍;2是一篇有关篮球历史的阅读理解,让学生了解篮球的诞生过程;3是个课堂小活动,调节课堂气氛。Section D 1a、1b是一篇有关跑步锻炼的阅读,学生通过对锻炼前后的对比,使学生加强自身身体锻炼;2听力练习;3a、3b的语法学习让学生复习掌握如何表达请求和回复;4强化练习本节的重点句型Would you mind? 4是个课堂小活动,让学生自己学习乒乓球这项体育运动的历史。III Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案The fifth period Listening and speakingTarget language目标语言1. Words & phrases 生词和短语ill, fall ill, be glad to, mind, practice, window, get to, No., Capital Stadium, far from, smoke, somewhere, make ones bed, loudly, right away2. Key sentences 重点句子Could you do me a favor?But one of my teammate fell ill.But I am not good at it.Would you mind teaching me?You need to take bus No. 2.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to understand the requests and responses and express plaints and apologies.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students listen to the requests and responses and express plaints and apologies.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点 Understand the requests and responses.Teaching aids教具准备A tape recorder.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Lead inT: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning. Mr. / MsT: If you get into trouble, what will you do?S1: I will try my best to solve it, but maybe its difficult.S2: I will ask my parents to help me.S3: I will ask some friend to give me some help.T: Good. No matter what, most people will ask for some help. Lets listen to a dialog between Kangkang and Michael. Listen carefully what happened.Step II Listening (1a, 1b, 2a)Play the recorder once. If necessary, play the recorder again.T: OK. Whats wrong with Kangkang?S1: He will have a soccer game this Saturday. But one of his teammates fell ill. He wants Michael join them.T: Good. Dose Michael agree with him?S2: Yes. T: You have understood the conversation. Practice it with your partner and role-play the conversation. You can change some information if you want to.After students practice the conversation, ask two pairs to perform it for their classmates. Then let students do the other listening practice.T: Listen to else two listening material, listen and fill in the blanks.Play the recorder. Then check the answers.T: Up to now, we listened 3 listening material. Have you find out the mon grounds and the purpose that we listened to them?S1: The mon ground is they all need others help. T: Good. They made requests.S2: So I think the purpose that we listened to these materials is learning how to make request and responses.T: Yes. Have you learned it? Please write some sentences in your exercise book that youve learnt from the listening practice.After students finished, teacher show some sentences on the slide.1. Could you please do me a favor? Sure.2. Will you join us? Id be glad to.3. Would you mind teaching me? Not at all.T: These sentences are from the listening material. Have you written them down?Ss: Yes.Step III Work alone (3)T: There are four pictures. Lets look at them and guess where they are and guess what the relationship is between them. Give students one minute to discuss with their partner.S1: The first picture is in hospital. The woman is a nurse and maybe the man is looking in the patient. S2: The second picture is at the door. Maybe the old woman is the mans neighbor.S3: The woman in third picture is at home. Maybe the man is her husband or her friend.S4: The fourth picture is at the boys room. The woman is his mother.T: Good. Now listen and read the four dialogs. Then match them with the pictures and check if you guess is right.Let students match the conversations with pictures.T: The four conversations are all about requests and responses. There is an important sentence pattern: “would you mind?” Do more practices after class.Step IV Homework (2)T: There are ten separate sentences. Match the requests with the right responses. Then practice with your partner and act out the conversation. See you next class.The sixth period Speaking and VocabularyTarget language目标语言1. Words & phrases 生词和短语careless, chance, goal, fight, do ones best, angry, serve, quickly, turn down, clearly, in a minute, ready, important2. Key sentences 重点句子You are always so careless.You shouldnt shout at me. I didnt want to miss the goal.Shame on you.Would you mind saying sorry to Michael?I am very sorry for what I said.Keep trying.We are sure to win next time.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to make apology and response.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students make apology and response.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点 Making apology and response. Teaching aids教具准备A multimedia.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionT: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning. Mr. / MsT: Have you finished your homework? Ss: Yes.T: Who would like to show your conversation for us? Volunteers?A sample conversation:A: Excuse me. Could you please do me a favor?B: Sure. What is it?A: Could you tell me how to get to the Capital Stadium?B: Its far from here. You need to take bus No. 2.A: Thank you very much. B: You are wele.Step II Lead in T: If your friends fought, what will you do?S1: I will advice them saying sorry to each other. Good friends should forget the friends mistake.S2: I will write two letters of apology for everyone and write his friends name. Maybe they will forgive each other. T: Good idea. Did you remember that Michael helped Kangkang play soccer last period?Ss: Yes. One of Kangkangs teammates fell ill, so he asked Michael to join them.T: Do you know the result?S3: Maybe they win the game.S4: Maybe they lost the game.Step III Reading (1a)T: Read the first conversation with your partner carefully. What happened?After they read the first dialog, ask student to answer the question.S1: Michael missed a good chance in the soccer game, so they fought. T: What will happen? Lets go on our reading.Let students read the second conversation.S2: Maria and Jane persuade them not to fight, and they hope that Kangkang could say sorry to Michael.S3: They believe Michael can do better next time.T: Very good. Good friend should understand each other. Lets go on the last conversation.Let students read the last conversation.S4: At last, Kangkang says sorry to Michael. They are still good friends.T: Very good. Work in groups and play a role of the four students. You can change some information if you think its necessary.Then ask one or two groups act in front of the class.Step IV Vocabulary (1b) T: Read the conversation above again by yourself. There are nine words in the box. Please find some of them out in the conversation, and then fill them in the blanks.Three minutes later.Check the answers together.Step V Speaking i (2)T: Read the example, A make request to B and B make apology to A. You are required to make three similar dialogs using the sentence pattern: “would you mind?” You should choose a, b or c in the box on the right according to the scene. I will give you five minutes to prepare. Then perform it. OK?Ss: OK. Five minutes later, ask some students perform their dialogs in front of the class. Give students more chances to speak in public.A sample dialog:A: Your room is too dirty. Would you mind cleaning your room?B: Sorry. Ill do it in a minute.Step VI Speaking ii (3) T: There are two groups of sentences. One group is about apologies, and the other group is about responses. First match each apology with the best response of part 3. Then practice them with your partner.Three minutes later, ask some pairs to perform.A sample:A: I am sorry I didnt call you last night.B: Never mind. I guess you were busy.Step VII Homeworka. Make four sentences about apologies and responses.b. Make four sentences about requests and responses.The seventh period Reading Target language目标语言1. Words & phrases 生词和短语traveling, tiring, as well, petition, Canadian, invent, college, Springfield College, indoor, even, score, put, well, basket, throw, court, follow, over, century, more and more2. Key sentences 重点句子Thats a lot of traveling.But very tiring as well.He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play it even in bad weather.You must follow the rules.More and more people play basketball.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about team games and racing.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students talk about team games and racing.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点 Talking about team games and racing. Teaching aids教具准备A multimedia.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Lead in T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning. Mr. / MsT: Look at the picture on Page 13. Do you know the tall man?S1: Yes. He is Yao Ming. He is very famous in China even in the world.T: Right. There are many students like him in our class. Yao Mings fans are around the world. If you are a reporter and you have a chance to municate with Yao Ming face to face. What do you want to ask him?S2: I want to ask him what his dream is.S3: I want to ask him how long he will play basketball in USA in the future.S4: I want to know which pop star he likes best.S5: I will ask him when he will marry.T: Very interesting. If you want to know him better, you can find more information about Yao Ming. Now lets read the conversation between Ming and Kangkang.Step II Reading and speaking (1a, 1b)T: OK. Now Kangkang has the chance to municate with him. Read the conversation with your partner carefully and then plete the following chart on the slide. Three minutes are given.Show the chart on the slide.TimeMarchJuneAugustActivityT: OK. Time is up. Have you got the answers? Volunteers?S1: The first blank. Ming will take part in the games in France in March.S2: The second blank. In June, he will be in Korea.S3: The third blank. In August he will be in Russia. T: Good. Dose Ming like traveling?S4: He likes traveling and he enjoying playing in different countries.T: When did he start playing basketball?S5: Ming starts playing basketball about seven years old.T: You all got it. Are there some students who want to be a reporter in the future?Ss: Yes.T: Reporter is an exciting job. You can municate with different people and many stars. Now role-play the conversation with your partner. If you have enough time, you can make another conversation. For example, you can municate with Beckham, Zhou Jielun or Cai Yinlin. Ill give you five minutes to prepare.Five minutes later.T: Are you ready?Ss: Yes.Ask some volunteers to present their conversation.A sample conversation:Zhang Ming: This year is important for you, isnt it, Beckham?Beckham: Yes, thats right. In March I will go to Japan. In June, I will take part in the World Cup in Germany. Then I will have some advertisements to prepare.Zhang Ming: thats a lot of traveling.Beckham: Yes, a lot. I like traveling, and my wife and children also like traveling.Zhang Ming: When did you start playing football?Beckham: When I was about 13 years old, I joined a football club in England.Zhang Ming: You have a very exciting life now. Beckham: Exciting? Yes. But very tiring as well.Step III Reading (2)T: We talked many about basketball and basketball players. Do you know its history? Do you know who invent basketball game? Ss: No.T: Do you want to know it?Ss: Yes. T: Turn to Page 14, read the passage. Before you read it, read these questions. When you read it, find the answers.Show the questions on the slide.1. Whats the national of James Naismith?2. When he invented basketball?3. Whats his job at that time?4. Do you know how to score in the game?T: If you got the answers, tell your partner and check if your answer is right. After that, mark (T) for Ture and (F) for False.Give students two minutes to finish it. Then ask students retell the passage, using the information showed on the slide.Show the information on the slide.James Naismith1891P.E. teacherIndoor gameput the ball into the other sides basketfollow the rulesmore and more people play basketballAsk some volunteers to retell the passage.Then let students pay attention to the important words invent, college, indoor, even, score, put into, throw, court, follow, century, more and more. T: There are many surprises around us. Maybe one day you will invent something too. It needs our carefulness and imagination. Step IV Homework (1c)T: We have known Ming well through the conversation above. Suppose you are Ming. Write a passage introducing yourself. You can start the passage like following.A sample passage:My name is Ming. Im a basketball player. I started playing basketball when I was about seven years old. I like it very much. This year is important for me. In March I will take part in the petition in France. In June I will be in Korea, and in August I will be in Russia. I like traveling very much. Now I have an exciting life, but very tiring as well.The eighth period Reading and Grammar Target language目标语言1. Words & phrases 生词和短语however, chips, tired, easily, active, mile, fresh, instead, instead of, build, build up, coach, runner, feeling2. Key sentences 重点句子I drink milk and eat fresh fruit and vegetables instead of chocolate.Running and healthy eating help to build me up.I have great fun running and I feel well and look fit.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to make requests and responses.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students review the grammar and useful expressions.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点 Grasping the grammar. Teaching aids教具准备A multimedia.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Lead in T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning. Mr. / MsT: Today, Children worldwide are getting fatter at an alarming rate. In China, more and more parents are worried about their childrens weight. At the moment ten percent of all urban children in China are overweight. Why are there so many fat children?S1: They eat too much sugary and fried foot S2: They are lack of physical activities.S3: They drink too much soft drink.S4: They eat too much before sleeping in the evening.S5: They eat too much fast foot, such as KFC and Mcdonalds.T: You are all right. There are many reasons result in childrens overweight. In a word, Experts say the two reasons for the increase in childrens bodyweight are diet and lack of physical activity. An American expert predicts that 25% of all children in China will be overweight by xx. How terrible. There is a boy, he was fat one year ago. Now, he is quiet health. Why? Let read a passage he wrote.Step II Reading (1a, 1b, 1c)T: Look at the picture. Whats he doing? Ss: He is running. T: Right. Now read the passage and answer the T or F questions on the slide.Show the questions on the slide.1. He is 16-year-old.2. Running and healthy eating help to build me up.3. He loves chips and chocolate now.4. He runs everyday.5. In fact, he doesnt like running.Key: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. FAfter they finished the exercise, check the answers together.T: Now Ill ask you some questions about your understanding. The first question: why did the boy start his running?S1: One year ago, he was fat. When he saw some young men running in the part, they looked so fit and active. So he started running.T: Very good. The second question: what kind of food did he have instead of chocolate?S2: He drink milk and eat fresh fruit and vegetables.T: Good. The last question: how does he feel now?S3: I have great fun running and I feel well and look fit.T: Good job. Taking exercises is the best way to lose weight. It can also help you keep fit. If you think you are fat, taking exercises. But you are young and you need all kinds of nourishment. Health is the most important. The boy changed a lot because of running. In a word, there are three aspects could be seen looking, eating and feeling. Look at the chart on Page 15. Fill in the chart according to the passage.Suggested answer:before going runningafter going runninglookingfathealth, fittereatingchips and chocolatemilk, fresh fruit and vegetablefeelinggot tired easilyhappyThen let students pay attention to the words however, chip, tired, easily, active, fresh, instead of, coach, mile, build up, muscles.Step III Listening (2)T: Listening to the dialog carefully. Fill in the correct numbers in the brackets.Play the recorder once. If necessary, play the recorder again.Step IV Grammar (3a, 3b)T: We have learnt how to make requests and responses. This period we will have a whole revision. Besides the sentences in the book, there are many others to make request. Look at these sentences on the slide.Requests 1. Would you like to?2. You will , wont you?3. Wont you e?4. May I ?5. Would it be all right if I ?Responses: 1. Yes. Id love to.2. With pleasure.3. I am afraid I cant.4. Oh, what a pity. Im going to5. Of course. The students also have learnt how to make apology and responses. Show more sentences on the slide.Apology:1. Im sorry about / for2. Im sorry to3. Excuse me forResponses:1. Not at all.2. Thats all right.3. Thats nothing.Step V Pair work (3)T: Make conversations with the useful expressions in the box. Practise the phrases and sentences. There is an example.A sample conversation:A: I m sorry for losing your book.B: You are always so careless. Its important for me.A: Sorry. Ill be careful next time.B: Never mind. Be careful next time.Step VI Homework (4)T: We have read a passage about basketball. After class, you have a task to do. Find some information about table tennis. Find its history and finish the form below, then write a short passage. See you next class.The sample: Time: during the 19th centuryPlace: England Inventor: unknownFamous clubs: Chinas National TeamPopular players: Zhang Yining, Wang LiqinTable tennis was in


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