2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 5 Birdwatchers Period one.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 5 Birdwatchers Period oneTeaching Aims: 1. To introduce mon names of birds 2. To revise characteristics and appearance in the context of birds 3. To exchange information about birds, starting preferences Teaching Procedures:Step1 Free talk 1. which bird do you like best? Why? 2. Did you go birdwatching at the market last week? 3. What do you know about birds?Step 2 Learn the new ic strip and do T/F 1. Hobo is going birdwatching at the market. 2. Eddie likes birds at the market. 3. Hobo likes Beijing Ducks and roast chickens.Step 3 Some new words 1. birdwatcher n.该单词由birdwatch v. 派生而来,意为鸟类观察者。类似词汇有shoe-maker, bridge-builder等。 2. long-winged adj.长有长翅膀的这也是复合词,英语中常在复合名词后加ed 构成形容词,如:long-legged长腿的,warm-hearted热心的。 3. northern adj. 北方的,北部的该词由north加ern构成形容词,可修饰名词,如:northern part of China, northern area.类似的单词有:eastern, western, southern。 4. golden adj. 金黄色的,金色的辨析 gold, a gold watch 一块金表,a golden watch 一块金色的表Step 4: Language Points 1. I am going birdwatching at the market.我要到市场上去看鸟。go boating 去划船 go fishing 去钓鱼 go sightseeing 去观光go shopping 去购物 go swimming 去游泳 go skating 去溜冰go skiing 去滑雪 2. web-footed 蹼足的该词是一个复合形容词,由名词web和名词foot再加-ed构成,类似的复合形容词还有:a white-haired girl 白毛女a three-legged table 一张三条腿的桌子a one eyed man 一个独眼人 3. pointed wings 尖的羽翼pointed adj. 尖的。 a pointed pencil 一支削尖的铅笔 4. golden eagle 金雕(鸟名)golden 为形容词,意为“金色的”,除此之外 golden 还可以意为“镀金的”“金黄的”。比较golden与gold的区别:gold 作形容词的意为“金子做的”,作名词时意为“金子”“黄金”,强调金子这个原材料;golden只作形容词。如:They dug the field for gold. 他们在田里挖金子。He bought a gold watch. 他买了一块金表。I have a golden watch. 我有一块金色的表。 5. broad wings 宽的双翼此处的broad意为“宽的”。在英语中wide也作“宽的”解释,两词具体用法如下:在指道路、河流等“宽广”“宽阔”时两词通用。There is a wide / broad river behind our school.在我们学校后面有一条宽阔的河。They are building a wide / broad road now.他们正在修一条宽阔的马路。在引申用法中表示“广泛的”多用wide,在修饰眼睛、嘴巴的“大”时用wide。wide还可作副词,表示“充分地”、“完全的”。如:He is a man with wide interests.他是一个兴趣广泛的人。Open your mouth wide.张大你的嘴。She was wide awake.她是完全清醒的。在指人的心胸开阔或人的肢体宽大时用broad。如: He is a man with a broad heart. 他是一个心胸开阔的人。Step 5: Homework1、当P1161172、作业本P1031043、背诵单词 birdwatcher hooked教后感:

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