2019-2020年九年级英语典型时态II 及词语辨析.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语典型时态II 及词语辨析.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年九年级英语典型时态II 及词语辨析一. 本周教学内容:典型时态 II 及词语辨析二. 知识归纳与总结:1. 过去完成时用法与结构的总结2. 过去进行时的5个注意 (构成;基本用法;特殊用法;标志词;与一般过去时的区别)3. 辨析expect, hope, wish, 和want4. 辨析family, home, house5. 辨析few, a few, little, a little6. 辨析 be filled with, be full of7. 辨析 find和find out8. 辨析 find 和look for【典型例题】1. She went round the whole building and tried to _ her lost bike.A. watch B. see C. look for D. find答案:D解析:她绕着大楼走,试图找到丢失的自行车。2. My father is leaving _ Dalian tomorrow.A. to B. at C. for D. on 答案:C 解析:leave for 离开去某地3. His joke made all of us _.A. happy B. happily C. nice D. interesting答案:A 解析:make + n.+ a. 4. _ beautiful bookmarks! Where did you buy them?A. How B. What C. How a D. What a答案:B解析:感叹句 What+a.+n.(+主+谓)!5. There will be a talk _ Chinese history tomorrow afternoon.A. with B. in C. on D. for答案:C 解析:on 关于6. Tom _ be reading in the classroom.No, he _ be there. I saw him in the hall just now.A. must; cant B. can; mustnt C. may; may not D. should; mightnt答案:A 解析:must be 表推测(用于肯定句),cant 表推测(用于否定句)7. I havent finished reading the book Jane Eyre _. A. already B. just C. yet D. ever答案:C解析:否定句中把already变成yet8. The old woman _ her ticket to the cinema just now.A. lose B. lost C. has lost D. losing答案:B 解析:just now是刚才的意思, 与一般过去时连用。9. He found his motorbike ten minutes _.A. before B. after C. ago D. later on答案:C 解析:10分钟之前,他找到他的摩托车。10. Youve never made dumplings, _?A. didnt you B. havent you C. did you D. have you 答案:D解析:否定疑问句前面否定,后面肯定。11. There are green trees on _ side of the river.A. both B. every C. each D. all答案:C 解析:on each side 在任何一边12. There is a ticket on the floor, is it yours? Oh, yes. Its mine. Let me _ for you.A. to pick up it B. pick it up C. pick up it D. to pick it up 答案:B 解析:pick up拾起,代词it放中间13. How long can I _ these books?Just one week.A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. look at答案:C 解析:keep 延续性动词与how long 连用14. Ive _ my pen at home. May I use yours? Certainly. Here you are.A. forgot B. leaved C. forgotten D. left答案:D 解析:leave 留下,落下15. What are you going to do tomorrow? _.A. If it will be fine, Ill go to the park with my parents B. If it doesnt rain, I go to the park with my parentsC. If it will be fine, Ill go out for a walkD. If it doesnt rain, Ill go out for a walk答案:D 解析:如果天不下雨,我将出去散步。


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