2019-2020年九年级英语下册Unit5 American or British--Topic 2 Section A.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语下册Unit5 American or British-Topic 2 Section AThe main activities are 1a, 1c and 2. 本课重点活动是1a, 1c和2。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Master the new word:state2. Learn the attributive clause (with the use of who):He is a man who had many wise ideas and thoughts about nature, .3. Learning something about Chinas historic people and historic events.4. Train the students in loving our motherland. Teaching aids教具录音机/教学图片/多媒体课件. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:20分钟)1. (教师收集一些名谚,分组、分条翻译,以竞赛的形式完成。其中要包含关于孔子的名谚,便于呈现孔子和引出saying。)步骤:(1)教师分组,两人一组。(2)把事先准备好的名谚发给每组,每组两条名谚,一条英译汉,一条汉译英。(3)做好的交给教师,教师需对前15名进行表扬。(4)把所有名谚用小黑板展示,让学生选择2条自己最喜欢的速记。(5)把自己喜欢的名谚说给同伴听。(6)教师选择孔子的名谚,呈现孔子,并进行简单的介绍,呈现who引导的定语从句。T: Lets have a match. Two students one group, I have some sentences on these paper. Please translate them with your partner. Lets find the first group, the second to the fifteenth group. Lets begin.(教师所搜集的名谚可参考下面小黑板呈现的,进行英汉转化。)(两分钟后,教师展示前15组的名谚并给予奖励。)T: Now I have fifteen groups. Lets listen and check them.Group 1: Group 2: .Group 15: (教师把所收集的名谚以小黑板的形式展示出来。)(1)Two heads are better than one.(学过的采用汉译英的形式)(2)The early bird catches the worms.(3)Love me, love my dog.(4)Where there is a will, there is a way.(5)When I walk along with two others, I may be able to learn from them.(6)What you know, you know. What you dont know, you dont know.(7)To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous.(8)Isnt it a pleasure that friends e to see you from far away?(9)Learn the new while reviewing the old.T:Which is your favorite? Can you tell me?S1:S2:S3:(教师总结并引出saying及Confucius。)T:Look at the small blackboard. These are sayings. From No. 5 to No. 8 are Confucius sayings.(板书)saying n.谚语,俗语Confucius 孔子T:Do you know about Confucius?Ss:Yes. But only a little.(另一种可能,Ss: No.)(教师出示孔子图和孔子讲学图,并对孔子进行简单的介绍引出定语从句:He is a man who had many wise ideas and thoughts about nature, the world and human behavior.)T: Lets learn something about Confucius. He was born in the year 551 B.C. He was from the state of Lu.(板书)in the year 551 B.C.the state of LuHe is a man who had many wise ideas and thoughts about nature, the world and human behavior.(教师对who引导的定语从句进行必要的讲解,并且要提到that和who引导的定语从句的共同点,并举例。)(1)He is the man that I want to meet.(2)I like the teacher who can play with us together.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:6分钟)(以听力的形式呈现1a。)T: Listen to the tape twice. And answer the questions on the blackboard.(1)Whom are they talking about?(2)Have his wise sayings influenced many people?(3)When was he born?(听录音后,给出问题答案。)T:Listen to the tape for another time. Write down the saying of Confucius in the dialog.(听录音后,找学生到黑板上写出孔子的名谚。)Learn the new while reviewing the old.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:5分钟)(以对话的形式,对1a进行巩固。)1. (听录音,模仿对话。)T:Listen to the tape and practice the dialog with your partner.2. (Work alone, 根据呈现的问题的答案复述对话。)T:Please retell the dialog according to the questions on the blackboard.S1:S2:S3:Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:8分钟)1. (1)(Group work, 让学生快速阅读1c中的每个句子,在小组内讨论并排序,完成1c的练习。)T: Read the sentences in 1c and talk about them in your group, then give the right order.(讨论时教师要参与到小组中,及时的提供帮助,讨论结束,教师核对答案。)T: Lets check our answers.Group A: Group B: (2)(Pair work, 小组内部讨论并找出自己难以理解的词句。)T: Read 1c with your partner. Talk about the sentences and find out some that you cant understand.(学生可能难以理解的句子:)(1)He tried to search for good rules of behavior.(2)He died five years after returning to his home in the state of Lu.S1: S2: (教师在处理这样的问题时要尽量让学生自己解决。教师提示,这两个句子优等生是可以解决的,由学生解决既可以发挥榜样的作用,又可以鼓励学生思考,培养他们独立解决问题的能力。)(3)(教师根据排出的正确顺序,用小黑板呈现一些表示时间概念的词,让学生来复述孔子的生平。)T: Please look at the time on the small blackboard. Try to retell the Confucius life in order.(1)be born(2)When he was 17 (3)After his mothers death (4)When he was 55 (5)When he was 68 (6)five years after returning to his home in the state of Lu(三分钟后)T:Who can retell the life about Confucius?S3: S4: S5: 2. (练习听力,完成2。)(1)(听录音,完成2。)T: Listen to the tape for the first time. Finish the questions from one to three.(放一遍录音后。)T: Listen to the tape again. Finish the last two questions.(2)(教师就听力文段进行提问,引导学生谈论历史事件和历史人物。)T: We have listened to the tape twice. I want to know the answers to the following questions. Please talk about them:Questions:(1)What do you think of Emperor Qin Shihuang?(2)Why is Qin Dynasty beaten by Liu Bang?(教师给学生一些时间讨论,提供必要的帮助。)T:Who can tell me your answers?S6:S7:S8:.(教师进行总结,并将主题升华。)T: We all know Emperor Qin Shihuang is a great emperor. He defeated six states. But his rules cant go on forever, because those rules are strict. So we must be kind to everyone.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:6分钟)1. (方案一)(组织对话表演,主题是关于孔子师生之间的对话,分小组进行表演。)要求: (1)情景剧表演。(2)人物的语言要符合人物的身份,特别是孔子的语言。(3)对话中要尽量加入孔子的名谚。T: Lets make a conversation among your partners. Imagine one of you is Confucius, others are Confucius students. Please act it out.(教师在学生组织时应该提供必要的帮助。)T: Which group can act out your conversation?Group 1: Group 2: Group 3: (方案二)(调查孔子及孔子思想在中学生中的影响力,教师把调查的问题分别做成表格,分到各小组。)T: Lets make a survey about the influences of Confucius and his thoughts. Please fill in the chart. Do Confucius and Confucius thoughts influence you a lot, just so-so, or none?NameA lotJust so-soNoneFavorite sayings of Confucius(调查后进行汇报,每组派一名代表汇报。)T: Can you tell me your results? Group 1: 2. Homework(1)把两个句子用that或who联结,使之成为定语从句。She is a girl. I want to meet her.The boy is my brother. The boy stands in front of the house.The astronaut is ing here. The astronaut is Yang Liwei.He is the first student. He es to school every day.(2)为你喜欢的中国古代名人建立个人档案。收集古代名人的图片。为图片配上相应的说明文字(例如:Name, Birthplace, Experience )。


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