2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 10 When was it invented?The Fourth Period教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 10 When was it invented?The Fourth Period教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 10 When was it invented?The Fourth Period教案 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 10 When was it invented?The Fourth Period教案 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 10 When was it invented?The Fourth Period教案 人教新目标版Teaching Aims and Demands1Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularysweet, salty, crispy, sour, potato, chip, mistake, by mistake. thin, in the end, chef , sprinkle(2) Target LanguageDid you know potato chips were invented by mistake?No, I didnt know that. Who invented them?2Ability Objects(1) Train the students reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with the target language.(2) Train the students to use the new vocabulary.3Moral ObjectsDo you enjoy eating the potato chips? Have you ever thought of the history of the chips?Teaching Key Points1Train the students reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with the target language.2Teach the students to use the new vocabulary correctly.Teaching Difficult PointsDo the listening practice.Teaching Methods1Listening2PairworkTeaching Aids1A tape recorder2Some bags of potato chips.Teaching ProceduresStep Revision1Check the homework by asking some children to read their conversations to the class.2Ask some questions about the inventions. For example. what do you think is the most helpful invention?3Dictate the words below:bulb light, microwave oven, island.Step 1aThis activity introduces new vocabulary.First, show the new vocabulary on the screen by a projector.sweet adj. 甜的;含糖的salty adj. 咸的;含盐的crispy adj. 脆的;易碎的sour adj. 酸的;酸味的potato n. 土豆chip n. (食物等)片mistake n. 错误;过失;误解by mistake 错误地thin adj. 薄的;细的in the end 最后;终于chef n. 厨师sprinkle v. 撒(粉末状物);洒(液体)Point to each word on the screen and teach the students to read one by one. Do it several times until the children can read the new words fluently.Read the instructions to the class.Point out the four adjectives on the left. Have them read the four words together. Then ask some different students to read them. Then ask the students to try to tell the meaning of each word in English in their own words, or give some examples of foods that show what each word means.For example, help the students explain it like this:Sweet is used for describing something that tastes like sugar or honey. Its the opposite word of sour.After that, ask the students to tell the names of the foods in the picturespotato chips, lemon, ice cream, tea.Please choose the words in the box to describe how the food in the pictures tastes. Write them under the correct pictures. Note that some pictures have more than one word.Tell them to see the example answer before writing.After a while, check the answers by asking several students to read their answers to the class.Answers:potato chips: crispy, saltylemon: sourice cream: sweettea: sweetOptional activityBring some foods that taste sweet, crispy, salty and sour to the class. Have some students, one at a time, taste little pieces of each food. Then report how the foods taste to the class with the new adjectives, sweet, crispy, salty and sour. Students may one more than one word to describe some foods.Step 1bThis activity provides practice using the new vocabulary and writing familiar words.Ask the students to read the instructions together.Point out the four taste words. Then point to the sample answer given.Please write the name of a different food after each word.You can write the name of any food you know in the blank. Can you think of other sweet food now? (apple, orange, etc.) Ask the students to plete the activity on their own.After they all finish writing, ask some students to read their answers to the class.Check the answers with the whole class.Answers :Answers will vary but may include:sweet: apple, orange juice, soda, cake, honeycrispy: french fries, salad, lettucesalty: french fries, olives, pepperoni, pizza, popcornsour: pickle, grapefruitStep 2aThis activity gives students practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Let the students read the instructions together. Be sure that they all know what to do.Call the students attention to the six sentences in the box. Ask six different students to read them and do some explanation in their own words on each sentence.After that, get the students to guess what they will hear about.Maybe someone can answer like this, we may listen to something about the potato chips. Show some bags of potato chips to them or even let some children taste the chips.Yes. Youll hear a story about the invention of the potato chips. Please look at the first sentence now. It is a sample answer given. The statement is true so the letterT is circled.Then play the recording first. Students only listen.Play the recording again. Ask the children to listen and circle T for true or F for false.Check the answers with the whole class.Answers1T 2F 3T 4F 5F 6TTapescriptBoy 1 : Hey, did you know that potato chips were invented by mistake?Boy 2 : Really? What do you mean?Boy 1: Well, here on the bag it says that they were invented by a chef called George Crum.Boy 2 : When was that?Boy 1: Oh, it was way back in 1853.Boy 2: So, why was it an accident?Boy 1: Well, one day a customer in the restaurant where George worked sent back his plate of fried potatoes because he said they were cut too thick.Boy 2: So what happened?Boy 1 : Well, George was in a bad mood, so he cut the potatoes really, really thin, and he cooked them for a long time until they were crispy. And he sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were really salty. He thought the customer would hate them.Boy 2 : And?Boy 1: And the customer loved them and asked for more. He told the other customers about them, and soon everyone was ordering thinly sliced, crispy, salty potato chips.Boy 2 : And were still eating them today. What a cool story!Boy 1: Yeah.Step 2bThis activity gives students practice in understanding and writing the target language.Get the students to read the instructions together.Point to the blanks in the sentences in the story and tell them to plete the sentences while they are listening.Youll listen to the same recording again. Before I play the recording, please try to give the answers by memory, or just by guessing.It doesnt matter whether your answers are right or wrong.After a while, have the students get ready to listen.Play the recording again. Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the words they hear.Get several students to share their answers with the class. Correct the answers with the whole class.Answers1Did you know 2were invented 31853 4were crispy 5really saltyStep 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Play the recording of the history of chips again. Pause for the students to repeat after it. Get the students to read after the tape at least twice. Tell them to try their best to copy the pronunciation of the recording.Read the instructions to the class. Tell them that they will role-play the conversation, using the information from the activities in Activity 2a and Activity 2b.Ask a pair of the students to read the model conversation in the box.SA: Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?SB: Wow, I didnt know that. Who invented them?SA: They were invented by a chef called George Crum.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Then ask another pair to make a conversation or continue the model conversation.They may say like this;A: Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?B: Wow, I didnt know that. Who invented them?A: They were invented by a chef called George Crum.B: Why was it an accident? Can you tell me the story?A: Well, one day a customer in the restaurant where George worked sent back his plate of fried potatoes because he said they were cut too thick.B: What happened next?A: So George was unhappy, he cut the potatoes really thin, and he cooked them for along time until they were crispy. He sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were really salty. He thought the customers would hate them.B: Go ahead, please.A: And the customer loved them and asked for more.B: What a cool story!Step SummaryIn this class, weve learned to describe how food tastes with some new adjectives. And weve done much listening practice on the target language. At last, we did some oral practice by making our own conversations.Step Homework1Try to remember the new words learned today.2Write out the conversation that you made by yourselves in Activity 2c.Step Blackboard DesignUnit 10 When was it invented?Section BThe Fourth PeriodTarget Language:A: Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?B: Wow, I didnt know that. Who invented them?A: They were, invented by a chef called George Crum.

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