2019-2020年九年级英语下册Unit5 American or British--Topic 3 Section A.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语下册Unit5 American or British-Topic 3 Section AThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Master some new words:promise, tower2. Learn the usage of the correlative conjunction:We can go either to Beihai Park or to Shichahai.3. Learn about Chinas old culture:the Forbidden City, dragon, Huabiao. Teaching aids教具录音机/挂图/一些反映中国文化的图片/电视机/少量CD. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (给学生展示毛主席站在天安门城楼上的图片,让学生复习上节课的伟人事迹,以天安门城楼引出新单词grand, roof和the Forbidden city。)T:Please look at the picture. Can you tell us where Chairman Mao was standing? S1, please.S1:He was standing on the Tianan Men Rostrum.(让学生看图片,问毛主席站在哪,他在干什么?毛主席在天安门城楼宣告中华人民共和国成立。让学生欣赏天安门城楼的雄伟。)T:What was he doing? S2.S2:Sorry. I dont know.T:He is announcing the foundation of PRC.Since then, he was the first chairman of new China.Look at the tower. How grand it is!Ss:Yes, it is.(板书,跟读。)tower 5tau n.grand 5grAnd a.T:And look at the roof, what colour is it? S3.S3:It is yellow.(板书,跟读。)roof 5ru:f n.T:Do you know what the roof was made of? S4.S4:It was made of wood.T:Yes, youre right. Its a wooden roof. Look, these are wooden desks.(板书,跟读。)wooden 5wudn a.T:Now, my class. Have you been to Beijing and did you see the Tianan Men Rostrum? S5, please.S5:No, I havent.T:What a pity! Ill tell you, the Tianan Men Rostrum is in front of the Forbidden City.2. (播放一段故宫的录像,让学生欣赏故宫的雄伟、宏大,为呈现内容作铺垫。)(Play a video about the Forbidden City.)T:Now, watch a CD carefully, please. Pay attention to Tiananmen Rostrum. After that, Ill ask you some questions or to say something about it.(播放录像。)(结束后。)T:Well. Arent the building grand?Ss:Yes, they are.S6:I hope to visit them some day in the future.T:Sure. Either the Tianan Men Rostrum or the Forbidden City is worth seeing. (板书,跟读。)T:Kids, Do you know what the tall buildings are in front of Tianan Men?Ss:They are two stone columns.T:Yes, but they are called Huabiao in Chinese. Huabiao has a long history and there are many interesting stories about it. Its said that in ancient China a king named Yao set up a wooden column outside his office. People could carve their suggestions on it, and Yao promised to follow the suggestions. But later, its made of stone, and many dragons were carved on it. Its said that it also means “See the king out and in(望君出,望君归)”.(板书,跟读。)promise 5prRmis v.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)1. (教师让学生合上书,听录音,同时把教学挂图故宫图挂在黑板上。)T:Now, look at this picture. At the same time, please listen to the tape carefully. Then answer the following questions.(板书)(1)Why were most of the buildings built with yellow roofs?(2)Why are there so many stone dragons there?(3)Is the dragon the symbol of the Chinese nation?(4)Do you know any stories of the dragon?.(对问题进行解释,降低学生听力难度,让他们带着问题去听,能集中学生的注意力,且有的放矢。)(播放完后。)T: Listen to the tape again.(第二次播放。)T:Well, can you tell us the answers to the questions?Ss:Yes.T:OK, volunteers? No one?(逐个让学生回答问题。)(板书,跟读。)S1:(1)Because yellow is the symbol of imperial power.S2:(2)Because in ancient China, emperors thought they were real dragons and the sonsof heaven.S3:(3)Yes, it is.S4:2. (教师让学生打开课本,翻到1a,将重点词、句列出来,再带读对话两遍。)T: Now, my class, please open your books and turn to Page 17.(板书,且略加解释。)grand, roof(s)It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals.Anything else about dragons?T:OK, lets read the words and useful expressions and then read the dialog twice. OK?Ss:OK.T:Read after me.Ss:Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:12分钟)1. (分组操练,让每个学生都参与。)T:Now, lets act out the dialog.I act as Susanna. Group 1, 2 act as Jane.Group 3, 4 act as Kangkang, OK?Ss:OK.T:Lets begin!T:Group 1, 2: Group 3, 4: T: Good.2. (让学生三人一组相互表演,先准备1分钟产生互动,然后再抽出若干组进行表演。)T: Please practise the dialog with your partner. (Finish 1b)Group 5: Group 6: Group 7: T: Well done, everyone. Congratulations!3. (从对话中学生们了解到龙是中华民族的象征,在中国历史中,有许许多多关于龙的京剧、音乐、绘画和谚语等,播放录像关于叶公好龙的故事,使学生产生兴趣,又帮助他们产生联想。)T: As we know, the dragon is the symbol of the Chinese nation and there are a lot of operas, music, paintings and sayings about the dragon in Chinas history. Now, do you know anything about it?Here is a video. Its about a story of dragon.Please watch it carefully and then tell us what is the story called?(播放录像。)(播放完后。)T:Are you clear? Guess! What is the story called? S1, please.S1:Lord Yes Love of Dragons. (教师帮助他,然后板书。)(接着录音机播放一首王力宏演唱的歌曲中国龙,学生对歌曲最感兴趣,从而使他们积极参与进来。)T:Listen to the music and find out who is singing? The song is about the dragon, understand?Ss:Yes.(播放音乐。)T:Stop here. Do you like it?Ss:Yes, very much.T:Who is singing it, S2?S2:Lee-hom. He is my favorite singer.T:Good.Now my class, please discuss about dragons in groups.(学生分组讨论有关龙的情况,按照1c中范例进行练习。)T:Then Ill ask some groups to report to our class.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (播放录音,听2a对话,然后完成2b。)T: OK. My class, please close your books and listen to the tape. Then answer the following questions.(播放录音。)T: Listen to the tape again. Try to find out the answers to the questions quickly.(第二次播放录音。)T: (播完后。)Stop here. Lets check the answers.(让学生回答问题,并且把少量词列在黑板上。)(板书,跟读。)wood n. wooden a. carve v. promise v. promise to do sth. either or T: Now, lets read the dialog together. Please read after me.(带读对话两遍。)2. (让学生注意重点词、句,并用它们造句。)T: OK, everyone, please pay attention to “promise to do sth.” and “either or ”. Use them to make some sentences.Example:(1)He promised to help me.(2)Either you or he may go there.(然后让学生造句。)promiseeither or 3. (操练2a对话。)T:Well done. Thank you.Next, lets practice the conversation with your partners like this. Im Susanna. G1,2 are Kangkang. G3,4 are Jane. Are you clear?Ss:Yes.T:OK. Lets begin.(教师带学生操练一遍,作示范。)T:OK. Please act it out in pairs.Ss:Pair 1: Pair 2: .Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)1. (总结归纳本课内容,让学生结合日常生活的经历,谈谈对古建筑物的所见,以启发学生思考。)T:OK, my class. Close your books, please.Today we have learned more about the Forbidden City and we know about Huabiao and dragons on it.Well, have you ever noticed something special in front of the great buildings?What do they mean? Please discuss in groups. OK?Ss:OK.(接着学生分组讨论。)2. (讨论完后,抽几位好的学生向全班汇报一下。)T: Now, stop here. Ill ask some students to tell us something.Ss:T:OK, after that, please write a passage down on your exercise books.3. HomeworkT:After class, search some information and then share it with your partner. So much for this. Class is over. Goodbye, class!Ss:Goodbye, teacher!

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