2019-2020年九年级英语下册 Unit 6 Get Ready for Jobs Lesson 47教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语下册 Unit 6 Get Ready for Jobs Lesson 47教案 冀教版Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: nod, excuse, vacation, expectOral words and expressions: Angie, Turner, award, yippee, forting, argue, forehead, chore, anger, pancakeTeaching Aims:1. Know about the foreign education system.2. Improve the students English.3. Create the students interests of learning English.Teaching Important Points:1. Know more about the occupation.2. The adverbial clauses.Teaching Difficult Points:The adverbial clausesTeaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1.Show some pictures about the foreign education. Let the students talk about the foreign education.Divide the class into groups. Each group has three or four students. Everyone say his or her opinion. Then after five minutes, ask the students to present their reports in front of the class.Step2. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.1. Angies little brother is _.2. Angie got the _ to study music in a university in Toronto.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3. Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false.1. Mike opened Angies letter from Toronto.2. Mike liked to say goodbye to his sister at first.3. Aunt Mary helped Angie happily.4. Mike liked to eat pancakes that his sister made.Finish the task in class in oral.Step4. Read the text and retell the story. Because the text is so long, ask them to say it simply. This is helpful to practice their summary ability.Lets have a match to see who can have the perfect answer.Step5. Deal with the language points:Let them say something about the following expressions:Shout at; chores; get sick ofS1: Dont shout at me. Im not wrong.S2: I dont have many chores to do this day.S3: I get sick of this food. Im hungry, but I dont want to eat it.Ask some others to say explain the English meanings of the words.Step6. ActivitiesWork in groups. Say something that happened in your family. When they are talking, the teacher walks around the classroom to see if they have any questions.Ask some students to say something interesting or unusual in front of the class.Step7. e to “LETS DO IT.Ask some volunteers to e to the front to finish the task.Choose any job you are interested in. describe it to a group of students, but dont name it. Ask them to guess which job you have chosen. They can ask questions like, “In this job, do you _?” or “Is it _?”Change the roles. Let all of the students take part in the game.Step8. Homework1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.2. Go on next reading in the student book.Summary: The education systems in foreign countries are different from those in China. Search on the Internet to know more about the foreign ones. pare them to see the differences and similiarities.

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