2019-2020年九年级英语上册 unit 1 Reading II 特色教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 unit 1 Reading II 特色教案 牛津版一、年级:九年级二、教学内容: 9A Unit 1 Star signs三、课型:Reading (II)四、教学目标1. 知识目标 能理解并运用描述人物性格的词组和常用句型。2. 能力目标 能够用适当的词汇、句型描述 人物的性格。五、教学重难点 学会正确运用词汇、句型描述人的性格特征。教学步骤I. Revision T: Hi, everyone. Nice to meet you again. Do you still remember what we learned yesterday? T: Look, today we have five more friends here. T: Behind each of them, there is a question. T: Lets do it one by one. 看,今天又来了5个可爱的朋友,他们每个人带了个题目来,让我们来试试看吧。T: The first one, Tom is a successful businessman. What may his star sign be?T: Capricorn. T: This time the little monkey. T: Rebecca is a Sagittarius. What does she like doing?T: Traveling.T: The pumpkin. T: Mary is a kind and easy-going girl. She wasnt born in February. In which month was she born?T: In March.T: The flower. T: Cindy was born on October 10th. What characteristics may she have?T: She may be polite, fair and elegant. T: The umbrella. T: Simon is generous and often buys his friends nice gifts. In which month do you think he was born?T: In July or August. II. Language PointsT: You are great. Look, there are some more questions. T: Number 1, how many star signs is a year divided into?T: 12. T: divide into 把分成T:那位老师把他们分成了两队。T: That teacher divided them into two groups.T: 2. Lucy was born under Taurus. Will she give up easily?T: No. T: give up “放弃.”, give up sth. or give up doing sth. T: Smoking is bad for your health, you should T: Yes, B, give it up.T: 3. Millie was born on 9th October, 1981. What doesnt she like to do?T: She doesnt like to argue with others. T: argue with sb. about sth. 和某人为了某事争论/争吵T: Look. What are they doing?T: They are arguing about losing weight. T: 4. Sams mother is a Leo. She has many friends. Do you know why?T: Because she likes to buy her friends nice gifts. T: buy sb. sth = buy sth. for sb. T: 去年父亲节,Sam 给爸爸买条领带。 T: Last Fathers Day, Sam bought a tie for his father. T: Last Fathers Day, Sam bought his father a tie. T: 5. Sherry is a Virgo. People think she is practical. Why?T: Because she pays attention to details. T: pay attention to 关注T: Students should not pay too much attention to puter games. T: Useful phrases divideinto把分成give up doing 放弃做某事pay attention to 关注argue with sb. about 和某人争论某事buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物III. Practice1. B, Page 10T: Now please open your books to page 10, lets finish part B现在请同学们把书翻到第十页,完成B部分。T: Lets check the answers. T: e, c, iT: b, a, g, T: d, f, h2. Extra exercises IT: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words. 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。T: Lets check the answers. T: 1. successful, 2. impatient, 3. imaginative T: 4. active, activities 5. easily 6. practical 3. Extra exercises IIT: Fill in blanks with correct forms of the given phrases.用所给词组的正确形式填空。T: Lets check the answers. 现在我们来核对答案。T: 1. give up 2. argues with, aboutT: 3. is divided into 4. pay attention to 4. Extra exercises IIIT: plete the sentences according to the Chinese. 根据所给中文,完成句子。T: Lets check the answers. T: 1. divided, into 2. pay attention to T: 3. hard-working, gives up easily 4. argue with othersT: The first one, bought her a beautiful dress. The second one, bought a beautiful dress for her.IV. Homework1 Copy the new phrases.2 Write 5 sentences about the characteristics of your desk mate. Try to use the words and phrases we have learned today. 说明 本课时是9A第一单元阅读第二课时,围绕星座话题,学会了描述人物性格的相关语言知识。 本课时运用多种途径,让学生掌握相关知识点。而这些知识点的训练都可以从课文内容入手,围绕话题进行。

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