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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Module4DiscoveryUnit7Theunknownworld同步练习牛津深圳版 用词的适当形式填空1. He refused _ (do) the housework.2. She _ (explanation) the reason for being late.3. The bird in the cage has beautiful_ (feather).4. We need several different _ (knife) to make paper cutting.5. Im very pleased _ (see) you.6. I am very _ (frighten) with snakes. Dont let me see them.7. The plane landed on the _ (land) site three hours ago.8. There is something _ (write) on this piece of paper.9. Our teacher asked us not _ (talk) to each other in class.10. I heard a man _ (speak) outside the house at that time, but I didnt know who he was. 单项选择( ) 1. - Why do you _ unfortable now? -_I have a stomachache.A. feel; Because of B. feel; BecauseC. sound; Because of D. sound; Because( ) 2. - _ you are not satisfied with me, there is no need for me to work with you. - Well, we can improve our work together to make _ better.A. Until; one B. Since; oneC. Since; it D. Until; it( ) 3. - Its spring now. Birds are _ their wings flying back from the south. - Yes. Look, many birds _ over our heads. A. reaching; are flying B. reaching; have flew C. spreading; have flew D. spreading; are flying( ) 4. - We should arrive at school as _ as possible, or well be late. -Then lets _ a taxi,A. soon; to take B. soon; takeC. faster; to take D. faster; take( ) 5. - She _ the invitation _ she was very busy - She was busy with her exam, so she had no time to go to the party.A. accepted; so B. refused; soC. accepted; as D. refused; as( ) 6. - He dreams of being _ astronaut. - I hope his dream will _. A. a; e true B. an; e over C. an, e true D. a; e over( ) 7. - I _ why she didnt e back today. - I think you should ask her _. A. believe; all the time B. wonder; in person C. believe; in person D. wonder, all the time( ) 8. - I _ you, so I wont go with you. - OK. I believe you can_ a better idea. A. agree with; remind of B. disagree with; remind of C. disagree with, think of D. agree with; think of( ) 9. - Water is very important in the_. -_you can plant many trees there, the water problem will be solved.A. desert; Since B. forest; SinceC. forest; If D. desert; If( ) 10. -_ he lost the game, he is unhappy Lets cheer him up.-_ A. Since; Sounds great. B. So; Sounds great. C. Since; Never mind. D. So; Never mind. 词语释义( ) 1. Please keep quiet! Dont be so nervous.A. strong B. excitedC. calm D. noisy( ) 2. I dont know why she refused my invitation.A. accepted B. didnt acceptC. saw D. didnt see( ) 3. There is a pink mark on this bowl, but no one knows its meaning.A. prize B. noteC. rule D. sign( ) 4. When I heard the news, I felt very pleased.A. happy B. sadC. surprised D. bored( ) 5. It is very hard for most plants to live in the desert. A. place full of water B. place full of sand C. place full of soil D. place full of animals 阅读理解As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains(锁链), no cages. It was easy for the elephants, at any time, to get away from the rope. But for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt (尝试) to get away. Well, the trainer said, “when they are very young and we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, its enough to hold them. As they grow up, they get used to believing they cannot get away from it. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.” The man was amazed. These animals could break free at any time. However, because they believed they couldnt, they were stuck right where they were. Like the elephants, how many of us spend our life with a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed in it once before? Failure is part of learning, and we should never give up.( ) 1. How were the elephants treated (对待) when the man saw them? A. They were kept in the cage. B. They were tied to a chain. C. They were held by a small rope. D. They were held by a large rope.( ) 2. Who answered the mans question? A. A trainer. B. The animals themselves. C. Another passer. D. The man himself.( ) 3. The elephants dont break free after growing up because_. A. they are not able to do that B. they like living in that way C. they dont know where to go D. they are used to believing they are not able to do that ( ) 4. Which oft he following is TRUE? A. The elephants were very clever. B. The man was shocked at the reason. C. The elephants were tied to their back leg. D. The elephants liked the trainer very much.( ) 5. The passage wants to tell us that _. A. we should always fight against difficulties B. we should learn to give up C. we should do something against the rules D. hope is sometimes impossible 完形填空A doctor entered the hospital in a hurry after being called to an urgent surgery. He changed his clothes and went _1_ to the surgery. He building He found the boys father pacing (踱步)in the hall waiting for the _2_. On seeing him, the father cried, Why did you take all this time to e? Dont you _3_ that my sons life is in danger? The doctor_4_ and said, I am sorry. I wasnt in the hospital and I came as fast as I could after _5_ the call. And now, I wish youd calm down. “Calm down? What if your son was in this_6_ right now, would you calm down? said the father _7_. The doctor smiled again, We will do our best and you should also pray for your sons_8_. Later, the doctor went out happily; Thank goodness! Your son is safe! And without waiting for the fathers reply, he_9_ away. Later, the nurse _10_ the father that the doctor was at his sons burial (葬礼) when they called him for the surgery. And he left running to finish his sons burial. ( ) 1. A. directly B. honestly C. especially D. actually ( ) 2. A. worker B. mother C. doctor D. nurse ( ) 3. A. experience B. understand C. feel D. know ( ) 4. A. promised B. smiled C. warned D. laughed ( ) 5. A. accepting B. hearing C. receiving D. sounding ( ) 6. A. room B. school C. seat D. park ( ) 7. A. happily B. calmly C. excitedly D. angrily ( ) 8. A. smile B. life C. length D. wish ( ) 9. A. ran B. walked C. jumped D. paced ( ) 10. A. said B. talked C. told D. spoke 书面表达你相信有外星人吗?你认为外星人到过地球吗?请根据下面的中文提示写一篇英语作文,80词左右,可适当发挥。提示:1我相信存在外星人。因为我在梦里见过他们;2我梦见我跟我的好朋友李强去露营;3晚上在森林中准备睡觉时,看到外星人;4这些外星人又高叉壮,看到我们时非常害怕;5我们向这些外星人招手,他们没有回复我们,坐飞船飞走了。_参考答案 用词的适当形式填空1. to do 2. explained 3. feathers 4. knives 5. to see 6. frightened 7. landing 8. written 9. to talk 10. speaking 单项选择6-10 ABDCA1-5 BCDBD 6-10 CBCDA 词语释义1-5CBDAB 阅读理解1-5CADBA 完形填空1-5ACDBC 6-10ADBAC 书面表达Do you believe that there are aliens in space? I believe, because I once saw them in my dream. In my dream, I went camping with my good friend Li Qiang one day. When we were ready to sleep in the tent, we saw aliens standing near us. They were tall and strong. When they saw us, they were frightened, staring at us. We waved our hands to greet them, but they didnt respond to us. Then they walked into their spaceship and flew away.【书面表达写作指导】 本次书面表达是一篇提示作文。首先根据中文提示表达自己的观点, 阐述事情经过,注意不要遗忘提示的要点。书写完之后,检查语法,标点,语言逻辑是否正确。

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