2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Will people have robots(第一课时)New words教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Will people have robots(第一课时)New words教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Will people have robots(第一课时)New words教案 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Will people have robots(第一课时)New words教案 人教新目标版Learning goals:Learn the new words of Unit1 in one class. Memorize the words by reading and using them. Learn the use of them and try to spell the words in this unit. Students try to learn how to read and remember the words and phrases , and how to learn individually and collectively.Step I Learn to read the words on Pages103-1041. Have students read the words by themselves.2. If they cant, have students listen to tapes and then read in groups. Make sure most students can read the words correctly.(设计意图:听说领先,利用音标读单词是一种能力,8年级学生已初步具有这种拼读单词的能力。学生试读,教师正音。最后让学生跟录音读。大多数学生可以熟悉单词的读音,正确试读出单词。尽量培养学生不用音标也能读单词的能力。) Step II Learn to remember the words on Pages 103-1041. Remember the words by looking at pictures. robot paper tree pollution rocket moon parrot scientist snake astronaut (设计意图:利用图片学习单词,降低了学习的难度,增加了学习兴趣。)2. Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning. A. paper B. space station C. fall in love with D. parrot E. be able to F. unpleasant G. factory H. rocket _a special plane _a place to live in space _enjoy sb./sth. very much _a lovely bird that can talk_not pleasant _can _a place where many people work in _we can write something on it3. Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning.robot n.月亮tree n. 污染moon n. 科学家pollution n. 面试fall in love with v. 爱上interview n. 公司pany n. 机器人scientist n.树4. Remember the words by conversion、plex words and derivative. 1) suit (v.)-suitable (adj.)2) building (n.)-build (v.) 3) un-(否定前缀) +pleasant(使人愉快的)- unpleasant (adj.)4) predict (v.) - prediction (n.) 5) bored (adj.) 厌烦的;厌倦的boring (adj.) 无聊的6) usually _unusually7) science_ scientist8) think(v.)_thought (v.)9) already_ yet 10)possible (adj.)-impossible(adj.)5. Remember the words by changing1. will-would 2.take-took 3. fall-fell 4. go-went5. dressdressed 6.make-made 7.think-thought(设计意图:为了方便学生记忆单词,教师可把本单元的单词分为四个部分,运用单词接力赛的游戏来锻炼学生的记忆力,利用多种手段和多种形式记忆单词,来吸引学生的兴趣,变枯燥为有趣。用一词多义,合成,派生等等方法能使学生举一反三,极大的扩充词汇量。)Step III Consolidation of words1. Have students check if they remember all the words by working in pairs and check each other.2. If they cant, they can open the books and read them again. Then dictate them in the exercise books by themselves.(设计意图:此环节为巩固单词。通过两两提问或使用助学默写的形式来对单词加以巩固。反复纠错,直到熟练为止。)Step IV Read and translate the story1. Get the students to read the story, and underline the new words.2. Translate the story into Chinese in groups of three.3. Read the story fluently by themselves. Its interesting to predict the future. Tom wants to have a robot .He thinks, everything will be free. The book will be on puters, not on paper. There will be less pollution in the future. He wants to be an astronaut . He is sure that he will fall in love with it. He will be able to live on a space station. Hell see the moon. Hell have a pet parrot. He can dress more casually. He doesnt like wearing a suit every day. He thinks its possible to do in the future. He likes travelling .So he wants to have a snake robot. It can do hundreds of unpleasant jobs for him. It also can do simple jobs like huge arms. It can look for people under buildings after an earthquake. It wont only be in fiction movies. The scientist can make this e true. 预测未来是有趣的。汤姆想要一个机器人。他认为一切将是免费的。书将只在电脑上而不是在纸上。未来将会有更少的污染。他想当一名宇航员,他确信他会爱上它。他能够住在太空站,他还能看到月亮。他将养一个宠物鹦鹉。他随便能穿得更随便。他不喜欢每天穿套装。他认为这在将来是可能的。 他喜欢旅游。所以他想要有一个蛇形机器人。它能替他做许多让人不愉快的工作,它能像巨型手臂一样做简单的工作。它能在地震后寻找建筑物下的人。它将不仅在小说影片中。科学家能使这个变成现实。 (设计意图:词不离句,句不离篇。在学生掌握本单元单词的基础上,再学习由本单元的生词编成了一篇小故事,引导学生不仅记忆词汇本身的意义,同时在具体的语境中体会它的意义,有助于学生学习理解和使用本单元的词汇。)Step V Mind map(设计意图:把故事和思维导图结合起来,让学生加深对本单元词汇和短语的理解,使学生对词汇从逻辑范畴上进一步巩固记忆。)Step VI当堂检测一短语互译。 1.太空站_ 2.live to be _ 3.更少的污染_ 4.in the future_5.爱上_ 6.hundreds of_二 根据括号中的汉语意思或首字母提示写单词,并用其适当形式完成句子。1. Book will only be on puters, not on p _ . 2. There will be more and more tall b_ in our city. 3. E_ is ready. Lets begin the meeting. 4. I think r_ can help people do lots of difficult jobs. 5. It was a wonderful s_ fight.亮点: 本单元的单词课堂设计涵盖了本单元的全部词汇及词组。由于本单元故事情节和单词相当完整,让学生展开了丰富的想象,很适合本单元的单词教学。单词的拼读注重了学生自学能力和小组合作能力的培养。同时通过各种形式的单词记忆既加深了单词的识记,又理解了部分单词的大致用法。更锻炼了他们的口语。当堂检测的设计更是有效地补充与巩固了词汇的用法。不足之处:一节课内容有些多,大的容量不一定能全部完成教学任务。答案Remember the words by matching itself with its meaningH B C D F E G A当堂检测一 1. space station 2. 活到 3. less pollution 4.在未来 5.fall in love with 6. 许多二 paper buildings Everything robots space

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