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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit5BuyingandSellingLesson25RaisingMoney同步练习新版冀教版一、根据句意及所给汉语提示完成下列句子。1. He _ (花费)five yuan for the book. 2. I will _ (烤)some cookies? 3. Fifteen _ (美元) isnt enough. 4. There are _ (十六)students in the classroom. 5. I want to make a _ (海报).二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. This shirt _ (cost) a lot of money.2. Is there _(something) important?3. I want to have a bake _ (sell).4. Everybody in our class _ (like) swimming.5. He lives on the _ (sixteen) floor.三、单选题1. After a long walk in the sun, they wanted to drink _. A. cold somethingB. something coldC. nothing cold D. cod anything2. Jenny,I need some milk.OK, Mum, _ do you need?A. How muchB. How longC. How manyD. How often3. My elder brother has got _as a teacher in a school.A. job B. workC. a jobD. a work4. It took me two hour _ my homework. A. doB. to doC. doingD. did5. Daisy is such a good daughter that she _ most of her spare time with her parents. A. spendsB. costsC. takesD. pays6. It usually _ my sister about an hour to cook supper.A. spendsB. costsC. takesD. pays7. How much is the ticket to Beijing Park?A one-way ticket _ $40, and you can _ another $20 for a round trip.A. costs;pay B. cost;spend C. take;pay D. takes;spend8. Do you need _ the tapes again?A. listenB. listen toC. to listen to D. to listen9.If you want your blog to , please treat it like a business.A. make moneyB. lose money C. spend money D. save money10. Is the price of the puter very , Li Mei? No, it me only 1,099 yuan.A. low; spent B. expensive; tookC. high; cost D. cheap; paid四、根据句子意思用适当的介词填空。1. How much did you pay _ your new sweater? 2. Students can sell cookies or other things _ lunch hour. 3. She spends much money _ clothes every year. 4. You can pay one dollar _ four cookies. 5. We must work together _ raise a lot of money. 五、阅读理解。 One morning I met a man in my shop. He wanted to buy some new clothes. First I gave him a pair of trousers. He put them on to try, then _ and gave them back to me and said,No, give me a coat instead of them. I gave him a coat and told him,This one is worth as much as the trousers. To my surprise he took the coat without saying a word and walked out of the shop with it. I ran quickly after him and said,You havent paid for that coat! But I gave you the trousers for the coat, he said.They are worth (相当于的价值) the same as the coat, arent they? Yes, I said.You didnt pay for the trousers, either!Of course I didnt! answered the man,I didnt take them. I am not foolish! Nobody gives things back and then pays for them.1. The man wanted to buy some _ in my shop.A. new booksB. new shoes C. new clothes D. new hats2. Which of the following can we choose to fill in the blank in Paragraph 1?A. put them off B. took them down C. took them off D. put them down3. The phrase instead of in the first paragraph means _.A. 交换 B. 代替 C. 当作 D. 等于4. I ran after the man because _.A. he forgot to take the trousers B. he stole my clothes C. I forgot to give him the change D. he didnt pay for the coat5. Which of the following is wrong?A. The trousers are worth as much as the coat B. The writer was a shopkeeper C. The man exchanged (交换、调换) the trousers for the coat D. The man didnt play for the coat参考答案一、根据句意及所给汉语提示完成下列句子。1. paid 2. bake 3. dollars 4. sixteen 5. poster二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. costs 2. anything 3. sale 4. likes 5. sixteenth三、单选题1. B2.A3.C4.B5.A6.C7.A 8.C 9.A 10. C四、根据句子意思用适当的介词填空。1. for 2. at3. on 4. for5. to五、阅读理解1.C2.C3.B4.D 5.C


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