2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Keeping Healthy-Topic 2(3).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Keeping Healthy-Topic 2(3)The main activities are 1 and 2a. 本课活动重点是1和2a. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:disease, body, illness, empty, stomach, human, through, sour, tidy, sweep2. Learn modals for giving advice and modals for necessity:(1)We should keep the air clean and fresh.(2)We shouldnt drink sour milk.(3)We must keep our streets clean.3. Talk about personal hygiene:(1)We should tidy our bedrooms and sweep the floors often.(2)We must keep the air clean and fresh.(3)We must wash our hands before meals. Teaching aids 教具录音机/图片/多媒体课件. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:15分钟)1. (让学生讨论哪些是好的生活习惯,哪些是不好的生活习惯,并将讨论的结果写下来。)T:Lets discuss what are healthy habits and what are unhealthy habits. Discuss with your partners, then write them down.For example:Healthy habits:Drink at least eight cups of water every day.Go to bed early and get up early.Wash your hands before meals.(教师通过做动作写出这个句子。这个句子是本课重点句子。)Unhealthy habits:Throw litter about.Keep long fingernails.Get up late.2. (教师将全班分成两组, 一组在黑板上写健康的生活习惯,另一组写不健康的生活习惯,写得多的小组获胜。)T:Now, work in groups. We have two groups. One group writes healthy habits, the other group writes unhealthy habits. The group that writes more is the winner.3. (要求学生根据前面写的校规来写一写班规,并将写好的班规贴在教室的墙上。)T:There are many regulations in our school. Can you write some regulations for our class? We will choose the best one to put on the wall.4.(出示一些健康和不健康的生活习惯图片,让学生根据图片口头造句,引导他们用上should/shouldnt/must/must not。)T:Look at these pictures, lets talk about them.(导入本课目标语言。)For example: We should sweep the floors often.We shouldn t drink sour milk.We must wash our hands before meals.We must not eat bad food.(如果学生感觉有难度,老师可以给每一幅图写出关键词。)5. (让学生讨论,如果想保持健康,他们应该做什么,不应该做什么,并将讨论结果写下来,引导他们用上本课目标语言。)T:If you want to be healthy, what should/must we do? what shouldnt/mustnt we do? Now, lets discuss.For example:We should exercise more.We shouldnt stay up late.We must keep our bodies clean.We must not get up late.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:10分钟) T: Please open your books on page 37.1. (第一遍阅读,让学生查课后词汇表,自学生词:illness, enough, empty, stomach, 培养学生自学能力。)T:Now, lets read the passage: Headaches. You can look up the new words in your word list.2. (第二遍阅读,教师在黑板上板书问题,让学生带着问题读,并找到问题的答案。)T:Now read the passage and answer the questions on the blackboard.(教师说完,立即板书题目。)(1)What does it mean when you have a headache?(2)What may cause a headache?(3)What else may cause headaches?(几分钟后,一些学生举起手,教师核对答案。)T:Oh, good, S1, please answer Question (1).S1:.T:Well done.(由于这是一篇阅读课文,教师让学生带着问题读,有利于培养学生快速阅读并提取有效信息的能力。)(第三遍阅读,要求学生查找关键词与词组。)T:All of you have done a very good job. Well, lets read the text again and try to find out the key words and phrases in this passage. Ill help you. OK?(学生查找完关键词与词组之后,要求他们讲述出来,教师核查并板书于黑板上,讲解部分生词与重难点。)headachescausenot a diseaseshowyour bodywronga feveran illnesswork too hardcant get enough sleepexercise on an empty stomachsee a doctorStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:5分钟)1. (让学生看着关键词与词组,试着复述课文。)T:I think you all understand the passage well, then try to retell the passage with your own words. You can look at the key words on the blackboard and help each other. Ill give you two minutes to prepare.(学生在积极准备中。)2.(安排学生到前面讲述故事。)T:Time is up. I want some students to retell the passage in front of class. Who would like to have a try?(及时鼓励学生,增强学习信心。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:10分钟)1. (图片展示细菌进入人体使人生病的几个途径,要求学生根据图片弄懂句意。) T:Look at the pictures. These pictures show how germs make us sick. Read by yourselves.2. (放2a录音,让学生跟读。)T:Now listen to the tape and repeat.(对学生有难度的句子可以多次重复。)3. (教师安排几个表现欲比较强的学生上讲台模仿病菌使人生病的过程,要求生动有趣。)T:Now we know how germs make us sick, I want some students to act out. Lets find who is the best.4. (让学生复述2a。)T:Close your book, lets retell how germs make us sick. You can use the words below to help yourself.(教师板书关键词。)smallget into the human bodycausediseasesnosemouthskinsick5. (请学生总结出引起生病的几种途径。)T:Lets find out the ways of being sick.(1) through the nose(2) through the mouth(3) through the skin(教师应在学生讨论之后总结并板书。)6. (展示2b图片,请同学们根据图片说出相应的预防疾病的措施,先口头说,强调使用句型:We should/shouldnt. We must/must not.)T:Look at the picture, please talk about what should we do to fight germs? Make sure to use“We should/should not.” and “We must/must not.”7. (教师与学生问答,强调学生使用本课目标语言。)T:Look at the picture. Now, I ask, you answer .You must use “We should/should not.” and “We must/must not.”For example:T:What should we do to fight germs?S1:We should keep the air clean and fresh.S2:We shouldnt drink sour milk.T:What must we do to fight germs?S3:We must wash our hands before meals.S4:We must keep our fingernails clean.S5:We must keep our streets clean.S6:We must not eat bad food. 8. (要求学生互相问答,形式可以多样,但不能看书,老师可适当帮助学生。)T:Now work in pairs with your partner.For example:S7:What should we do to fight germs?S8:We should.S7:What shouldnt we do to fight germs?S8:We should not.(一段时间之后,要求学生交换角色。)S8:What must we do to fight germs?S7:We must.S8:What must not we do to fight germs?S7:We must not.9. (在口头练习的基础上,教师要求学生做笔记。)T:Please write down what we should do to fight germs?10. (要求学生互相讨论他们还应该在其他哪些方面来预防疾病,内容必须是课本未提及到的,先讨论后模仿2b里的句子写出来。)T: Lets discuss what else we should do to fight germs?For example:We should do morning exercises every day.We should not play sports right after meals.We must eat more fruit and vegetables.We must not go to bed too late.(教师可以将全班分成三组,看哪一组写得最多、最好。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:5分钟)1. (分组活动,四人一组讨论哪些是健康的生活习惯,哪些是不健康的生活习惯。)T:Now group work:Four students a group. Lets discuss: What are healthy habits? What are unhealthy habits?For example:We should go to bed early.We must drink enough water every day.We shouldnt eat too much meat.We must not play sports right after meals.2. (在4人中选出一名作为报告者,将每组讨论结果,向全班同学汇报。)T:Are you ready? Now each group chooses a speaker to give a report to the whole class.3. (让学生根据1和2b来讨论怎样预防头痛,也可以结合日常生活的一些经验。)T:Now lets discuss what should we do to fight headaches?For example: We shouldnt work too hard.We must get enough sleep.We must not exercise on an empty stomach.4. (要求学生根据讨论结果完成表格。)T:Are you ready? Now plete the chart below.How to fight headachesShouldShouldntMustMust not5. Homework:至少写五句话说明如何抵御病菌。

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