2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Friends Period Four.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Friends Period Four教学目标:1. To use adjectives to describe peoples physical features. 2. To use adjectives to describe general appearance of people.Teaching Steps:一、Greeting二、Free Talk:1. Is your sister tall and slim?2. Is your father big and strong?3. Do you have some e-friends?4. Do you have any best friends?5. Are you fond of making friends?三、New Teaching(一) Some new words:1. describe v. describe +名词+to/for sb eg: Can you describe it to me?2. appearance n. 外貌 eg: Dont judge a person by his appearance. 不要以貌取人。3. thin adj. 薄的,瘦的4. square adj. 正方形的 square face5. handsome adj. 英俊的 a handsome young man(二) Some phrases and language points.1. want to do sth 想要做某事 eg: I want to buy a new dictionary next week. She wants to go to school by bike.2. describe his classmates appearance to his friends, 向他的朋友描述他的同学的外貌。3. help sb to do sthhelp sb with sth4. both and 两者都 eg: Both you and I are students.我和你都是学生。 Both he and Jack are right. 他和杰克都正确。5. be suitable for 适合 eg: Is he suitable for the job? 他适合这项工作吗?四、Practice:1. Explain the context of the tasks.Ask students to study the pictures and words, and write the correct words under the picture.2. Go through the words in the box in Part B. Finish the two lists. Then check answers orally with the class.五、Homework 当、作业本Period 4教后感:

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