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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Module3AnimalsUnit6Pets教案牛津深圳版 教材分析This lesson is a period to learn the knowledge of pets. It tells students how to keep the pets and some useful words and expressions related to the topic.By learning this unit ,students can grasp some grammar to write something and train their basic ability. 教学目标【知识目标】1Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this period.chocolate,dolphin,click,reason,cute,feed,according to,sofa,noisy,nearly,stranger,mon,choice;care for,have no choice but to do,head to head。2Help students to learn about useful expressions.【能力目标】To read the passage and answer some questions about pets.【情感目标】1Help them understand more about pets.2Develop students sense of cooperative learning. 教学重难点【教学重点】How to train their reading ability step by step.【教学难点】1Develop students reading ability.2Help students understand the difficulties. 课前准备 Multimedia 教学过程Part1step1 warming up 1). Look at the picture and answer the questions.How many animals do you know?What are they?2) Show them picture and learn some words .a.Look, the pet dog is sleeping.b.What are they?goldfish n. 金鱼 (pl.) goldfish c. The cat is watching the mouse do exercise.d. How many mice can you see?e. The parrot can learn to speak.f. The cat is sleeping on his knees.g. We should hold the pencil like this.h. She is teaching the parrot to speak.i. The mother is feeding her babies.j. We should not be rude.We should be polite to each other. 3). Read aloud the new wordspet n. 宠物rude adj. 粗鲁的goldfish n. (pl. goldfish) 金鱼mouse n. (pl. mice) 老鼠,耗子parrot n. 鹦鹉knee n. 膝盖;坐下时大腿朝上的面hold vt. 握住,拿着feed vt. 喂,喂养teach vt. 教step2. Getting ready.Look at the cartoon and answer the questions.Why does Hi Lo to put more water in the fish tank?What does Lo think of His idea?Step3. Before reading What do you know about ?1).A1 Do you know any fun facts about animals? Decide whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F). 1 Cats can taste sweets. 2 Chocolate can make dogs sick.3 Dolphins sleep with both eyes closed.4 When a rabbit is happy, it clicks its teeth.5 Dogs may feel unhappy if they are not taken out for a walk2).A2 In pairs, discuss the following questions.1 Do you have a pet? What is it? What is it like?2 If you do not have a pet, do you want one? Why or why not?3 Why do people keep pets?3).Think and learnGuess the meanings of the words in italics.1 Almost all the dogs are pretty and lovely. People love them because nearly all of them are cute.2 We dont need to give food to dogs too often. Dont feed them if they are not hungry.3 Its mon for dogs to leave their hair on beds and sofas. Such things happen often.4 Dogs are all noisy when they see strangers. They bark at people they dont know.5 If people live in flats and keep a dog, they have no choice but to keep their dog in small spaces. They must keep their dog in a small room. 6 Dogs love us and they can even take care of us, so we should care for them too.7 Most people think we should take good care of our pets. According to most people, we should take good care of our pets.Step4. Vocabulary C1 The words in italics explain the meanings of some words from the article on page 83. Find the words to plete the sentences.C2 plete the conversation with the words from the box below. Step5. Before you readLook at the pictures, the title, the introduction and the sub-headings of the article on page 83. Then answer the following questions.1 What do you think the article is about?2 Who likes keeping a pet dog and who does not?*3 Why is keeping a pet dog a good idea?*4 Why is keeping a pet dog a bad idea?Step 6. Homework 1. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。2. 抄写单词和短语:chocolate,dolphin,click,reason,cute,feed,according to,sofa,noisy,nearly,stranger,mon,choice;care for,have no choice but to do,head to head。3. 就“养宠物狗是否是个好主意?”这一话题,整理课堂讨论的所得,准备下节课的口头交流。4. 完成综合练习册第94页Vocabulary和第101页Reading A的练习。5. 完成综合练习册第78页Vocabulary和第85页Reading A的练习。Part2step1 Revision1). A The students drew some pictures of their pets. Look at the parts of the pictures and write the names of the animals under them. cat dog goldfish mouse parrot rabbitWhich is your favourite pet?Can you tell me why?I like my_ because _.B The students are talking about why they like their pets. Match the two parts to make correct sentences. Write the correct letters in the blanks.1 Daniel: I love my parrot because _2 Kitty: I like my rabbit because _3 Peter: I like goldfish because _4 Sandy: I like my mouse best because _5 Millie: I love my dog because _6 Amy: I like my cat because _ a I like watching them swim around.b I can feed her carrots and I like her long ears.b he can sing, and I want to teach him to speak.d she loves to sleep on my kneese its very small and soft and I can hold it in my hand.f I can play with him in the park.step2. Consolidation 21). Find words from the reading passage according to the sentences. Pay attention to the words in italics. The baby is so lovely. You must look after your parents when they are old. I had a bad cold. Thats why I didnt go to school yesterday. The man is new to the town. Nobody knows who he is. I dont like this neighbourhood. Theres too much traffic around here and it makes a lot of noise. You have to choose between the cat and the rabbit. You cannot have both of them. 2). Head to heada. Is keeping a pet dog a good idea or not?A:Keeping pet dogs is a good idea.B: Keeping pet dogs is not a good idea.b. Read what Emma says about keeping pet dogs. What adjectives does she use to describe pet dogs? Find supporting details from the article. Keepingpetdogsisagoodidea,saysEmma.Ithinkthathavingapetdogcanchangeapersonslife.Therefore,peopleshouldbeallowedtohavepetdogs.Therearelotsofreasonsforthis.First,dogsarereallycute.Itsnicetopickthemupandholdtheminourarms,anditswonderfultoseethemgrowingupquickly.Second,wecanlearnaboutresponsibilityfromkeepingpetdogs.Wehavetofeedthem,trainthemandplaywiththem.Weevenhavetotakecareofthematnight.Accordingtomymum,thishelpsusbeemoreresponsiblepeople.Wecanalsolearnaboutlifeanddeathfromdogs.Youngpeoplecanlearnhowtocareforothersandhowtorespectalllivingthingsbykeepingapetdog.Adogwillloveyoufaithfullyformanyyears.Keepingpetdogsissomethingeveryonecan enjoy.Read what Emma says about keeping pet dogs and plete the chart. We can learn responsibility from keeping dogs.We have to feed, train, and play with them and this helps us bee more responsible people.Young people can learn how to care for others by keeping dogs.Keeping pet dogs is a good idea.A dog will love you faithfully and bring you lots of happiness for many years.Dogs are really cute. Its wonderful to see them grow up. Its nice to hold them in our arms.Emma has made several points for keeping a pet dog. What points does Matt make against keeping a pet dog?Keepingpetdogsisnotagoodidea,saysMatt.Petdogscreatealotofmess.Theyleavefurandhaironthefloor,onbedsandonsofas,andtheyneedtobewashedregularly.Somepeoplearenotverygoodatcleaningupaftertheirdogswhentheytakethemforawalk.Asaresult,thesedogscreatealotofmessonthestreetsandinparks.Weshouldrememberthatnotalldogsarefriendly.Somedogsbarkatpeopletheydonotknow.Thiscanfrightenyoungchildren.Afewdogsbarkallnight.Thisstopstheirneighboursfromgettinganysleep.Asmallnumberofpetdogsevenbitepeople.Whatsmore,mostpeopleinmoderncitiesliveinflats.Theyhavenochoicebuttokeeptheirdogsinsmallspaces.Thismaymakethedogsfeelextremelyunhappy.Theyalwaysneedfreshairandlargeopenspaceswheretheycanrunfree.Finally,payingfordogfoodandvisitingthevetcanbeexpensive.Ibelievethatpeopleshouldnotkeeppetdogs.Here are the supporting details for Matts opinion. Can you match them with his points? 1 They bark at strangers.2 They even attack people.3 They leave their hair on thefloor, on beds and on sofas, and they need to be washed often. Dogs are dirty.Dogs are noisy.Not all the dogs are friendly. Use information from the article to find out what this refers to in the following sentences According to my mum, this helps us bee more responsible people. This stops people from getting any sleep. Step3. prehension1). D1 Read the following statements and decide whether they are F (Facts) or O (Opinions).1 According to my mum, this helps us bee more responsible people.2 A dog will love you faithfully and bring you lots of happiness for many years.3 Nearly all dogs bark at strangers. 4 Keeping pet dogs is not a good idea. 2).D2 Emma and Matt have given us many reasons to support their opinions. Read the article again and plete the notes below.Emmas opinion: KeepingpetdogsisagoodideaEmmas reasons:Dogsare Wecanlearn Youngpeoplecanlearnhowto Adogwillloveyoufaithfully Matts opinion: Keepingpetdogsisnotagoodidea.Matts reasons:Theyleave everywhere,andtheyneedtobewashedoften.Dogs are .Most dogs bark at .Not all dogs are . Asmallnumberofpetdogseven .People keep their dogs in .The dogs cant run freely.Owing dogs can be .3).List the words and expressions you can use to state opinions, tell reasons, give examples and make a conclusion.Stating opinions: is (not) a good idea.Telling reasons: First, Second, Whats more, Finally, Concluding: So Giving examples: According to ,Step4. Think and sayNowadays, some students think electronic dogs are much better than real dogs. Do you agree? Why or why not? Id like to keep an electronic dog.Id like to keep a real dog.Step 5. Homework 1. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。2. 抄写短语:whats more,need to be washed,bark more loudly than, all night,stop sb. from doing sth.,a small number of,own dogs。3. 根据主阅读篇章的内容回答下列问题。 What does Emma think of having a pet dog? What does Emma think of seeing pet dogs grow up? How can we learn responsibility from keeping pets? What is Emmas mothers view about raising pets? How do pet dogs love people according to Emma? What else can pet dogs bring to people? Where do pet dogs leave hair according to Matt? Can you give some examples to show dogs are noisy animals? What does the fact of people living in small flats bring to dogs? What does Matt think of owning dogs?4. 就“养真的狗好还是养机器狗好”这一话题,选择一个观点,完善自己的提纲并撰写一篇议论文。5. 完成综合练习册第102至103页Reading B,C的练习。Part3Step1 Show timeNowadays, some students think electronic dogs are much better than real dogs. Do you agree? Why or why not? Id like to keep an electronic dog.Id like to keep a real dog.step2. Grammar.Using adverbs with verbsRead the sentences on page 87 and plete “Work out the rule”.形容词变副词通常是加ly,Read the table and “Things to remember” on page 87.其变化有规律可循,请记住以下口诀:一般直接加,元(e)去e加,辅(y)改i加,le结尾e改y。分别举例如下:quick-quickly; true-truly; happy-happily; possible-possibly3).形容词副词相同的有哪些fast hard far straight dead high pretty tight well short句子一并给出,如下:That is a very fast train.It goes very fast.He is a hard worker.He works hard.He has gone to the Far East.We didnt walk very far.It is a straight road.It runs straight for miles.I saw a dead bird in the garden.He was dead drunk.That is a very high building.The birds are flying high.She is a pretty girl.That is a pretty good picture.My shoes are too tight.Hold tight.Im afraid he is not well.(healthy) He can sing well.This is the short way home.The teacher cut him short in the middle of the presentation.(interrupt)4). A man called Happy keeps a pet shop, but today Happy is not happy! He is speaking to his workers. plete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Use each word only once.bad correct happy quick cheerful good patientMy customer are leaving me because you act 1 . In future, I want you all to smile 2 at our customers. I want you to listen to them 3. I want you to work 6 and add up all the amount 4 . Customers dont like mistakes. 5 , I want you all to dress 6 . Do all these things, and Im sure well work 7together. 5). *It is a month since Happy spoke to his workers. All the customers are ing back to Happys pet shop. Happy wants to speak to his staff again.You are all behaving_(good). Everyone is dressing _ (neat) and serves the customers _ (quick). Rose always speaks _ (polite) to everyone. Terence smiles _ (cheerful) all the time. All of you listen to the customers _ (patient). The bills are added up _ (accurate). The customers leave the shop _ (happy). The business is increasing _ (fast). Next month I shall _ (definite) raise your pay.step3.Further studyThe parative and superlative of adverbsAdverbparative formSuperlative formearlyearlierearliestfastfasterfastesthardharderhardesthighhigherhighestlatelaterlatestlonglongerlongestlowlowerlowestnearnearernearestsoonsoonersoonest不规则形容词的比较级和最高级good /well betterbest bad/ illworseworst many /much moremost little /few lessleast far fartherfarthest furtherfurthestStep4. Practice1).Emma interviewed 40 people to find out which pet centre is the most popular.Help her plete her report with the information from the table below. Use theparative and superlative of the adverbs in brackets.I interviewed 40 people who keep pets at home. They think the animal doctors at TEP check pets (1) _ (carefully) and the helpers help look after pets (2) _ than those at LOVE and Kens. However, among the four pet centres, people go to Heart (3) _ _(regularly). Then think the animals doctors and helpers there did their jobs (4) _ (well). They seldom go.to Kens because the animal doctors there usually work (5) _ (slowly) than those in the other centres. Of all these four pet centres, Kens helpers care (6) _ (little) about pets.2).Discuss and answer the following questions.1. Who runs (the) fastest in our class?2. Who sings (the) best?3. Who eats (the) most?4. Who behaves (the) most politely?5. Who often es (the) earliest to school?Step 5. 句式1. It is+adj. + for sb. to do sth./ that-clauseIt is surprising that bears can play tennis.It is + adjective + that1).surprising/ bears/ play tennis2).sad/ so many people/ be poor3).cool/ the superman/ fly in the sky4).unhealthy/ you/ sleep too much5).wrong Some people look down on deaf people.Its wrong that some people look down on deaf people2. 汉译英 1、学生每天准时到校是必要的。It is _.2、捐款给慈善机构是有意义的。It is _.3、你看不起其他人是错误的。It is _ that _.4、贫穷地区的一些孩子不能上学是令人悲哀的。It is_that_.3. 完成句子1.必要的话,你可以通过电子邮件与我取得联系。You can_.2.活动前和活动中,我们必须互相支持,互相帮助。We must _and _each other_ and _the event.3.在途中支援队伍将给我们提供食物和饮料。The _ _will _us with _and _ _ the walk.4.这是人们学习团队精神的极好机会。It is _ _ _ _ people_learn_5.保持健康对老年人来说是很重要的。It is very _the _6.长城作为世界八大奇迹之一而出名。The Great Wall _the eight wonders of the world. 7.没有你的帮助,我是不可能在2小时内完成这项工作。Its _for me _ _ the work _ two hours_ your help.8.在长途步行前几个月开始训练是有必要的。 Its _ that you _ _ a few months _ the walk9.如果你对帮助贫困儿童有兴趣的话,别错过了这次机会. If you are _ _ _ the poor children ,dont _ the chance10.前十名完成这次步行的人将会每个人收到一份礼物.The first ten people _ _ the walk will each _ a_ 11.人们每天吃饭和睡觉是必须的。Its _ for people _ _and _ every day .12.帮助别人学英语是很快乐的。Its _ _ _ _ _ English.13.你每天读英语是很重要的。Its _ for you _ _ _.14.我相信南山对于慈善之行来说是一个完美的地方。I _ that South Hill is the _ _ for the _ walk.15.你们的捐助可以向那些贫困儿童提供食物,衣服和上学的机会。Your _ can _ poor children with _ _ and a _ to study.Step6. Homework 完成综合练习册第95至97页Grammar的练习。Part4step1 RevisionDiscuss the following questions with your partners.1.Can you put a goldfish in the sun?2. Is a goldfish heavy?3. Does a goldfish weigh several kilograms?4. What does a goldfish look like?5. Does it need clean water?6. Can you take it out of the water?7. Does it need special fish food?8. Is it very difficult to look after a goldfish?9. Is a goldfish very expensive?step2. Speak up1). Daniel and his friends are talking about their pets. Listen to the tape and find how they look after their pet dog / cat / fish.Millie walks her dog in the park every evening. Amy brushes her cats fur every day.Peter puts his fish in clean water and never feeds them too much.2) Read the conversation and plete.Dogs like exercise a lot, so we should often _ him. But we dont need to walk cats. We only need to _ her fur every day. Fish are easy to look after. We put them in the _ water, and _ feed them too much.3). My rabbit has refused to eat anything for several days. I want to know whats wrong with it. Who can I turn to for in formation? Can you give some advice?You can get information from the Internet. Step3. Culture corner1).How sayings about dogs have changed?In the old days,people kept dogs,but they used them for hunting or to help with farm work. Dogs often had a very difficult life.So we have sayings such as “to lead a dogs life”or”as sick as a dog”.Feelings towards dogs began to change when life became more prosperous for people. People came to see dogs as friends or panions.Today we call a dog “mans best friend”and tell people “Love me,love my dog”.Do you know any sayings about dogs?What are they?2). More sayings about dogs dog-eat-dog 残酷的;竞争激烈的 dog-tired筋疲力尽的 Every dog has its day. 每个人都有属于自己的运气。/每个人都有时来运转的一天。 His bark is worse than his bite. 刀子嘴,豆腐心。 let sleeping dogs lie 不要自找麻烦;不要自讨苦吃 the dog days of summer 一年中最热的三伏天 to rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 work like a dog卖命工作 You cant teach an old dog new tricks. 老古董学不会新东西。step3. Talk time1). Answer the following questions about the cartoon below. What does Lo want to plain about? Why does he want to plain about it? What will the shop assistant think about him?2). What things do we usually plain about?3). A1 Read the conversation below and practise it in pairs.Ellen:Excuseme.Iwanttomakeaplaintaboutthesedogbiscuits.Manager:Whatstheproblem?Ellen:WhenIopenedthebox,Ifoundthatmanyofthemwerebad.Look!Manager:


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