2019-2020年八年级英语Module 6 A famous story0.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Module 6 A famous story0Unit1 She was sitting by the river Teaching model Listening and speaking Teaching method Top-down approach Teaching aims Key vocabulary: suddenly, rabbit, party, fall, hole, strange, carry Key structures : was / were doing Teaching Objectives 1. To get specific information of a story. 2. To understand description of past on-goings. 3. To talk about past on-goings. Teaching aids video, OHP, Tape recorder Teaching Steps Step1 Warming-up 1. Show some pictures of Alices Adventures in Wonderland. 2. Talk something about the pictures. Step 2 Listening 1. Listen and number the characters in the story in the order you hear them in Activity 1. 2. Listen and read. 1) Ask the students to read through the conversation individually. 2) Play the tape and have them read and follow. 3) Act it out. 4) Learn Everyday English Step 3 Exercise 1. Write notes about what the people in Activity 2 were doing. 2. Find words and expressions in the box for 3. plete the sentences with words in the box in Activity 4. Step 4 Explain the important and difficult points Grammar : The Present Continuous The Past Continuous Step 5 Pronunciation and speaking 1. Listen and repeat. 2. Think about what you were doing at these times. 3. Work in pairs. Ask and say what you were doing at these times. Step 6 Exercise Finish the exercise in the workbook Ex. 1, 2&3 Unit 2 The white rabbit was looking at its watch. Teaching model Reading and writing Teaching method Top-down approach Teaching aims Key vocabulary: tired , nothing ,once , pink , by , pocket , across ,field ,under Key structures: was / were doing Teaching Objectives 1. To understand a story concerning its details , especially what , who , when , where and why . 2. To write a story of past on-goings. Teaching aids video, OHP , multi-media Teaching Steps Step1 Warming-up 1. Show some pictures of Alices Adventures in Wonderland. 2. Show some pictures of Snow White and Cinderel . 3. Talk something about the pictures . Step 2 Presentation Look at the picture in Activity 1 and what you think is strange. Step 3 Reading 1. Read the start of Alices Adventures in Wonderland 2. Answer the questions. 3. Play the tape and have them read and follow. 4. Learning to learn Step 4 Writing 1. Match the notes about Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell with the questions in Activity 3. 2. Culture box : Talk something about Charles Dodgson 3. Write the story of Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell. Join some sentences with One dayThen and Finally. Step 5 Explain the important and difficult points 1. The using of take 2. The using of across through Step 6 Exercise Finish the exercise in the workbook Ex. 4, 5, 6 &7 Unit 3 Language in use Teaching model Revision and application Teaching method Grammar practice and application , and municative approach to grammar instruction . Teaching aims Key vocabulary : go off, storm, outside, jump, during, noon, bookshop, wear, clap, cheer, gold, ring, hall, stop Key structures : was / were doing Teaching Objectives To practise and apply past continuous tense . Teaching aids Tape recorder , video , OHP Teaching Steps Step 1 Revision Review the text of Unit 2 Step 2 Language practice 1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class . 2. Ask them what language point they illustrate . ( Past continuous tense to talk about continuing activities which were pleted in the past . ) Step 3 Exercise 1. Underline the correct form of the verbs in Activity 1. 2. Read and choose the correct answers in Activity 2. 3. Write sentences about what you were doing in Activity 3 . Step 4 Play games 1. Work in groups. Play a chain game. 2. Play the game in Activity 5 . Work in groups of six . Find the thief . 3. Grammar : The using of when & while 4. Write down what each member of your group was doing. Step 5 Listening 1. Listen and answer the questions in Activity 7 . 2. Wb. Ex. 8 & 9 Step 6 Exercise 1plete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in Activity 8 . 2. Match 14 with a-d in Activity 9 . 3. Make a sentence with each of the phrases. Step 7 Around the world: Famous books in English 1. Read through the box with the students . 2. Ask them if they know anything about the books listed in the box . Step 8 Module task: Writing a short story about your past experience. 1.Make notes. Think about : what was happening at the time? what were you doing? what happened? what happened next? what happened finally? 2. Use your notes to write the story. 3. Work in groups. Read your story to your classmates. Step 9 Homework Finish the exercise in the workbook Wb. Ex. 10 &11

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