2019-2020年八年级英语Module 2 Unit 1.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Module 2 Unit 1FunctionAsking and talking about travel experiencesStructure Present perfectListening/SpeakingFilling in a questionnaire Talking about travel experiencesReading/WritingMatching photos with passagesMatching titles with passagesAround the worldDisneyland TaskPreparing and using a questionnaire to find out about experiences of your classmatesUnit 1 Have you ever entered a petition?Warming up Morning, class! Have you ever peted with each other for something that not everyone can have? Have you ever entered a petition?太钢原武术教练 张振明There is now intense petition between students to enter a good university. We are in petition with four other students for the better university. Now lets go to page 10 to learn about some Experiences in Module 2.Listening and vocabulary1 Listen and number the words as you hear them. On page 10 there are 5 words in the box. You are going to listen and number the words as you hear them.cabin steward land passenger pilot take off2 Match the words in Activity 1 with the pictures.On page 10, you see five pictures. Look at the pictures and match the words in Activity 1 with them.Picture a a pilot Picture b a cabin steward Picture c a passenger Picture d take offPicture e land3 Listen and readBetty and Lingling are talking about some petitions. You are to listen to the tape first, paying attention to the pronunciation, the stress, and intonation of the native speakers. Now lets go on to read the conversation. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑) the predicates, shade(加影) the connectives and underline (划线)the expressions.Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book.21st Century Teens newspaper, a travel petition, enter a travel petition, a fantastic holiday, answer all the questions, listen to, look at, a travel brochure, travel round the world, pick up, start doing, dream about, visit some place, the United States, the west coast of the United States, dream of doing, the Statue of Liberty, a great prize, one weeks holiday, take off in some place, land in some place4 Find these words in the conversation and match them with their meanings.On page 11, in the box, there are 6 words. Try to find these words in the conversation and match them with their meanings.5 Answer the questionnaire for Lingling. Put for yes and x for no.Lingling your partner1 Has entered a petition? () ()2 Has looked at a travel brochure? () ()3 Has wanted to travel round the world? () ()4 Has wanted to visit the United States? () ()5 Has visited New York? () () Pronunciation and speaking6 Work in pairs. Student A: Ask Student B these questions.1 Have you ever wanted to travel round the world?2 Have you ever entered a petition?3 Have you ever visited New York?1 Have you ever wanted to travel round China?2 Have you ever entered a petition?3 Have you ever visited Beijing?Student B: Answer Student As questions. Use these answers.a No, I havent. I havent entered any petitions.b No, I havent. I have never visited the USA.c Yes, I have. Ive always wanted to travel round the world.a Yes, I have. I have entered some petitions.b Yes, I have. I have ever visited the USA.c No, I havent. Ive never wanted to travel round the world.Now listen to the tape and repeat after it.7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questionnaire in Activity 5. -Have you ever entered a petition? -No, I havent.1 -Have you entered a petition? -Yes, I have. 2 -Have you looked at a travel brochure? -Yes, I have. 3 -Have you wanted to travel round the world? -No, I havent.4 -Have you wanted to visit the United States? -Yes, I have. 5 -Have you visited New York? -No, I havent.1 -Have you written your diary? -Yes, I have. 2 -Have you translated the text into Chinese? -Yes, I have. 3 -Have you pleted your homework? -No, I havent.4 -Have you wanted to copy the text? -Yes, I have. 5 -Have you numbered the books? -No, I havent.

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