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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit4Findingyourway综合测试(A)新版牛津版一、单词辨音(5%)( )1.A. above B. along C. forest D. cross( )2.A. treasure B. really C. leather D. health( )3.A. quite B. king C. sign D. mine( )4.A. bamboo B. across C. bank D. balcony( )5.A. remember B. below C. plenty D. because( )6.A. east B. each C. theatre D. teach( )7.A. then B. south C. north D. thousand( )8.A. jump B. future C. museum D. usually( )9.A. cage B. group C. managerD. college( )10. A. bank B. know C. fork D. key二、根据汉语注释和对话内容,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式(10%) 1. Li Taos hometown is in the_(东北)of China.2. Its dangerous to walk through the_(森林)alone.3. When you e to the_ (拐角)of the street, you will see a hotel.4._(人人)in our class likes our English teacher because she is very helpful.5. We are very tired after the long bus_(旅行)to Yunnan.6. There are two_(小路)to the hill. Which one would you like to take?7. Dont lie in the park_(长椅).Its cold.8.-Excuse me, how can I get to the museum?-Just_ me. I am going there too.9.-Please close the window, The_ of the wind outside is very noisy(吵闹的).-OK.I think so.10. -Mum, the giraffes_ is so long.-Yes, baby. Are you happy today?三、词形变化(5%)1. You can find the post office near the third_ (cross).2. Please draw some_ (leaf) for your trees, kids.” The art teacher says.3. Some_ (visit) from the UK will e to our school next month.4. Dont touch(碰)those_ (monkey) food. They may bite(咬)you.5. Are tigers or lions the_ (king) of the animal world?四、单项填空(20%)( ) 1.There is_ big zoo in Sunshine Town. There are many different kinds of animals in_ zoo. A. the; the B. a; a C. the; a D. a; the( )2.Qingdao will spend about 80,000,000 yuan building(建造)a bridge_ the sea. A. over B. on C. in D. above( ) 3. I hope they_ fun learning English with us tomorrow. A. to have B. having C. will have D. have( )4. _ your sister afraid of _ out alone(独自)at night? A. Is; going B. Is; to go C. Are; going D. Are; to go( )5. The man_ Mary is so tall that she cant see the show clearly(清楚地). A. in front of B. in the front of C. at the back of D. at the beginning of( )6.-Do you get to the cinema by_ bike? -No, I take_ bus there. A. a; a B. ;a C. the; the D. a; the( ) 7. Guangzhou is_ China. A. on east of B. to the east of C. to east D. in the east of( ) 8. -We have two kinds of cards here. Do you like this kind? -No. Can you show me_ kind? A. others B. the C. each other D. another( ) 9. Walk_ the white building and go_ the street. Then you will find the park. A. pass; cross B. past; cross C. pass; across D. past; across( )10. Dont hurry (急). We have_ time to do our homework. A. a lot B. lot of C. a plenty of. D. plenty of( )11. Lets walk_ the hill. The school bus is waiting at the foot of the hill. A. under B. down C. over D. round( )12. Im going to invite some of my friends_ dinner. A. to having B. to have C. have D. having( )13. -How is_ dinner at Mikes house? -It is great. Mikes mum is _ wonderful cook. A. a; the B. the; a C. the; the D. a; an( )14. You can find the police station_ your right. A. on B. of C. at D. in( )15. _ is the way_ the museum? A Where; to B. Which to C. How; of D. Which; of( )16. The children often walk_ the bridge when they go home. A. above B. cross C. across D. below( )17. Hundreds of people e here_ the auto show (汽车展) these days. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. sees( )18. Toms girlfriend always looks forward to_ beautiful flowers. A. get B. gets C. getting D. geting( )19. My grandfather likes walking_ the river after dinner every day. A. along B. over C. above D. under( ) 20. -Big animals can be much trouble (麻烦). Maybe you can get a small pet (宠物) , like a goldfish. -_. A. Thats all right B. Thats a good ideaC. Youre wele D. No problem五、完形填空(10%)You like surfing the Internet(浏览网页) in your free time, dont you? But do you know Happy Farm? If you l Happy Farm is a farm in the countryside (农村), you are wrong. Happy Farm s a puter 2 . Players have their own farm and do things 3 farmers do on a farm. They plant seeds(播种), water plants, pick worms (捉虫) and harvest crops (收庄稼).I have a farm, too: Every night after 4 my homework, I turn on my puter to look after my farm. Every player takes care of their farms often. First, I harvest my crops 5 they are fully grown(成熟). 6 , I sell(卖) the crops. Third, I go shopping and buy the seeds. Fourth, I plant the seeds and wait for 7 harvest. In Happy Farm, players can steal(偷)the crops 8 other peoples farms. To protect (保护) the crops, some players have a 9 on their farm. I dont have enough money to buy a dog. 10 I have a plan. First, I will save(存)money by selling my crops, and then I will have enough money to get a dog.( ) 1. A. think B. take C. bring D. want( ) 2. A. farm B. class C. sport D. game( ) 3. A. on B. about C. like D. for( ) 4. A. did B. doing C. do D. does( ) 5. A. before B. where C. if D. who( ) 6. A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth( ) 7. A. other B. another C. others D. the other( ) 8. A. with B. about C. from D. after( ) 9. A. dog B. cat C. monkey D. tiger( )10. A. But B. If C. And D. Then六、动词填空(10%)1. Dont worry. We_ (get) there at 9 A. m. tomorrow morning.2. My brother often_ (drive) me to the city centre to do some shopping.3. _ (remember) to call me when you get to Changzhou.4. Its so cloudy. I think it_ (rain).5. Look! The boys_ (lie) on the grass over there.6. The manager often makes the workers_ (work) ten hours a day.7. Im looking forward to_ (see) you again.8. Happy Camp _ (start) at about 8:00 every Saturday evening.9. Why not_ (ask) your friends to help us?10. It takes me only two minutes_ (walk) to my office from my house.七、阅读理解(20%)A Broadway(百老汇)is a place in New York. Many new plays(戏剧)are put on(上映)on Broadway. If they are successful(成功),they can then go to many cities all over the country. About 50 plays are put on each season. So if you go to New York, be sure to visit Broadway. It will be very interesting. Now Tom is in New York. He is new here. He is studying art in a university(大学). He wants to go to Broadway. But he doesnt know the way. Now, he is asking a policeman for help. “Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Broadway?” says Tom. “Yes, of course. Go down the street and take the third turning on the right. Then take the second turning on the 1eft.You wont miss it.” Says the po1iceman.( )1. Broadway is a place in _. A. China B. the UK C. Australia D. the USA( )2. How many plays are put on a year on Broadway? A. About fifty. B. About two hundred. C. About four. D. Three hundred and sixty-five.( )3. Tom is a A. student B. singer(歌手)C. writer(作家)D. player( )4. Why does Tom go to Broadway? A. Because he wants to study art there. B. Because he wants to act(表演)a play there. C. Because his parents live there. D. We dont know. ( )5.Who helps Tom at last? A. An old friend. B. A policeman. C. A teacher. D. A guide(导游). B On Friday afternoon, Mr Tian, the Chinese teacher asks his students to write an article(文章). The topic(主题)is My Beautiful Mother. Mr Tian says to the students,“You can go home after you finish(结束)it. ” All the students except(除了)Xiao Hong begin to write. They want to go home early. Xiao Hong is sitting there and thinks of her activities on weekends. She usually plays basketball on Monday afternoon if it is sunny. She plays volleyball on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday she plays tennis. She often plays ping-pong on Thursday. And she likes playing soccer on Friday afternoon. She raises her head and looks around. There are only five students except her in the classroom. Forty students hand in(上交)their articles and leave(离开)for home. She is a 1ittle worried(担心). She thinks it over, and then, she has a good idea. She writes down the words on the paper: My mother is a tall and healthy woman. She is really beautiful. If you look at her daughter, you can know all about her.( )6.Mr Tian asks his students to _on Friday afternoon. A. go home B. have an English class C. write an article D. visit friends( )7.Xiao Hong doesnt begin because she A. thinks of her activities B. isnt in the classroom C. thinks it is easy D. feels it interesting( )8.Xiao Hong is good at _. A. her lessons B. playing balls C. playing the piano D. singing and dancing( )9.There are_ students in Xiao Hongs class. A. 35 B. 26 C. 45 D. 46( )10.We know from the passage that Xiao Hong is a _ girl. A. naughty(淘气)and beautiful B. ugly(丑)and friendly C. short and old D. thin and small八、完成句子(15%)1一直走,然后在红绿灯处向左拐。 _2. 许多小孩喜欢周末整天玩电脑游戏。 _3. 格林一家正在为晚餐准备些食物和饮料。 _4. 我们在出口处见面还是在电影院外面集合呢? _5. 猴子们很聪明很滑稽,它们总是使人们发笑。 _6. 前方无路了。我们只好从这下去。 _九、书面表达(5%) 根据下面提示,写一篇关于你的动物园之行的短文。 1. 我们首先看到了大熊猫。它们在吃竹子。 2. 大熊猫北面是狮子。狮子很危险,不要靠近它们。 3. 还看到了猴子。它们正在跳来跳去。 4. 我们看到了各种动物,玩得很开心。_参考答案一、15 A13BBC 6-10 CAABB二、1. north-east 2.forest 3.corner 4.Everyone 5.trip 6. paths 7.bench 8.follow 9.sound 10. neck三、1. crossing 2. leaves 3.visitors 4.monkeys 5. kings四、1-5 DACAA 6-10 BDBDD 11-15 BBBAB 16-20 CBCAB五、1-5 ADCBC 6-10 BBCAA六、1. will get 2.drives 3.Remember 4.is going to rain 5. are lying 6.work 7.seeing 8.starts 9. ask 10. to walk七、1-5 DBADB 6-10 CABDA八、1. Walk straight on,and then at turn left the traffic lights.2. Many children like playing puter games all day long at weekends.3. The Greens are preparing some food and drinks for dinner.4. Shall we meet at the exit or outside the cinema?5. Monkeys are clever and funny, They often make people laugh.6. There is no road in the front. We have to go down here.九、 We first see some pandas. They are eating bamboo. To the north of the pandas, there are some lions. They are very dangerous. Dont go near them. We also see some monkeys. They are jumping around. We see all kinds of animals. We have a good time.

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