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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit3WeletoSunshineTownTask练习无答案新版牛津版一、汉译英:1. 带你参观我的家乡_ 2. 住在这样的房子里_3. 听到鸟儿唱歌_ 4. 划船 _ 5. 喂牛 _ 6. 种小麦 _ 7. 彼此了解 _ 8. 开车带我去那里 _二、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Everyone in China is _ (friend) to the foreigners.2. I often hear the little boy _ (cry) next door.3. Mike usually _ (drive) to work, but I like walking to work.4. Look, Betty _ (row) a boat on the lake.5. John _ (enjoy) his life on the farm.6. The room is a wonderful place _ (study) in.7. There are many interesting books _(read) on this bookshelf.8. He often _ (miss) the early bus in the morning.9. Amy with Sandy _ (play) basketball in the playground at the moment.10. Mr. Wang will _ (show) you around our school.三、根据所给汉语提示补全句子,每空不限词数。1. John is going to _. (带我参观他的家乡)2. The people in this area usually _. (种小麦)3. There are many flowers and trees _. (我家周围)4. There are buses _ (去镇中心) every day.5. Qingdao is _. (一个可参观的好地方)6. Mr. Li hopes _. (做个著名的医生)四、首字母填空。Lofton is small village in England. It is not f_ from the city of Manchester. There are not many f_ in the village, so people here know each o_. Most of them are f_ and helpful.Though (尽管) their homes are in Lofton, many people have jobs in Manchester. S_ work in large factories there. A few work in shops or offices. Most of them go to work by train. It usually t_ about half an hour to Manchester.In the evening, a lot of people like watching TV. If they want to see a film, they have to go to Manchester. There are n_ cinemas in Lofton.Like many other villages near towns or cities, Lofton is clean and q_. Life here may not be so exciting as in b_ cities, but it is fortable. That is w_ the people in Lofton love their village.

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