2019-2020年八年级英语Unit11 Could you please clean your room Section B新课标 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit11 Could you please clean your room Section B新课标 人教版Part 1: Teaching design Structures: Could for polite request, Could for permission, Make versus doTarget language: Could you take out the trash? Sure.Could I borrow the car? Sorry, but I need it. I have to go to a meeting.I have to make the bed and do the laundry.Vocabulary: do the chores, do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash, fold the clothes, clean the living room, do the laundry, wash the carbuy some drinks, borrow some money, invite your friends, teenager, hatetake care of, feedLearning strategies: Self-evaluating, PersonalizingSECTION BGoalsTo practice could for polite request and could for permission in municationTo read and write about polite request and permissionWarming up by asking questionsHello, boys and girls! These days we are learning how to make request and ask for permission. Listen, Im a teacher. What are you? Yeah, you are middle school students. And Im a middle aged man. What about you? Yes, you are teenagers. What can teenagers ask their parents to do? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? Now think about and list what parents or teenagers like to do.1a Thinking and writing1b Doing pairworkNow you have finished checking the form above. Work in pairs to make conversations using “Could you ?” or “Could I ?” between child and parent.2a Listening and checkingListen to the tape! We can hear many things the people are talking about. Please check them out in activity 1a.Lets check the answers!AnswersThe following items should be checked:1 2 3 4 5 6Now its time to read the tapescript and try to underline the expressions to be copied and blacken the modal verb could and can.2b Listening and writingFrom the listening material we know that the conversation is between Sandy and her mom. Look at the chart. Please write down the things that Sandys mom is going to do, that sandy is going to do and that Sandy and Dave are going to do.2c Doing pairworkIn the listening material, we know Sandy is going to have a party. She is going to ask her friend to help her. Suppose you are going to have a party. And you are asking your partner to help you. In pairs make conversations making request and asking for permission. A: Could you take out the trash.B: Yes, sure.A: Could you buy me some gifts for my friends?B: Yes, sure.A: Could you do the cooking for me?B: Yes, sure.A: Could you do the cooking for me?B: Yes, sure.3a Reading and prehendingDo you usually write e-mails? Here is an email from Thomas to Nancy. First read to the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Now start reading the e-mail, underlining the expressions at the same time.Look at the chart on the right. There are three kinds of things in the e-mail. Please fill in the blanks.3b Writing an e-mailSandy wants Dave to help her with her party. Imagine you are Sandy. You want to write an e-mail to your friend Dave. Here is an unfinished e-mail, read it and please plete it.Read the finished e-mail, darken the modal verb could and copy all the expressions into your Expression Book.3c Writing about yourselfHi, kid. Where do you live? Datong? OK, you are going to move to a new house. What things do you want to do? Make a list and ask your friend to help you.Things you want to do: move the TV set, pack the clothes, buy some drinks and snacks, carry the big bags and clean the new houseNow please write an email to your friend for help.4 Doing groupworkWork in groups of three. A, B and C are going to ask and answer like this:Closing down by listing “do phrases”There are many phrases with do in English. Now try to list as many as possible.


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