2019-2020年八年级英语Module9 Section 2 Words and Expressions.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Module9 Section 2 Words and Expressions1. whalen. C 鲸 a large fish like animal which lives in the sea: We saw a whale swimming near our ship. 我们看到一条鲸鱼在我们船的附近游着。 The whale is the largest animal in the world. 鲸是世界上最大的动物。 2. orangen. 1. C 橙子;柑子;橘 round juicy fruit with a thick, yellow red skin: Have an orange. 请吃个橘子。 I drank a glass of orange juice. 我喝了一杯橘子汁。 2. U 橙色;金色 colour between yellow and red gold adj. 橘色的;橙色的 of the colour orange: She likes the orange coat. 她喜欢那件橙色衣服。 3. cousinn. C 堂(或表)兄弟;堂(或表)姐妹 child of your uncle and aunt: She is my cousin. 她是我的表姐。 She is a first cousin to me. 她是我的第一代堂(或表)姐妹。 He is a cousin of mine. 他是我的堂(表)兄弟。 cousin several times removed 隔好几代的远亲 a country cousin 乡下亲戚;乡下佬 a distant cousin 远亲 a girl cousin 堂(或表)姐、妹 a second cousin 第二代远(或表)兄、弟、姐或妹 4. talkn. 1. 谈话;聊天 conversation between two or more people: a broadcast talk 广播讲话 Lets have a little talk. 我们谈一会儿吧。 We had a long talk. 我们作了一次长谈。 The child is just learning to talk. 这小孩正在学说话。 2. 讲话;演讲 speaking to a group of people: He is going to listen to a talk. 他将去听一次演讲。 Professor Wilson gave an interesting talk on birds. 威尔逊教授作了一次关于鸟类的演讲,很有趣。 There was a talk by an oil worker. 那是一个石油工人的讲话。 He gave a talk on the Tradition of Chinese Literature. 他做了一个“中国文学传统”的讲话。 3. 话题;话柄 a topic; a subject of conversation: His new works is the talk of the whole country. 全国人都在谈论他的新作。 4. 空话,废话 idle, worthless talk: He is all talk. 他满口废话。 v. 1. 说话;对人讲话 say words; speaking to someone: Often have we talked about the wonderful functions of this instrument. 我们经常谈起这台仪器的奇妙功能。 The matter was very often talked about. 这件事曾被多次谈到。 That is something not to be talked about. 那是不许谈论的事。 He talks of going to Beijing. 他谈去北京的事。 We often talk of you. 我们常谈到你。 It is much talked of. 关于这事谈得太多了。 I will talk to him about the matter. 我要和他谈谈这件事。 Tom was talking to Mary. 汤姆在和玛丽说话。 She is talking to her boyfriend on the telephone. 她正在电话里和她的男朋友讲话。 We talked to some foreign sailors through an interpreter. 我们通过译员同外籍海员们交谈。 He was talking to a friend. 他和朋友谈话。 I talked with Mr. Mao yesterday. 我昨天和毛先生谈过了。 He talked on English literature. 他演讲英国文学。 He talked on and on for almost an hour. 他谈了又谈,几乎谈了一个钟头。 She likes to talk on politics. 她喜欢谈论政治。 Dont talk against others behind their backs. 不要背着别人说人家的坏话。 The child is learning to talk. 这孩子在学说话。 We talked (to each other) for a long time. 我们谈了好长一段时间。 His classmates often talk to each other in English. 他的同学常常互相用英语谈话。 He doesnt talk much. 他说话不多。 Its no use talking nonsense. 瞎扯有什么用? I wish youd talk sense. 要是你说有意义的话(或说话有道理)就好了。 2. 磋商;讨论;说话 speak together; converse; consult: Are you talking state affairs? 你们在谈论国家大事吗? They are talking together. 他们在商谈。 3. 说(某种语言) use (a particular language) in speaking: I talk English. 我说英语。 4. 饶舌;说闲话 tell what one hears; spread rumour; gossip: People are beginning to talk. 人们开始说闲话了。 5. dangern. 1. U 危险 chance that something harmful will happen: I warned him of the danger. 我警告过他说有危险。 They saved him from danger. 他们使他脱险了。 You will be in danger if you walk on a railway line. 如果你在铁路轨道上行走那是很危险的。 He has been very ill, but he is now out of danger. 他曾病得很厉害,但现在已脱离危险期。 2. C 威胁;危险物 someone or something that may bring harm or trouble: The busy road is a danger to small children. 交通繁忙的道路对小孩是一种危险。 6. naturen. 1. U 自然界,大自然 natural things;the world of plants, animals and matter as a whole: Nature makes most trees lose their leaves in winter. 大自然使多数树木在冬天落叶。 People used to worship nature. 人们过去常崇拜大自然。 They are struggling against the forces of nature. 他们在同自然界作斗争。 You cannot go against nature. 你不能违背自然(的规律)。 the beauties of nature 自然的美 harness nature 利用大自然 a secret of nature 自然界的一个秘密 the study of nature 对自然界(或大自然)的研究 2. U 特点;本性;天性(指动物的天性时,通常是可数的) (pl. natures )how someone or something is; character of a thing, class, sort: Different breeds of dog(s) have different natures. 不同种的狗具有不同的天性。 It is a lions nature to kill. 嗜血是狮子的本性。 The substance had a hard, brittle nature. 这种物质具有坚硬而易碎的特性。 It is not in their nature to do such a thing. 干这种事不符合他们的秉性。 The Chinese are friendly by nature(=because of their natural instincts). 中国人秉性友善(由于其自然本能)。 3. U 性格;性情;性质(nature 指人的性格、自然特点时,通常是可数的) character or temper of a person: She has a sweet nature. 她的性情温柔。 John has a very different nature from his sister. 约翰的性格与他姐姐的截然不同。 It is in the nature of lightningrods. 它具有避雷针的性质。 a change in nature 性质的变化 in the nature of 具有的性质;好象;类似 ones inner nature 人的内心 7. protectvt. 保护 keep something or someone safe: He was wearing dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun. 他戴一副墨镜以保护眼睛不受阳光的刺激。 He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow. 他举起手臂护住脸以免被这一拳打中。 We painted wood to protect it against the rain. 我们给木料油漆以防雨水侵蚀。 The sheep dog protects the sheep from danger. 牧羊狗保护羊群不受危害。 8. turtlen. 1.【动物】龟 2. 龟肉 turn turtle 翻覆 9. killv. 1. 杀死,屠宰,弄死 make a living person, animal or plant die: We kill animals for food. 我们把牲畜杀来吃。 This man was killed in battle. 这个人阵亡了。 Try to catch and kill wild animals. 设法捕杀野兽。 Why do you want to kill me? 你为什么要杀我? 2. 打发(时间) cause (time) to pass: I had to kill an hour until the bus came. 车子来之前,我还得打发一小时。 3. 破坏;摧毁 spoil the effect of; destroy the qualities of: The black colour kills the picture. 黑颜色把画糟蹋了。 The wallpaper kills the furniture. 此壁纸破坏了整个家具的气氛。 10. problemn. 1. 问题;难题 question that is hard to answer or understand: Do you know how to deal with this problem? 你知道怎样处理这个问题吗? Can you lend me your bicycle? No problem. “能把你的自行车借给我吗?”“没问题。” 2. 疑难之事;难题 something that is difficult: Driving is a problem in deep snow. 在深雪中开车是个难题。 3.(数学)算题 a mathematical question to which you are asked to give an answer: The teacher has given us 10 problems to do as homework. 老师给了我们十道数学题作为课外作业。 11. growv. 1. 生长(植物)长大 to be able to live(of plants); to bee bigger: Oranges will not grow well in England. 桔子在英国长不好。 She has grown big enough to wear her mothers clothes. 她个子长得连她妈的衣服都能穿了。 Michael has grown three inches since last year. 去年以来迈克尔长高了三英寸。 Does this plant grow in cold countries or in hot countries? 这种植物生长在寒带地区还是热带地区? 2. 种植;栽 keep and care for plants: We have grown a lot of flowers this summer. 今年夏天我们种了许多花。 The farmer grows potatoes in this field. 农民在这块地里种土豆。 He likes to grow vegetables. 他喜欢种菜。 Is growing wheat here as difficult as growing rice? 这里种小麦和种稻子一样困难吗? 3. 渐渐变得 to bee slowly: He is growing old. 他上了年纪。 She grew to like him. 她渐渐变得喜欢他。 When it grew dark we went home. 天渐渐黑起来的时候我们就回家了。 The smoke grew heavier and thicker till it looked like a great fog. 烟变得越来越浓,象大雾一般。 12. resultn. 结果 what happens because of something; what follows from something: What is the result of your entrance examination? 你入学考试成绩如何? Every time he got the same result. 每次他都得到同样的结果。 What was the result of the war? 这场战争的结局如何? We worked all day, but without (any) result. 我们干了整整一天,可是毫无结果。 It resulted in success. 事情终于成功了。 vt. 是结果 to be the result of 13. dirtyadj. 1. 脏的 not clean; covered with mud. etc: The boys were very dirty after playing football. 这些男孩子踢完足球一身弄得很脏。 2. 污秽,下流,可卑的 unclean in thought or talk obscene: He often tells dirty stories. 他经常讲下流的故事。 3. 有暴风雨的 stormy: It was a dirty night. 那是个暴风雨之夜。 vt. 弄脏 make something dirty: She dirtied her new, white skirt. 她把她的新的白裙子弄脏了。 vi. 变脏 bee dirty: White shoes dirty very quickly. 白鞋脏得很快。 make ones hands dirty with mud 手沾了泥 14. peacen. 1. U 和平 a time when there is no fighting, war, or trouble between countries, etc: Peace is better than war. 和平胜于战争。 He is at peace with his neighbors. 他和邻居都很和睦。 We love peace but we are not afraid of war. 我们热爱和平,但我们也不怕战争。 After the war, there were ten years of peace. 战后有十年的和平时期。 He hoped that his country would always be at peace with all other countries. 他希望他的国家永远和所有别的国家保持和平关系。 2. U 安静;平静 quiet; rest: There is peace in the countryside at night. 农村夜间是安静的。 The town is noisy, and I prefer the peace of the country. 城市太吵闹,我比较喜欢乡村的宁静。 I want peace-I must get away from this noisy town. 我需要安静,我得离开这个嘈杂的城市。 The peace of the country is what I enjoy most during my holidays. 在假期中,我最大的享受就是乡间的宁静。 A man who is wanted by the police can have little peace of mind. 被警察追捕的人的心情是不会太平静的。 3. U 和约 treaty of peace between nations: A peace was at last signed between the two countries. 两国终于签订了和约。 15. governmentn. 政府 group of people who rule a country: A new government is elected every five years. 新政府每五年选举一次。 The Government decided to adopt the plan. 政府决定采纳那个计划。 down a government 推翻政府 form a government 组阁 local governments 地方政府 16. researchn. C 研究;调查;探究 studying to find out more about things, life, etc: Astronauts will live and do research work in it. 宇航员将在上面生活并进行研究工作。 His researches have been successful. 他的研究工作很成功。 medical research 医学研究 make scientific researches on 进行的科学研究工作 be engaged in research 从事研究 be busy with research 忙于研究工作 vi. 研究 carry on research: It is necessary to research into the cause of cancer. 深入研究癌症起因很有必要。 to research into a problem 研究问题 17. mainlyadv. 大部分地;大体上;主要地 mostly; chiefly: She is mainly a typewriter. 她主要是个打字员。 The dining hall serves the students mainly. 这个食堂主要为学生服务。 Babies drink mainly milk. 婴儿主要吃牛奶。 18. reasonn. 1. C 理由;原因 cause; why you do or say something: I have no reason for it. 我没有理由这样做。 Give me your reason for doing it. 告诉我你做这事的理由。 What is the reason for your hurry? 你为什么这么匆忙? 2. U 理智 the power to think and make the right decision: Only man has reason. 只有人才有理性。 It doesnt matter what you feel, you must listen to reason. 不管你感情上怎样,你必须听从理智。 vt. 推理;思考 to think about something and to make the right decision: I will reason why you are wrong. 我将思考你为什么错了。 The ability to reason makes man different from animals. 人与动物的差别是人有思维能力。 vi. 合理地思考或讨论 think or discuss logically: I reason in this way on (about) the matter. 关于此事我从这方面思考。 19. situationn. 1. 地点;位置 place where a town, building, etc. is: The castle has a lovely situation on a hill. 城堡座落在山上,环境优美。 The situation of the factory is unrivalled. 这个工厂的位置再好也没有了。 2. 处境;境遇 the way things are at a certain time: Hes in a difficult situation and doesnt know what to do. 他的处境很困难,不知怎么办才好。 He is in a bad situation. 他处境不好。 3. 处境;局面 a position or condition at the moment: Measures must be taken to meet this situation. 必须采取措施来应付这个局面。 The world situation is fine. 国际形势很好。 4. 工作;地位;职位 job; position: He has lost his situation. 他已经失掉他的职位了。 20. enoughadj. 充足的,足够的 as much as you want or need: Theres enough food for everyone. 有足够每个人吃的食物。 We have enough time (or time enough) to read the reference books. 我们有足够的时间阅读参考书。 One will be enough. 一个就够了。 n. 足够之量 the required amount: Ive had enough, thank you. 我(吃,喝)够了,谢谢。 Enough has been said on how to learn a foreign language. 如何学习外语已经说得够多的了。 We have more than enough of this sort of raw material. 这种原料我们有的是(太多了)。 adv. 够,充足,充分 to the needed degree, until no more is needed or desired, sufficiently: The ice is hard enough to skate on. 冰层已够坚厚,可以滑冰。 The water may not be warm enough to swim. 水可能不够暖,还不适合游泳。 He does not work enough. 他干得不够。(他不够勤快。他工作不够努力。) Did you e early enough for the chairmans opening speech? 你是早在主席致开幕词前就来了的吗? 21. symboln. 象征;符号;记号 mark, sign or picture that shows something: The letter V is a symbol of victory. 字母“V”是胜利的象征。 22. pollutevt. 污染 make (air, water, earth, etc.) unclean, harmful to man: The air was polluted byfactory smoke. 空气被工厂冒的烟污染了。


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