2019-2020年八年级英语上册《Unit 2 School Life》课中强化训练 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册Unit 2 School Life课中强化训练 牛津版.Match the following words on the left with their opposites on the right.(将下面左边的单词与右边的相应反义词配对。)1.difficultA. useful2.unpopularB. happy3.unhappyC. popular4.unimportantD. easy5.uselessE. interesting6.boringF. important答案:1.D2.C3.B4.F5.A6.E.Translate Chinese in the parentheses into English.(把括号中的中文译成英语。)1.I play (垒球)after school with my classmates once a week.提示:运动前面不加任何冠词。答案:softball2.My (理想的) school has a swimming pool and a shopping mall.提示:此处用idea的形容词形式。答案:ideal3.Is that girl in red coat from a (英国) school or an American one?提示:British意为“英国的”,首字母要大写。答案:British4.The teacher teaches us how to know the way on the map in our (地理) class.提示:此处为名词作定语。答案:geography5.How many foreign (语言) can you speak?提示:foreign language意为“外语”。答案:languagesExercises for phrases(短语专练).Fill in the blank with the right verb form.(用动词的适当形式填空。)1.There were (many) students in Class One than in Class Two.提示:根据句意,此处应该用比较级形式。答案:more 2.This pair of shoes is as (expensive) as that pair, but (beautiful) than that pair.提示:as.as表示“和一样”,中间用形容词的原形;根据句意,后面是比较级形式。答案:expensive; more beautiful 3.The little girl often helps her mother (clean) the windows and (sweep) the floor.提示:help sb. do sth.是固定搭配。答案:clean; sweep4.I spend a lot of time (play) the piano every day, because I like it.提示:spend.(in)doing表示“花费时间做”。答案:playing5.She always tries her (good) to do everything.提示:try ones best to do 表示“尽力做”。答案:best6.Tell the children (not play) with fire. Its dangerous.提示:tell sb. not to do 指“告诉某人不要做”答案:not to play.Multiple choice(单项选择)1.John and Mike are in school, but they are in classes.A. the same; the differentB.a same; differentC. the same; differentD.a same; the different提示:特指同一所学校,应该用定冠词the,从而排除B、D,而班级并不是特指。答案:C2.Nancys school lunch and Johns school lunch is .A. a likeB. likeC. look likeD. alike提示:like和alike都是指事物相同或相似,但like放在句子中,名词前;而alike放于句子的最后。答案:D3.Look!Kittys trousers Millies. They look the same.A. likeB. are likeC. likesD. are alike提示:同上。答案:B4.Reading week is always too short because we want to read all our friends books .A. alsoB. eitherC. as wellD. neither提示:neither表否定,“两者都不”,应排除;其他三项都表示“也”,但是either用于否定句中,also一般放于句中,均不合题意,而as well放于句尾。答案:C 5.American students go to shopping malls lunchtime.A. atB. inC. onD. between 提示:固定用法。答案:A6.What can you see in the picture?A. other thingB. the other thingsC. others thingD. other things提示:本题other作形容词,修饰可数名词thing,根据句意,从画里看出的东西不是单一的,所以thing用复数。答案:D7. ?He is a driver.A. What is heB. What does his jobC. How do you like himD. What do he do提示:固定用法,问某人的职业用What is he。答案:A8. do you live from your school?About four kilometers.A. How longB. How manyC. How farD. How often提示:从about four kilometers可以判断此题考查的是对路程的提问。答案:CSentence structure training(句子结构专练) .Choose the right description of the part of sentence underlined.(选出对句子画线部分结构描述正确的选项。)1.Chinese students have more weeks off in the summertime than British students.A.宾语B.补语C.状语D.同位语提示:summertime是指“夏季”,在此作时间状语。答案:C2.My ideal school has a park on one side and a shopping mall on the other.A.状语B.补语C.主语D.宾语提示:此题考查的是has后接两个并列的宾语。答案:D3.I usually walk to school because I like walking.A.谓语B.同位语C.表语D.状语提示:主语I后接谓语。答案:A4.Johns school shirt is like Daniels school shirt. A.状语B.谓语C.表语D.宾语提示:like在此处是形容词,和be动词构成系表结构。答案:C5.Nancys timetable is different from Johns timetable.A.双宾语B.主语C.同位语D.状语提示:Nancys 修饰timetable共同构成主语。答案:B.Rewrite the sentence according to the requirement.(根据要求改写句子。)1.Millies handwriting is more beautiful than Judys; Judys is more beautiful than Kates.(改为含有最高级的句子)Millies handwriting is the three.提示:由前两个句子得知Millies handwriting是三个人中最好的,表示最高级要用the+形容词的最高级形式。beautiful是多音节词,表示最高级需在其前加most;且在三者中要用介词of。 答案:the most beautiful of2.Lucy has big eyes and Kitty has small eyes.(改为含有比较级的句子)Lucys eyes are Kittys.提示:比较级的结构为:形容词的比较级+than。答案:bigger than3.Sandys mother cooks much better than Johns mother.(用not so.as改写)Sandys mother cooks so as Johns mother.提示:第一句用了比较级,可知有一方不如另一方,故用not.so.as结构,表示“不像(某人)”。so后面跟形容词或副词的原级,因为修饰cook(动词),故用副词well。答案:not; well4.John would like to learn how to cook and sew.(对画线部分提问) John to learn?提示:对宾语提问要用what。答案:What would; like 5.There are only five subjects in the most students ideal school.(对画线部分提问) subjects are there in the most students ideal school?提示:对数量提问要用how many。答案:How many6.I left my English book at home this morning.(对画线部分提问) did you your English book this morning?提示:对地点提问要用where。答案:Where; leaveExercises for function items(交际用语专练).Choose the best answer according to the meaning of the sentence.(根据语境,选择最佳答案。)1.Im sorry Im late. .A. Im sorry to hear thatB. It doesnt matter this timeC. Thats all right 答案:B 2.Is Kate at home or at school? .A. Yes, shes at home B. Shes at home and at schoolC. Shes at school 答案:C 3.I dont like playing basketball. .A.I dont, eitherB. Me, tooC. No, I dont 答案:A 4.What did you do last week? .A.I went on a field tripB. Ive gone to ShanghaiC.I always talk with my friends答案:A 5.Oh, I cant find my shoes. A.I dont know.B. Where did you put them?C. Put them here, please.答案:Bplete the dialogue.(补全对话。)A: What will you 1 when you grow up?B: Im not certain. I may be a teacher.2 about you?A:I dont have any plans yet. Things change all 3 quickly. Id rather wait and see.B: In the future, teaching may be 4 easier. Students work on puters at home. If they have difficulties, they use 5 network to ask the teacher.A: And teachers can stay at home. No more chalk and talk in 6 of the classroom.B: There may be no teaching profession any 7puter teachers will teach students _8 of human teachers.A:I dont think 9.Teachers are 10 any time. At least they need to write learning programs and materials.B: Youre right.答案:1.be2.How/What3.too4.much5puter6.front7.more8.instead9.so10.neededExercises for grammar(语法专练).Multiple choice(单项选择)1. Jim is than Millie.A. cleverB. clevererC. more clevererD. the cleverer提示:clever是双音节词,比较级形式直接加er。答案:B2. Max is a new student here. He has friends here than he had before.A. littleB. lessC. fewD. fewer提示:litter修饰不可数名词,less是little的比较级,根据句意,排除A、B两项;few修饰可数名词,但本题显然考查的是few的比较级。答案:D3. Your mother looks than her age.A. youngB. youngerC. the youngerD. the youngest提示:此题考查young的比较级形式。答案:B4.Kate has five bags. is red, are green.A. One; the otherB. One; anotherC. One; the othersD. One; ones提示:本题将bag分为两类:后面要加定冠词,表示特指;其余“四个包”应该用复数形式,所以答案为C。答案:C5. do you usually go swimming?Three times a week.A. How manyB. How longC. How soonD. How often提示:问频率,用how often。答案:D6.Fanny helped us clean the kitchen yesterday.Fanny!A.;B.;C.;D.;提示:前面是陈述句,用降调;后面语气是震惊的,用升调。答案:D7.Our school football team played badly at first in the match and they did in the second half.A. more badlyB. badlierC. worseD. worst提示:bad的比较级是worse。答案:C8.Hello, Jim, we are going to work on Blue Sky Farm tomorrow. Will you go with us?Great! Its much better than .A. have classesB. to have classesC. having classes D. has classes提示:动名词形式作宾语。答案:C快乐时光Buying TimeTeacher: Time is quite precious(宝贵的),isnt it? Mike!Mike: Yes, sir. Youre right.Teacher: Then why are you always strolling in the street all day without doing anything?Mike: Im looking for the person who sells time.买时间老师:时间是非常宝贵的,是吗,迈克?迈克:是的,老师,您说得对。老师:那么为什么你总是整天在外闲逛而无所事事呢?迈克:我一直在寻找卖时间的人呢!

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