2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to教学设计 人教新目标版(I).doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to教学设计 人教新目标版(I).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to教学设计 人教新目标版(I).doc_第3页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to教学设计 人教新目标版(I)一、 教材分析1、该部分以i like music that i can dance to 为话题,共设计了2个模块容:第一模块围绕the music that 这一话题展开思维谈个人喜好(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练; 2、语法知识:定语从句二、教学手段:录音机 MP3period 1 new function presenting1、教学目标language goals 语言目标(1) words & expressionrs 生词和短语prefer, lyrics, gentle, energy, interest, sing along with,(2) key sentences 重点句子 i prefer music that has great lyrics. (p44) i love music that i can sing along with. (p44)ability goals 能力目标enable the ss to talk about different kinds of music and their own preferences.emotion attitude goals 情感和态度目标enable the ss to enjoy kinds of music.strategy goals 策略目标listening for key words.culture awareness goals文化意识目标peoples different preferences to different kinds of music.teaching important points 教学重点1. 由that 引导的定语从句,其先行词为物。关系代词that 作主语和作宾语两种情况。i like the music that has great lyrics.i like the music that i can dance to.2. 由who 引导的定语从句,其先行词为人。关系代词who 做主语。i like the musician who writes his own songs,2、teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式step i warming-upplay the beautiful, lyric songs (让学生在轻松、愉快的情境中进入新课)review: how many kinds of music do you know?e.g classical music pop music rock music jazz music dance music country music and so onstep ii lead-in and presentation.(师生互动,学习探究)提问:what kinds of music do you like ?(小组探究,并展示)some phrases describing music such as the following:has great lyrics, is very moving, touch people deeply, remind one of ones childhood, singers sing the words clearly, is not too loud, sing along with 将以上句子转化成定语从句:(学生模仿造句)1. i like/prefer music that has great lyrics.2. i like music that i can sing along with.3. i like the music that isnt too loud.并说明,that 在从句中做主语。(设计目的:延伸、拓展教材内容,创造性的使用教材.)看1a图,进行操练并写出自己的句子your sentence .使用练习加强巩固。(设计目的:让学生在教师创设的情境中,操练新句型,学会使用定语从句表达自己喜欢的音乐类型。)step iii listening (1b: p44)(配合农远资源九年级英语课后提高第六单元课件进行听力训练)ask the students to listen to the dialogue between tony and bettyt: now lets listen to the tape and find what kind of music tony and betty like. look at 1b on p44. tickle the kinds of music that tony and betty like while listening.ask a student to read the three headings to the class.t: first lets guess what kinds of music they will talk about by reading the three headings given.ss: music that one can dance to, that has great lyrics and that one can sing along with.play the tape. and then check the answers.(设计目的:训练学生听力技巧,培养学生听的能力。让学生带着问题听,在听的过程中有的放矢,有效捕捉信息,同时又提醒学生注意观察并发现需要注意的表达方式,为后面的语言实践准备实用句型。)step iv oral practice (1c: p44)ask the students to talk about the music they like.what kind of singers do they love?t: as we all know, different people may have different ideas on the same question, and different people may have different preferences. then talk with your partners about the kinds of music you prefer.or the kinds of singers you prefer.show the following.1、rosa likes music thats quiet and gentle.2、sample dialogue 1a: what kind of music do you like?b: i like music that i can sing along with. what about you?a: i prefer music that has great lyrics.3、sample dialogue 2a:what kind of singers do you love?b:i love singers who write their own music. jay is one of them.sample answers:i prefer music that is quiet. i like music that is fortable to hear. i prefer music that has clearly pronounced words. i like music that can be found in the movie.i love music that shows love to the life and people.setpv教学1c(学生自主设计简短对话)sample dialogue 1:a: what kind of music do you like?b: i like music that i can sing along with. what about you?a: i prefer music that has great lyrics.sample dialogue 2:a: what kind of music do you like?b: i like music that is played by famous bands. what about you?a: i prefer music that makes me happy.sample dialogue 3:a: what kind of music do you like?b: i like music that is really cool. what about you?a: i prefer music that has been awarded prizes.然后进行操练(设计目的:新课程标准倡导主动参与,乐于探索,勤于思考,培养学生收集和处理语言信息的能力。通过这一环节的练习,不但学生的语言技能得到了提高,而且他们的情感态度和学习策略都得到了培养,同时他们的语言知识还得到了复习和巩固。这样的练习可以充分调动学生的参与热情,激发学生的学习兴趣。)Step :summary集中讲解语法:定语从句that who引导的定语从句的构成及用法,课堂练习(设计目的:通过书面作业,使学生巩固本节课所学的内容,也为下一节课的知识提供铺垫。)

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