2019-2020年七年级英语Module5 Unit1教案 外研社.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语Module5 Unit1教案 外研社FunctionTalking about ones favourite foodStructureSome and any; Singular and plural nounsListening/SpeakingDescribing food and drink;Some / any Asking about what food youve got; talking about your favourite foodReading/WritingIdentifying healthy / unhealthy food Writing about healthy food; using conjunction: butCultureChinese foodTaskMaking a food and drink posterUnit 1 Have we got any oranges?Warming up Good morning, class. Today we begin our new module. But first I would like to ask you some questions. What do you have for breakfast? Do you have any fruit, such as apple, orange or pear? Do you have any vegetables, such as tomato, carrot, or onion? Do you have milk or water? What is your favorite food for breakfast? Do you think it is healthy food?Now boys and girls, turn to page 26. Lets begin our new lesson:Have we got any oranges?Vocabulary and listening1 Work in pairsMatch the words with the pictures.First look at the pictures on page 26. There are many kinds of drinks and food here. Try to find out which one is a kind of drink and which one is a kind of food. Match the words, drink and food, with the pictures.Food: a. melon b. apple c. orange d. chicken e. beef f. pork g. tomato h. potato i. carrot j. onionDrink: k. water l. milk m. juice2 Label the food in the pictures with these words.Look at picture 1 for first. We see a melon, an apple and an orange in picture 1. They are all fruit, right? So what about picture 2 and picture 3? Can you find the correct words?picture 1 fruit picture 2vegetables picture 3meat3 Label the food and drink with these words.The following words are names of some food and drink. Please label the food and drink with these words. Food: apple beef carrot chicken melon onion orange pork potato tomato Drink: juice milk water4 Listen and check () the food and drink theyve gotNow I will play the tape for you. I will play it twice. For the first time, listen and try to understand the meaning of the dialogue. For the second time, listen and pay attention to the food and drink theyve got in the dialogue. At the same time, please check () the food and drink theyve got.oranges beef onionsapples pork carrotsmelons tomatoes milkchicken potatoes juice5 Listen and read Now we are going to listen and read. Betty and her mum are shopping in the supermarket. Lets see what they are talking about. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑)the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions.Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book.Have got any? have got some, havent got any,Talk as they do. (仿说)Dad: Have we got any emails?Mum: Yes, weve got some emails. We havent got any lettersDad: Have we got any pictures?Mum: Yes, weve got some beautiful pictures.Have we got any photos?Dad: No, we havent. Have we got any oranges?Mum: Yes, weve got some oranges. We havent got any potatoes.Now we are going to listen to the tape twice. For the first time, listen and look at the dialogue. For the second time, just listen and try not to look at the dialogue. Try to get the main idea of the dialogue. 6 Listen again and underline the correct answers.I am going to play the tape once again. This time please pay attention to the details. Underline the correct answers while listening.1 Theyve got some juicemilk.2 They havent got any carrotsmeat.3 Have they got any melons? Yes, they have. / No, they havent.4 Have they got any apples? Yes, they have.No, they havent.Pronunciation and speaking7 Listen and repeat. On page 27 there are four sounds and fours lines of words. You are going to listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sound on the left and blackened part in each word./ tomato/ orange/ water pork/ food fruit juice8 Choose six words in the list in Activity 4.In this section, we practice our speaking. Work in pairs. Ask and say what youve got. Have you got any oranges? Have you got any milk? Use the words of food and drink in Activity 4. Use the sentence patterns below. orange, juice, melon, chickenNow work in pairs. Ask and say what youve got.Have you got any oranges? Yes, Ive got some oranges.Have you got any juice? No, I havent got any juice.Have you got any melons? No, I havent got any melons.Have you got any chicken? Yes, Ive got some chicken.Have you got any English books? Yes, Ive got some English books.Have you got any stamps? No, I havent got any stamps.Have you got any apples? No, I havent got any apples.Have you got any milk? Yes, Ive got some milk.


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