2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 2 Playing sports-Topic 3(1).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 2 Playing sports-Topic 3(1)The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课的重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions: taxi, the Olympics, foreign, e-mail, address, form, fill, fill out, reason, duck, maybe, perhaps, coffee2. Talk about how to apply to join the English club and the reasons for joining it.3. Practice the Simple Future Tense. Teaching aids教具图片/多媒体图片/录音机/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:12分钟)1.T:I exercise every day and my favorite sport is swimming. My favorite sports player is Luo Xuejuan. She is from Can you talk about your favorite sports and sports players? Who would like to have a try?S1: My favorite sport is basketball.My favorite sports player is Yao Ming. He is from S2: My favorite sport is table tennis.My favorite sports player is Deng Yaping.S3:My favorite sport is My favorite sports player isHe/She is from (板书)My favorite sport is My favorite sports player is He/She is from T: Pretty good! Who would like to introduce your exercise timetable?S4:I get up at 530 in the morning. Then I run for about half an hour.S5:I get up at 600 in the morning. Then I go out for a walk.S6:I get up very late. So I dont do morning exercises. But in the afternoon, after class, I play soccer with my good friends.S7: T: Very good. Now, who can tell me why you do exercise?S8: I want to be strong.S9: I want to be healthy.S10: I want to be tall.S11: I want to be a sports player like Yao Ming.S12: T: Excellent! Do you know why I exercise every day? Can you guess?S13: I think you want to be healthy.S14: I think you want to keep fit.S15: I think you want to be thinner.T: Yes, you are all right. I do exercise because Beijing will host the xx Olympics. We must exercise and learn English well.2.(老师向同学们展示图片。)(导入新课。)T: Beijing will host the xx Olympics.(板书)host, Olympics(让学生们很快地复述。)S16: Beijing will host the xx Olympics.S17: Beijing will host the xx Olympics.S18: Beijing will host the xx Olympics.S19:(直到全班都快速地说了一遍。)(教师给学生们展示1b的表格。)T: This is a form. Can you fill the form out?(板书)form, fill outS20: Yes, I can. /No, I cant.(让学生们自由谈论。)S21: Can you fill this form out?S22: Yes, I can. S23: Can you fill the form out?S24:No, I cant.S25: Can you fill the form out?S26: Yes, I can.S27:3.(老师向学生们展示2a上的人物图片,学习生词foreign。)T: Are they Chinese?Ss: No, they arent.T: Yes, youre right. They arent Chinese.They are foreign friends. But now they are in Beijing.foreignT: Do you have any foreign friends?S28: Yes, I do. But only one.S29: No, I dont.S30: Yes, I do. I have a lot of foreign friends.T: What languages do your foreign friends speak?S31: They speak Chinese.S32: They speak English.S33: They speak Japanese.T: Wonderful! Do you know why you learn English?S34: Because I like English.S35: Because English is very important.S36: Because Beijing will host the xx Olympics.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:15分钟)1. T: Boys and girls. You are all very good. Now, please listen to 1a and answer the following questions.(板书)(1) What does Fan Zhiwei do?(2) What does he want to do?(3) Why does he want to learn English?T: Read the dialog and answer the questions on the blackboard. While reading, pleaseunderline the new words and phrases.2.(学生读完之后,老师处理重难点,然后给出关键词。)(板书在小黑板上。)join, club, tell, name, Fan Zhiwei, taxi driver, why, Beijing, host, xx,English,important, foreigner, in taxi, help, friends, telephone number, e-mail, , form, fill, outT: Please finish 1b by yourselves.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:5分钟)再听一遍1a, 然后让学生进行复述。T: Please listen to 1a again and mark the ups or downs.Now clean the marks for the intonations and read after the tape.Work in pairs. Recite the dialog with the key words on the blackboard.Chain drills. Recite the dialog in 1a one by one. Go.S1: Hi, can I help you?S2: Yes, please. I want to join Renai English Club.S1: Good, could you tell me your name?S2: Fan Zhiwei.S1:Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:10分钟)1. T: If you travel to Beijing in xx, what do you want to do?S1: I want to go shopping.S2: I want to visit the Great Wall.S3: I want to visit the Summer Palace.S4: I want to visit the World Park.S5: I want to (教师给学生展示2a图片。)T:Do you know what they want to do?(引导学生看图说话。)S6:I think she will sit in a quiet place in Beijing, watching what Beijing will be like in xx.S7: I think he wants to see all the interesting places of Beijing. He thinks he will learn quite a lot there.S8:(学生谈论完之后。)T: Read the four short passages and check whether you guess right. (学生阅读。)T: Now, lets listen to the four short passages and finish 2b.(教师根据学生情况处理重难点。)(板书)maybe, perhaps, coffee2. T: Work in groups of four and play the roles of Alex, Mozum, Rui and Carol. Tell each other what they want to do in Beijing. You can do like this:(可找一学生协助呈现。)T: My name is Alex. Could you please tell me your name?S9: Sure. My name is Mozum.T: What will you do if you e to Beijing in xx?S9: I want toHow about you?T:I think I will sitStep 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:3分钟)1. T: Alex wants to go to the coffee shop. BecauseSs: Because she likes a quiet place to sit.T: Mozum wants to visit Beijing Hutongs. Because Ss: Because he wants to learn quite a lot about Beijing.T: Rui wants to make friends with Beijing people becauseSs:(学生两人一组互相问对方要做什么,练习will将来时。)S1: Where do you want to go?S2: I will go to Beijing.S1:Why do you want to go there?S2:Because IT: Write down some places where you want to go and explain the reasons.2.Homework: 写你想去的地方和你想去那儿的原因,至少5句话。


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