2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Integrated skills学案(新版)牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Integrated skills学案(新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Integrated skills学案(新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Integrated skills学案(新版)牛津版班级 姓名 一、目标展示1.从一个学生的情况介绍中获得信息并做记录。2.从对话中获取信息。3. 完成一份谈话纪要。重点:学会谈论个人问题并提供建议。难点:学会谈论个人问题并提供建议。二、问题引导预习新单词化学_ 嘲笑_书呆子_进展,进步_ 担心的,烦恼的_ 动词_复习回顾_ 大声地_ 发音_名词_正确地_提及,说起_ 不客气_三、探究新知活动一:(A类)(第 组) 预习Part A1, 划出短语并讲解知识点。活动二:(A类)(第 组) 预习Part A2, 划出短语并讲解知识点活动三:(B类)(第 组):预习Part A3, 划出短语并讲解知识点活动四:(B类)(第 组):听PartB录音回答问题:1. What is Daniels problem?2. What advice does Millie give Daniel?3. Why does Millie ask Daniel to pronounce all the words correctly ?4. Do you think Daniel feels better after discussing his problem with Millie?活动五:(B类)(第 组):模仿Speak up, 做一个对话。四、知识应用1. 完成书上A1, A2, A3练习。五、提炼总结六、布置作业七、教学反思Unit3 Teenage problems Integrated skills当堂检测班级 姓名 一翻译词组1在考试中得高分 2尖子生 3叫她书呆子 4嘲笑她 5跟她分享你的难题 6不在意 7以你的功课自豪 8她最喜爱的科目 9讨厌游泳 10大声读英语 二用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The boy does _ (good) in all the lessons.2. Toms mother is ill in bed. He is _ (worry) about her.3. I find Geography _ (difficulty) for me.4. The girl seems much _ (happy) than before.5. If they answer _(correct), they will get a harder word.6. Then he thought the problem must be his _(pronounce).三用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I like eating nice food, but I hate _ _ (wash) dishes.2. The man made his son _ _ (paint) the house the whole day.3. The boy wants _ _ (play) ball games with his friends.4. Im sorry _ _ (tell) you that you failed the exam.5. Why dont you _ _ (work) hard at your lessons?6. Tell her (not pay) any attention to those students who look down on her.7. Do you know how _ _ (make) a pumpkin lantern?四选择1.-Thank you for taking me around your school, Daming. - _A. Dont mention it. B. Never mind. C. Of course not. D. No problem.2.The girl is afraid to dance in public because she thinks others may _her.A. laugh at B. wait for C. hear of D. agree with

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