2019-2020年九年级英语 9A unit 3教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语 9A unit 3教案 牛津版使用日期:200 年 月 日 学生姓名: 班级: 学习内容:ic strip & wele to the unit学习目标: 1.谈论中学生在学习、交友、与家人的关系等方面所遇到的问题。 2.思考PartA的问题以及解决问题的办法。学习重点:理解、会读、会默写下列单词或词组。teenage,mad, disturb,survey,munication,get fat,try more exercise,feel tired,drive me mad,feel lonely,close friends.句型:Its unhealthy for you to eat too much.一、仔细阅读ic strip部分,回答下列问题:1.What is unhealthy for Eddie? 2.What is Hobos suggestion? 3.Why does Hobo tell Eddie not to eat too much? 二、完成P43习题。三、探究下列问题。 1.unhealthy的意思是 , 词。它的反义词 ,名词 2.发胖 ,看我的肚子 ,使某人发疯 3.区别:question 和problem。4.我睡眠不足,课堂上发困。 I .I in class.5.我没有足够的时间做家庭作业。 I dont have enough time my homework. 【拓展】没时间做某事 have no time to do sth.6.总结close的用法:7.The TV is always on at my home.电视总是开着的。 On adv.开着,进行中。常指电灯、电视等开着,其反义词为Off。 例:等亮着,他不可能外出了。The light .He cant be out.8.区别:Lonely指主观感受,alone指无人陪伴的客观事实。 例:Though I was ,I was not . 找一找 本课的重点有:1. 2. 3. 4. 当堂检测学生姓名: 班级: 评价 一、英汉互译。1.睡眠充足 2.看我的肚子 3.发胖 4.有足够的时间做某事 5.整天工作 6.感到孤独 7.密友 8.多锻炼 9.使我发疯 10.家庭成员 二、用 所给词适当形式填空。1.Now are not very happy,because they have too mny tasts.(teenage)2.Its for you to smoke much.(health)3.The old man lives in a house.(lone)4.Ive no enough time TV.(watch)5. is believing.(see)三、单项选择。( )1.The girl was afraid she threw her bag away. A.so;that B.too;to C.too;that D.enough;to( )2.How long here? -For half an hour.My sister here with me. A.are you;had walked B.are you;came C.have you been;came D.have you been;has e( )3.-How about going shopping on Hunan Road this evening? - ,but Ive to prepare for tomorrows exam. A.I cant B.Sounds great C.Thats right D.No( )4.- your teacher from them very often? -Certainly. A.Do;hear B.Does;hear C.Do;receive D.Does;receive四、根据汉语意思完成句子。1.他们两个经常为儿子吵架。They often each other their son.2.进行如此多的考试对学生的健康不利。It is students so many tests.3.充足的睡眠对学生来说很重要。It very important students enough sleep.4.她有太多的事要操心,而且有太多的家务活要干。She has too things to worry and housework to do.5.早晨大声读英语对你有好处。 to read English in the morning.【9A】period 2,Unit 3 Teenage problems使用日期:200 年 月 日 学生姓名: 班级: 学习内容:Reading(1)学习目标:1.理解课文大意并能阅读。2.翻译课文。学习重点: 词汇:deal,choice,plete,refuse,accept,hardly,spare,ping-pong(table tennis),doubt,whether,worth,offer,suggestion,value,plenty,allow,strict,achieve,task,either.句型I have a lot of homework every day,and I have no choice but do it.I understand that it is important to do my homework and hand it in on time.I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard.They will be of great value to me.Can you please advise me how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies?一、仔细阅读课文5遍,回答下列问题:1.What problem does Millie have? 2.Why does Millie accept to do so much work although she dooes not want to? 3.Does Millie have any hobbies?What are they? 4.What do you think of her problems?Can you offer her some advice? 5.When does Simon play football? 6.How do his parents think about it? 7.Does Simon agree with his parents? 二、完成书后P46和P47练习。三、根据课文猜猜下列词组的意思。1.deal with 2.stay up late 3.hand in 4.on time 5.be of great value 6.hear from 7.plenty of 8.be crazy about 9.stay out late 10.allow sb.to do 11.from time to time 12.achieve a balance 找一找 本课的重点有:1. 2. 3. 当堂检测学生姓名: 班级: 评价 一、英汉互译。1.使他发疯 2.熬夜 3.对我们有价值 4.对他们严格 5.有足够的时间练习弹琴 6.和我的邻居吵架 7.值得做某事 8.拒绝在课堂上说话 二、根据句意、首字母或英文释义填空。1Please tell me how to with the problem like this.2.Bobby didnt want to do that,but he (take something willing)at last.3.If we do so,I am sure we will (be successful at something)it.4.He is ready to help others.Yesterday he gave me a lot of s on how to learn English.5.The students in our country go to school every day Saturday and Sunday.6.Were Cai Yilins fan.Were about her.7.Do you usually spend half an hour English in the morning?8.He always in his exercises on time.9.My parents are with me in everything.三、句型转换。1.He told me to stop smoking.(同义句转换) He told me to .2.Ive received letters from him. (同义句转换) I have him.3.He needed to tell me the truth.(改为否定句) He to tell me the truth.4.Need he stay here?(作否定回答) No,he /No,he doesnt .5.He has made a decision that he will go there by himself. (同义句转换) He there .6.What a beautiful flower it is! the flower is!7.我想要得到你的建议。Id like get your .订正栏: 【9A】period 3,Unit 3 Teenage problems使用日期:200 年 月 日 学生姓名: 班级: 学习内容:Reading(2)学习目标:1.学习如何写出自己的烦恼及如何表达情感。2.学习如何向别人寻求建议。重点句型:1.I have no choice but do it.2.I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies such as playing volleyball.3.I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard.4.Can you offer me some suggestions?5.My dream is to be a great football players.6.I believe it is important for us to spend some time on our hobbies.7.Can you please advise me how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies.知识探究:1【旧知识回顾】1)放弃某事/干某事 give up /give up 2)对某事/干某事着迷 be crazy / be crazy 3)收到某人来信 / 4)期盼某事/做某事look forward to / look forward to 5)unhealthy adj.不健康的 反义词 Its to eat too much.吃太多不利于你的健康。2.teenage adj.十几岁的 teenager n.十几岁的青少年eg:My daughter and his are both ,so we are interested in .我女儿和他女儿都是青少年,所以我们对青少年问题感兴趣。3.feel lonely感到孤独 lonely adj.孤独的,指心灵上的孤独,。 alone adj.& adv.是独自一人、单独的意思。 =on ones own eg:Yesterday evening .昨晚我一个人在家。He has gone to Beijing alone.=He has gone to Beijing .4.get enough sleep 翻译 get enough time to do sth.有足够时间做某事。eg: is very important.睡眠充足很重要。【注意】enough修饰名词放在 ,修饰形容词放在 。5.achieve v.获得 achieve a balance eg:Can you teach me how to between the two.你能教教我如何在这两者之间达到一个平衡吗? I want to .我想要在业余爱好和学习之间获得平衡。6.strict adj.严格的 be strict with sb.in sth.在某方面严格要求某人Mum my English study.7.offer v.提供 offer sb sth.=offer sth. to sb. Can you ?你能提供我一些建议么?8.suggestion n.建议 a good suggestion一条好的建议eg:Thanks for .谢谢他的两条有用的建议。【注意】suggestion是可数名词,可以直接和数词搭配。Advice是不可数名词,不可以直接和数词搭配。a piece of advice9.【辨析】hard & hardly 两个都是副词时,hard努力地,如:He works hard. hardly几乎不,反义疑问句中要用肯定。如:He reads English after class, ?课后他几乎不读英语,是吗?10.value n.价值 valuable adj.有价值的They will be great value to me.=They will be valuable to me.他们对我将很有价值。【记一记】be of + n.=be + adj. 如:be of importance=be important当堂检测学生姓名: 班级: 评价 一、翻译下列短语。1.陷入麻烦 2.获得平衡 3.拒绝做某事 4.让我不高兴 5.允许某人做某事 6.值得做某事 7.我对足球的爱 8.解决问题 9.时而,不时 10.在某方面对某人严格 11.呆在外面很晚 12.使我们的生活丰富多彩 二、根据课文内容和首字母提示完成短文。Millie has lots of h .P is her favourite.Because of too m homework,she cant find any time for her hobbies.At last she asks the youth worker for advice.She wants to know how to a a balance b the two.Simon is c about playing football.But his parents are very s with him and they want him to e e .Simon feels s and angry from time to time.He wishes he could have his parentss .三、从方框中选择合适的动词,并用正确的形式填空。 Practice refuse pass watch finish turn1.The radio is on now.Who it on ?2.My cousin never to help his classmates with their homework.3.This is the best film I .4.Where are the girls? -They dancing in the room.5.Can I go out for a walk,Mum? -You cant until your homework .6.Never mind,Jack.You the exam in two days.四、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.我除了呆在家里别无选择。 I have stay at home.2.我常怀疑如此勤奋工作是否值得。 I often it is so hard.3.我希望我能得到父母的支持。I wish I could my .4.我们期待着你采纳我们的建议。We are to our .5.我们必须每天按时交作业。 We must our homework everyday.6.我不能决定何时做作业,何时把时间花在我的爱好上。I cant decide my homework and when to time my hobbies.【9A】period 4,Unit 3 Teenage problems使用日期:200 年 月 日 学生姓名: 班级: 学习内容:Vocabulary学习目标:1.进一步复习、巩固get作为实意动词和系动词的用法。2.用动词get谈论问题。学习难点:get/take a bus get/bee angry get/achieve a high markget/have a lot of homework get/arrive home late get/receive a lettera lot of traffic revise for tests 知识探究:1.revise v.复习,温习 =review=go over Revise for test为考试而复习 Its nearly the end of the term and were .2.get a bus=take a bus Everyday he to school.=Everyday he goes to school . 他每天乘公共汽车去上学。3.get home late到家晚 同义短语 There is a lot os traffic on the road and I .4.【记一记】get angry/sad 变得气氛、悲哀 At the moment=at present=now此刻,目前 At that moment在那个时候=at that time=then5.There is always a lot of traffic on the road.路上总是有许多车辆。 Traffic除了有“车辆”的意思外,还有“交通”之意。交通状况差用busy或heavy表达。Eg:When the is red,we must and wait.当交通灯是红色时,我们必须停下来等待。 找一找 本课的重点有:1. 2. 3. 当堂检测学生姓名: 班级: 评价 一、用英语解释下列句子中划线的单词。1.Go and get your breakfast. 2.I got a lot from the story. 3.Every day we get a lot of homework to do. 4.You should get your friends to help you. 5.Dad has gone to Hong Kong.He got there last year. 6.If it doesnt work,you can get your money back. 二、用所给词组的适当形式填空。 get on well with get off get through get together get to1.Are you your new classmates?2.Next week we in Nanjing Library.3.Please tell that old woman the bus at the Wangfu street.4.As soon as I school tomorrow,I will call you.5.The street isnt wide enough for the car .三、填空。1.The final exams are ing.Theyre for them.2.I wish to (得到)high marks in tests.3.Yesterday I home very early.4.Does he often angry?(bee)5.At the moment the traffic (be)very bad,so I phone to the police.6.You can (选择)one hobby to do.7.Last week he gave me a suggestion.(be of great value)8.Can you (解出,指定出)the maths problem?四、同义句转换。Because were students,we ought to wear school uniforms.Were students, we wear school uniforms.五、翻译词组。1.变得生气 2.得到低分 3.到家晚 4.起床 5.走丢 【9A】period 5,Unit 3 Teenage problems使用日期:200 年 月 日 学生姓名: 班级: 学习内容:Grammar学习目标:1.总结、归纳动词不定式的用法。2.用特殊疑问词 + to- 不定式来谈论问题。3.了解四种句式。学习重点: courage,truth,quarrel,spare,notice,progress,youth worker,valuable,Have no courage to do sth,spare some time for sb.,turn down the TV,solve problems,achieve a balance between study and play,valuable suggestions,Youre wele. eitheror,plenty of学海导航:一、关于“不定式结构”的有关用法:a.作主语 To plant trees every year is necessary.=It is necessary to plant trees every year. (Tip:我们学过it开头句中出现的不定式结构都属于作主语成分的范围。)b.作表语 My dream is to be a great player.=I dream of being a great football player. (Tip:在名词purpose ,aim ,plan ,job ,wish等词后常用不定式结构作表语。)c.作宾语 The boy promises not to be late for school again .(Tip:在动词agree ,seem ,decide ,hope ,plan等词后用不定式结构作宾语。)d.作宾补 My parents dont allow me to go out after 6p.m. .(Tip:在动词tell ,ask ,warn ,need等词后常用不定式结构作宾补。在动词make ,see ,hear ,let ,notice等词后接省to的不定式作宾补。)e.作定语 I have lots of work to finish. (Tip:若不定式结构与前面的名词有动宾关系的话不定式结构作定语。)f.作状语 (1)He stayed there to see what would happen . (表示目的) (2)The little baby has grown up to be a beautiful girl .(表示结果) 【记一记】“不定式结构”能在句中担任“谓语”以外的所有句子成分。二、关于“特殊疑问词+不定式”的用法:1.牢记除了why以外的所有特殊疑问词后都可接不定式结构。2.掌握“特殊疑问词+不定式”常与“特殊疑问词+含有情态动词的陈述句”进行互换。3.理解在进行句式转换时要注意陈述句的主语应与主句的宾语或主语保持一致。4.操作:I dont know when to hold the meeting .=I dont know when I can hold the meeting .5.练习: They ask me how _(solve) their problems .(写出同义复合句) They ask me how _ their problems .6.【辨一辨】what to do做什么(do的宾语是what) how to do it怎么做它(do的宾语是it,how是方式状语)三、完成书本P50P51练习。当堂检测学生姓名: 班级: 评价 一、英汉互译。1.和某人吵架 2.告诉我实情 3.留些时间给我 4.关心 5.没有勇气做某事 6.许多家庭作业 7.在学习和玩之间达到平衡 二、翻译句子,并说出它在句子中的成分。1.像这样对老人讲话时不礼貌的。 Its impolite to the old like this. ( )2.它的目的是帮助穷孩子。Its aim is the poor children.( ) 3.他们希望成为好学生。 They hope good students. ( )4.他请我帮他学英语。 He asked me him with his English. ( )5.他来时为了寻求建议的。 He came some advice. ( )6.他已经长成了一个英俊的小伙子。 He has grown up a handsome young man. ( )三、用”wh”-words + to do完成句子。1.I can decide .(选哪一个)2.She doesnt know .(说什么)3.please find out the problem.(怎么解决这个问题)4.Sorry,I forget and the meeting.(何时何地开会)5.Do you know advice?(向谁请求建议)四、依据句子结构在括号中注明句子所属的具体类型。1.I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies . ( )2.Dont forget the test next Monday . ( )3.Who can help me out ,Mr Friend or Mrs Rainbow ? ( )4.What a busy day today is ! ( )5.I need some time to play and relax , dont I ? ( )6.I have to go to the library after school . ( )【9A】period 6,Unit 3 Teenage problems使用日期:200 年 月 日 学生姓名: 班级: 学习内容:Integrated skills学习目标:1.从一个学生的情况介绍中获得信息并作记录。2.从对话中获取信息并完成一份访谈记录。重点词汇、句型:bookworm,reply,pleasure,pay no attention to,reply to,be proud ofIm afraid she doesnt want to write to me any more.Im sure thats not ture.Why dont you send an e-card to her and let her know you miss her very much?My pleasure.知识探究:1.call her a bookworm Eg:He is by us because he reads all day. 因为他整天看书,我们叫他书呆子。2.hate doing sth. Eg:I such a man.我讨厌和这样的人说话。【记一记】与hate同样用法的还有dislike/like/enjoy3.精通,擅长做某事。 = 【记一记】be weak in 在方面薄弱4.try/do ones best to do sth. Eg:Well learn this subject well.我们要竭尽全力学好这门课。5.laugh at sb. Eg:She is often by . 她经常被别人嘲笑。6.be proud of Eg:I my son.我以我儿子为荣。7.deal with 解决 do with 处置,对付eg:Can you tell me how . 你能告诉我怎样处理这个问题?问题与发现:当堂检测学生姓名: 班级: 评价 一、英汉互译。1.解决问题 2.优秀生 3.尽力做某事 4. Thats what friends are for 5.给某人回信 6.对某事感到骄傲 7.notany more 8.my pleasure 9.make her feel bad 10.listen to ones problem 11.不注意 12. 嘲笑某人 13.share your problems with somebody 14.称她为书虫 二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1.我和我妹妹共用一间卧室。I a my sister.2.你能告诉我怎样解决压力问题吗?Could you tell me the problem of ?3.他为他儿子感到自豪。He his son.4.我同桌讨厌听音乐。My deskmate music.5.请注意看黑板。please the blackboard.三、句型转换。1.He does well in cooking.(改为同义句) He .2.Ella seems much happier. (改为同义句) Ella is much happier.3.I considered him the best person in the world. (改为同义句) I considered the best person in the world.4.We often laugh at him.(改为被动句) often us.5.They called me a bookworm.(对划线部分提问) they ?四、选择。( )1.Whats wrong you? -I a problem. A.with;have got B.on;got C.with;has D.on;have met( )2.Lilys parents ask her to home before six every day. A.get to B.arrive in C.reach in D.get【9A】period 7,Unit 3 Teenage problems使用日期:200 年 月 日 学生姓名: 班级: 学习内容:Speak up & study skills学习目标:1.学会谈论个人问题及提供建议。2.了解常见的语法错误。3.养成认真检查、修改作业的好习惯。重点词汇:reply,pleasure,usage,punctuation,spelling,stress,suffer,though,firstly,suffer from stress,a healthy diet,pay attention to知识探究:1.reply 对作出答复 reply to sb/sth. 对某人/某事作出答复eg:He didnt answer my letter.=He didnt . 他没给我回信。2.miss v.想念,错过Eg:Let her know you very much.3.be worried 担心;be worried about sth.为某事担心; 为做某事担心;同义词组: Eg:Dont about me.别为我担心。Dont to eat.别担心没饭吃。4.suffer from 遭受的痛苦Eg:Many teenagers .许多青少年遭受压力的痛苦。5.Thats what friends are for.翻译

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