2019年高考英语一轮复习 语法对点讲练 形容词、副词 新人教版.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮复习 语法对点讲练 形容词、副词 新人教版.语法知识1(xx新课标)Tony can hardly boil an egg, still _ cook dinner.A. less B. littleC. much D. more答案与解析A句意:托尼几乎连鸡蛋都不会煮,更不必说做晚餐了。前半句中hardly提示托尼不会做饭,因此答案锁定在A和B项,而前面的hardly表示“几乎不”,逗号后still程度加深,因此使用副词比较级表达“更不必说”。2(xx新课标)It may not be a great suggestion. But before _ is put forward, well make do with it.A. a good one B. a better oneC. the best one D. a best one答案与解析B句意:这可能不是一个极好的建议,但在一个更好的建议被提出之前,我们将采纳它。a better one“一个更好的建议”。3(xx天津卷)I think watching TV every evening is a waste of time there are _ meaningful things to do.A. less B. moreC. the least D. the most答案与解析B句意:我认为每晚看电视纯是浪费时间,有许多更有意义要去做的事。选项A、C分别是little的比较级和最高级,修饰不可数名词,而thing是可数名词,明显不正确; more与most是many/much的比较级和最高级,此处表示与看电视相比较,属于两者比较,故用比较级。故选项B正确。4(xx山西大学附中4月月考)What a wonder! Theyve finished _ 40% of the task within one week.A. no more than B. no less thanC. not more than D. much less than答案与解析Bno more than“仅仅;只是;还超过”; no less than“多达;不少于”; not more than“不超过;不比多”; much less than“比少很多”。根据What a wonder!可知B项正确。5(xx宁波五校适应性考试)If you follow a diet experts advice, eating more can mean losing _ weight rather than less.A. heavier B. lowerC. lighter D. more答案与解析D根据句意,应使用形容词的比较级。与less相对应,选择more。本题D项正确。.单句语法填空6 Lily achieved great success in our school sports meeting. Yes.No one else could perform _ (well), I think.答案与解析better形容词的比较级与含有否定意义的词连用,表示最高级意义。7Tom is a hardworking student. In fact, you cannot find anyone in the class _ (diligent)答案与解析more diligent句意:汤姆是位勤奋的学生。事实上,你在班上再也找不到比他更勤奋的了。根据句意使用比较级。8Mary kept weighing herself to see how much _ (heavy) she was getting.答案与解析heavier根据句意,应该用形容词的比较级,how much可以修饰比较级。9 The weather isnt good enough for an outing, is it? Too much dust. We cant have a _ (bad) day at this time of the year.答案与解析worse此处是否定词与比较级连用表示最高级含义,言外之意是“这是我们一年中这个时候经历的最糟糕的一天”。10Tired and _ (sad), the driver looked at the vast desert without knowing if he could get across it safely.答案与解析sad句意:又累又伤心,这个司机看着广阔的沙漠,不知道自己能否安全越过它。此处主语为the driver,此处用形容词作伴随状语来描述主语的状态。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Interviewer: Hi, young man. Could you tell me something about yourself and why you are applying _11_ this job?Interviewee: I left school three months ago. I got As in nearly every subject. I am not going to university _12_ I have to support my family now. My father _13_ (retire) recently. My parents need money for my younger brother and sisters tuition fees.Interviewer: I see. Have you had any _14_ (work) experience?Interviewee: I worked in _15_ radio factory for two months.Interviewer: Thats a very short time, isnt it?Interviewee: Yes. The factory wanted extra people for their busy season.Interviewer: I understand. _16_ are you interested in this job?Interviewee: My wish is to bee a _17_ (skill) technician. Will I be trained here?Interviewer: Partly. If you _18_ (pass) our tests, youll be able to go to technical school classes twice a week. The tests are held after you have been here for three months. Well know by then if youre suitable for the job.Interviewee: Thats fine. I will make sure that I pass.Interviewer: All right. Ill give you a chance. My secretary will tell you _19_ to see. You could start work _20_ the first day of next month. Is that all right?Interviewee: Yes, and thank you very much indeed.答案与解析11forapply for a job“申请工作”。12becausebecause引导原因状语从句。13has retired根据句中时间状语recently可知谓语用现在完成时态。14workingworking experience“工作经验”。15a不定冠词a泛指一个工厂。16Why句意:你为什么对这个工作感兴趣?17skilled所给词在句中作定语修饰名词technician,故填其形容词形式skilled“熟练的”。18passif引导的条件状语从句常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。19whom我的秘书会告诉你去见谁。whom to see作tell的宾语。20on在具体的某一天前加介词on。.阅读理解AAn alcohol breath test (ABT) is often used by the police to find out whether a person is drunk while driving. In the United States, the legal blood alcohol limit is 0.08% for people aged 21 years or older, while people under 21 are not allowed to drive a car with any level of alcohol in their body. A “positive” test result, a result over the legal limit, allows the police to arrest the driver. However, many people who tested positive on the test have claimed that they only drank a “nonalcoholic” energy drink. Can one of these energy drinks really cause someone to test positive on an ABT? Researchers in Missouri set up an experiment to find out.First, the amount of alcohol in 27 different popular energy drinks was measured. All but one had an alcohol level greater than 0.005%. In nine of the 27 drinks, the alcohol level was at least 0.096%.The scientists then investigated the possibility that these small levels of alcohol could be discovered by an ABT. They asked test subjects to drink a full can or bottle of an energy drink and then gave each subject an ABT one minute and 15 minutes after the drink was finished.For 11 of the 27 energy drinks, the ABT did find the presence of alcohol if the test was given within one minute after the drink was taken. However, alcohol could not be discovered for any of the drinks if the test was given 15 minutes after the drink was consumed. This show that when the test is taken plays an important role in the test result. The sooner the test is conducted after the consumption of these drinks, the more likely a positive alcohol reading will be obtained.21What is the legal alcohol level for a 20yearold driver in the US?A. 0.000%. B. 0.005%.C. 0.080%. D. 0.096%.答案与解析A从文章第一段第二句“while people under 21 are not allowed to drive a car with any level of alcohol in their body”可知,A项正确。22What is the purpose of the Missouri experiment?A. To introduce a new method of calculating blood alcohol levels.B. To discover the relation between energy drinks and ABT test results.C. To warn people of the dangers of drinking energy drinks.D. To change the current legal alcohol limit for drivers in the United States.答案与解析B从文章第二、三段叙述可知, Missouri experiment目的是测试人们喝功能饮料是否会被ABT检测出来。B项正确。23The underlined word “subjects” in Paragraph 2 refers to “_”A. the things that are being discussedB. areas of knowledge studied in schoolC. the participants in an experimentD. the people who belong to a country答案与解析C根据上下文意,不难得出subjects是参与实验的人们,C项正确。24Which of the following affects the ABT test result most for energy drink consumers?A. The age of the person who takes the test.B. The place where the test is given.C. The equipment that the test uses.D. The time when the test is taken.答案与解析D从最后一段第三句可知,D项正确。25Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. A driver whose blood alcohol level is found to be 0.1% will be arrested.B. No energy drinks really cause anyone to test positive on an ABT.C. Few popular energy drinks contain alcohol in them.D. Those taking an ABT 15 minutes after drinking alcohol cannot be found out.答案与解析A从第一段第二句话可知,21岁或更大的人们体内酒精含量标准是0.08%, 0.1%大于0.08%,故A项正确;由最后一段可知,如果喝完功能饮料15分钟之内检测,还是会有影响的, B项错误; 27种功能饮料中,有11种含有酒精,排除C项; D项错在alcohol,应该是energy drinks。B(xx北京顺义区第二次统考)LICENSE AGREEMENTBy installing (安装) the software, you acknowledge that you have read all of the terms and conditions of this agreement and agree to be bound by them. Click “YES” and continue to install the game. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, click “NO” and directly return to the entire package to the place of purchase for a full refund (退款)LIMITED LICENSE: You may use this software for your own use, but may not sell or reproduce the software in any way. You may use one copy of the software on a single puter. You may not network the software or use it on more than one puter at the same time.OWNERSHIP; COPYRIGHT: Title to the software, patents, copyrights, and all other property rights shall at all times remain entirely with Great Games. Software is protected by law and by international treaty. You may not cause or permit the software to be disclosed, copied, modified, adapted, or otherwise reduced to human readable form.LIMITED WARRANTY (保修): Great Games warrants for a period of ninety days from the purchase of this copy of the game that the software is free from errors or defects (缺陷) that will seriously interfere (冲突) with the operation of the software as described in the Documentation.If you believe you have found any such error or defect in the software during the warranty period and are in the United States, call Great Games helpline at 8003832647 between the hours of 8:00 am. and 12:00 pm. midnight, Monday through Friday, holidays excluded, and provide your Product Number; or if you are outside the United States, send your original software disc to Great Games at 3281 N. Risk St., Ocala, FL, 32410. Include your return address and Great Games will replace the disc within a reasonable period of time.26What must the users make clear before installing the software?A. The place to get a full refund.B. The contents of the agreement.C. When to click “YES” or “NO”D. Why to be bound by the agreement.答案与解析B这是一个软件安装程度前的一个安装许可协议。由第一段中“you have read all of the terms and conditions of this agreement”可知,B项正确。27What can you do with the software as a user?A. You are free to use the software in the first 90 days.B. You can adapt the software and get pay from “Great Games”C. You can install one copy of the software on only one puter.D. You can get your money back if you are not satisfied with the game.答案与解析C由LIMITED LICENSE中第二句话可知,只允许一台电脑安装此软件,C项正确。28What is the primary purpose of the Limited License?A. To protect Great Games software.B. To explain Great Games warranty.C. To warn the users of possible defects.D. To provide technical help to the users.答案与解析A由OWNERSHIP; COPYRIGHT中内容可知,A项正确。B、C、D三项文中虽然都有涉及,但其核心内容还是要保护Great Games软件。


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