2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Module 8 Photos Unit 3 Language in use练习 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Module 8 Photos Unit 3 Language in use练习 外研版. 请根据各题后的要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1. Yesterday I bought a camera. The camera cost me nine hundred yuan. (将两句合为一句)Yesterday I bought a camera _ me nine hundred yuan.2. Just now I met a woman. The woman taught us maths last year. (将两句合为一句)Just now I met the woman _ last year.3. Li Ming is taller than any other student in his class. (改为同义句)Li Ming is _in his class.4. He took these photos on the Great Wall. (改为被动语态)These photos _ on the Great Wall. 请用定语从句翻译下列句子。1. 在这家商店工作的那位姑娘是我表姐。 _ 2. 我上星期买的照相机出了毛病。_ 3. 那位来自美国的外国人教我们英语。_ 4. 我喜欢他昨天送给我的那支钢笔。_ 5. 穿白衣服的那位男子是来自北京大学的教授。_ . 请用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 There is an old photo on the wall of my bedroom. Whenever I see it, I will think of what (1) _ (happen) ten years ago. At that time, I was a movie fan. I liked to read about movie stars and (2) _ (dream) that one day I could get some shots of a famous movie star with my camera. Then one day a famous movie star really came to my hometown. I was very excited. Early in the morning, I took a taxi (3) _ (meet) the star. However, when I got there, there were too many people. I couldnt see the star over (4) _ (people) heads. I felt really sad. However, half an hour later, the movie star walked towards me. I felt really happy. I held my camera and began to get shots of him. Suddenly he stopped and asked me what my name was. He also asked his photographer (5) _ (take) a photo of him and me. You can imagine how excited I was at that time. 请根据提示写一篇小短文,要求用到五个含定语从句的复合句。我喜欢我的家乡,她是一个位于中国南部的美丽小镇。在镇子的东面有许多去年栽的树。小镇的后面有一条300米宽的河。大约200位来自美国、英国和加拿大的工程师在镇里工作。镇里的人们每年生产好多种销往欧洲和美洲的产品。_参考答案. 1. that / which cost 2. who / that taught us maths 3. the tallest student 4. were taken. 1. The girl who / that works in this shop is my cousin.2. There is something wrong with the camera that / which I bought last week.3. The foreigner who / that es from the United States teaches us English.4. I like the pen that / which he sent to me yesterday.5. The man who / that is in white is a professor from Beijing University. 1. happened 2. dreamed 3. to meet 4. peoples 5. to take. One possible version:I like my hometown which is a small beautiful town in the south of China. In the east of the town there are many trees that were planted last year. At the back of the town there is a river which is about 300 metres wide. About 200 engineers who e from the United States, Britain and Canada are working in the town. Every year people in the town produce many kinds of products which are sold to Europe and America.

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